Burning Heaven

Chapter 18 Blackwater City

In a bloody cave somewhere in the Desolate Yin Mountain, tragic cries came from the cave continuously, and there was a creepy feeling of goosebumps all over the body. It got smaller and smaller until it disappeared without a trace, but after a while, I vaguely heard such a dialogue:

"Lanshi, these are the souls of 2000 people. I have sealed them all in the Demon Orb. Go quickly to Beiqiuhai and hand them over to the Demon Emperor. If you encounter people from the Sanqing Sect on the way, try to avoid them. It is important for the Sovereign to heal your wounds, if you encounter a strong enemy, remember to transmit the sound to me, I will arrive in an instant, I will not say more, Lan will let you go on the road." A young voice came from the cave, and the echoes continued.

"Yes, young master, the envoy Lan hastened to Beiqiuhai." The voice this time was obviously not the voice of the young man just now, it sounded like the voice of a dying old man, extremely hoarse, and extremely uncomfortable to listen to.

"Young master, the red envoy requests to go with the blue envoy to escort the soul to Beiqiu sea together" This voice is all too familiar, it is obviously the envoy of the heavenly demon...

"You don't seem to have heard what I just said, Red Envoy?" The young voice suddenly became strangely tuned, as if a little angry.

But this time the voice of the demon red envoy didn't make a sound, as if he didn't dare to say a word...

"Emissary Lan, why are you still standing there? Hurry up and tell the Demon Emperor that Ming Che is getting impatient to stay in Desolate Yin Mountain, so let him act quickly."

"Yes, yes, I will definitely take the words of the young suzerain to the Demon Emperor, and the blue envoy will go to Beiqiuhai now." The old man was obviously terrified, and then there was a lightning-like blue light in the cave where the red light flashed Fly out of the cave and go straight to the sky, flying towards the northern sky.

Heishui City is quite well-known in the cultivation world of Shenwu Continent. The reason is not because of the Heishui River, but because in the vast mountains to the west of Heishui City, it is said that the first Taoist fairy sect recognized in the cultivation world, the Sanqing School It is located here.

There are also practitioners who describe the surrounding situation of Heishui City in this way: Donggu, Nancun, Beishan, and Xipai.To put it bluntly, the east of Heishui City is the misty valley of Tianjimen, the south village is Baiguo Village, the north mountain is the haunted Barren Mountain, and the west school is the leader of the immortal sect in the cultivation world, the Sanqing School, and Heishui City is Located in it, the reason why this city is famous is here.

Of course, ordinary people would not know about these sects around Heishui City.

The south gate of Heishui City.

"Father, the gate of Heishui City is so big,

Dad, why do we have to line up when we enter the city? "

The person who spoke was Lin Mofeng.

At this moment, Lin Nanxuan was carrying a bamboo basket on his shoulder, holding Mo Feng in his hand, and was waiting in the long queue at the South City Gate to be checked by the guards entering the city.

After hearing Mo Feng's question, Lin Nanxuan looked at Mo Feng and said with a smile:

"Heishui City is much bigger than you imagined, you will know when you enter in a while, little dog boy" After saying that, he tapped Lin Mofeng's head with his hand, Mo Feng showed a happy smile at this time, Said "Dad, when I grow taller, I can nod your head, haha."

"Okay, your father, I'll wait for that day" After saying that, he smiled and nodded to Lin Mofeng's head.

Heishui City is very lively, not comparable to Baiguo Village or even Baiguo Temple. The streets, alleys, stone bridges and boats have a vague Jiangnan flavor.

"Meat noodles, meat noodles"

"Everyone listen carefully to my words. I said that the great grandson of the Jianghu used to be a chivalrous man who fought righteously in the world. How powerful and awesome he was to eliminate evil and kill traitors, but who would have thought that he would be..."

"The best commoner clothes, the best commoner clothes, silk, cotton, everything you need."

"Grandpa, grandpa, come and have fun, our flower lady here will definitely satisfy you"

The main road of Heishui City was filled with various voices. Along the way, Lin Nanxuan greeted many street vendors. They were already quite familiar with Lin Nanxuan. Ever since Mo Feng entered from the south gate, his mouth Li kept muttering over and over again:

"Father, look at that kite seller, his kites are so beautiful."

"Father, how can this pancake be made so thin? It's amazing!"

