Burning Heaven

Chapter 19 Ouyang Ruohan

Lin Mofeng, who was intoxicated here, continued to play the heart-pounding melody of nature at this moment, ignoring the cries of the passing crowd at all, no matter how noisy you are, I am the most pure and beautiful voice in this world.

The girl in purple gauze with a lotus in her hand walked forward slowly, and when she got in front of Lin Mofeng, she squatted down slowly, picked up an emerald green jade flute with her white and tender hand, and gently stroked it with her jade hand.

A gust of breeze blew across the sky, and suddenly a faint fragrance of lotus hit his face, making Lin Mofeng, who was intoxicated, open his eyes instantly. After Lin Mofeng opened his eyes, the girl who appeared in front of him also slightly raised his head and smiled. Looking at Lin Mofeng at this time.

This purple gauze girl with a lotus in her hand is wearing a light purple gauze top, an emerald green smoke gauze scattered flower skirt, and a big bow tied with gold silk soft smoke around her waist. This girl has willow leaf eyebrows, almond eyes, and oval face. , Let people have the beauty of sinking fish and wild goose after watching it.

"You play the flute so beautifully, and the flute is so delicately made, it's amazing." The girl in purple gauze said softly from her small mouth with bright red lips.

At this time, after Mo Feng opened his eyes in an instant, he suddenly found a purple-clothed girl who was not very old in front of him. Taking a closer look at this purple-clothed girl with a bun and exposed temples, she swept her eyebrows and eyes to the flute, her skin was as soft as gentle jade If it is greasy, the small cherry mouth is not tingly but red, delicate and charming, and the two strands of hair on the side of the cheeks are gently brushed by the wind to add a bit of seductive style, and the flexible eyes are turning wisely, a bit mischievous, almost She was very mischievous, wearing a light green long skirt, and her waist was so tight that Lin Mofeng was dumbfounded, his face was dumbfounded, and he sighed that this girl was so flawless, so beautiful.

Facing this exquisite girl squatting so close to him, Mo Feng didn't know how to answer. In desperation, he lowered his eyes, blushed instantly, and the pungent lotus fragrance floated to Lin Mofeng's nose along with the breeze. At this time, Lin Mofeng, who was blushing and blushing, suddenly felt extremely shy. Facing the girl in purple clothes and green skirts in desperation, he had to lower his head and support his heartbeat to speed up, and stammered with a red face and confusion:

"This... this... this... my father made..."

"Flute... flute... son"

The voice of Lin Mofeng for the last few words was getting weaker and weaker. It seemed that he had to use a lot of strength to say it. After Lin Mofeng finished speaking these difficult words, he lowered his head even more. .

"Really? Although your father made the flute, you played the flute. I just stood next to you and listened to it for a long time. The sound of your flute is really the best I have ever heard." The woman in the purple shirt cleaned her teeth slightly, and her big eyes blinked, and they came out of the teeth cleaning in a leisurely manner.

Another gust of breeze came, bringing a little lotus fragrance, and gently sent it to Mo Feng's nose, making Lin Mofeng, who was bowing his head and silent at this time, even more flustered and stammered:

"Yes...is...really?...?" Lin Mofeng seemed so nervous that he could hardly speak at this moment.

"What's wrong with you?" The purple yarn girl was also puzzled by Lin Mofeng's answer at this time, and then she revealed her big black eyes and lowered her head to look at Lin Mofeng who was bowing her head.

"Ah, it's... nothing, it's nothing..." Lin Mofeng lowered his head when he saw the purple gauze girl stretching out her head to look at him, first he couldn't help but let out a small cry, then hurriedly turned his eyes to other places, and blinked. After a few small eyes, she pretended to be calm and said in a disguised purple gauze girl:

"Which... flute is my sister looking at?" It seems that she hasn't recovered yet, but she is much better than before, but her heart is still beating faster, and she dare not look at the girl.

"Don't call me sister, I'm only 10 years old, I came here after hearing your beautiful flute sound, but I don't have money, I can't afford such a well-made flute" The purple yarn girl clenched her jade lips , blinking winkingly, staring at Lin Mofeng helplessly.

"You... If you... like... then I... will give you one...!!!"

"Thank you...for complimenting my flute...sound"

Lin Mofeng seemed to be possessed at this time, and he blurted out his words without even thinking about it, and he didn't even dare to look at the purple yarn girl.

"Really? Are you really willing to give me such a beautiful