"Father, that stone bridge looks fun, and there are boats underneath."

Even as Mo Feng was walking, he saw a group of people watching a big man with a huge sledgehammer smash another person with a huge boulder on his head. Mo Feng panicked and shouted for help, causing the passers-by on the street to burst into laughter.

In the end, Mo Feng learned from Lin Nanxuan that the other party was a performer, and Mo Feng marveled at the prosperity of Heishui City, thinking that he must tell Xiaohu how great Heishui City is after returning home.

Lin Nanxuan dragged Mo Feng to the middle of the main street of Heishui City, walked up to a large arched white jade bridge, Mo Feng looked around and found that there were many people coming and going. People from all over the world walked onto this large white stone bridge, and the small merchants and hawkers on the bridge were also full of water.

Lin Nanxuan pulled Mo Feng who was looking around and walked towards the bridge. When he reached the middle of the Baiyu Bridge, he found a place that was not occupied by a merchant and stopped, and said to Mo Feng who was looking left and right:

"Mo Feng, this is where I sell my flute every day. This White Jade Bridge is next to the two large streets of Heishui City, so naturally there are quite a lot of people going on the bridge."

Lin Nanxuan took down the bamboo basket on his shoulder while talking, wiped the sweat from his brow with his big black and calloused hands, took out a handkerchief from his bosom, and wiped the sweat from Lin Mofeng's face as well.

"Old Di, bring a guard with you today." The white-haired old man selling porcelain next to him smiled and said to Lin Nanxuan who was setting up a stall.

"Haha, Uncle Song, this is my son. Today I brought him with me to Heishui City to see the world. This kid came to Heishui City for the first time. He likes it very much. Come on, Mo Feng, quickly call Grandpa Song .”

Lin Nanxuan pointed to the old man with white beard and white hair and said.

At this time, Mo Feng was looking left and right. After hearing Lin Nanxuan's cry, his gaze instantly turned to the old man with white beard. He opened his small mouth to reveal his fallen front teeth, squinted his eyes and said with a smile, "Hello, Grandpa Song." The dimples at the corners of the mouth are particularly noticeable.

"Hey, hehe, this child is really good, and he looks so good-looking. His mother must be a beautiful and virtuous wife too. Haha, you are so lucky, old flute."

After the white-haired old man laughed, he took out a wine gourd from under his feet and drank it.

Lin Nanxuan laughed and said nothing after hearing this, but Mo Feng opened his small eyes, looked up at the tall Lin Nanxuan and asked, "Father, isn't my mother very beautiful?".

Lin Nanxuan answered immediately without even thinking, "That's for sure, otherwise how could such a beautiful son be born?" Lin Nanxuan didn't dare to look into Mo Feng's eyes, because he was afraid that Mo Feng would find something in his eyes.

Lin Mofeng began to whisper to himself:

"Anyway, my mother should be back in a few years. By then, my mother will definitely not recognize that his son is so handsome! Hehe, hahaha." Lin Mofeng's cheeks were brimming with happiness at this moment. smile.

The whole morning, the father and the father sat at the booth on the stone bridge, but after Lin Nanxuan spread the red cloth and arranged the flute, he took an emerald green flute and played it together. The bustling crowd, the shouts of the vendors, the modeling The intricately carved white jade bridge and the melodious sound of the flute give this unremarkable white jade bridge in Heishui City a unique feeling.

Before noon, Lin Mofeng's stomach growled, but he didn't cry hungry. He kept staring at the pancake seller on the bridge. When Lin Nanxuan heard Mo Feng's stomach rumbling, he opened his eyes and stopped. Hearing the sound of the flute, he was about to get up and go to buy lunch.

Before Lin Nanxuan left, he asked Mo Feng not to run around. Lin Nanxuan was also very happy today, because the flute in the morning was almost sold out, so he decided to buy something good for his son today. After Lin Nanxuan explained, he hurried down the bridge , disappeared in the crowd after a while.

Seeing that Lin Nanxuan had gone away for a long time and hadn't come back, Mo Feng picked up an emerald green flute and started playing it with the technique Lin Nanxuan taught. Complacent.

He didn't even feel at all that a purple-clothed girl holding a lotus in front of him was looking at him.

[I feel that my novel is not bad, why are there so few clicks and recommendations?Brothers, please help me, recommend it to your friends, Zhenjun sincerely thanks here〕

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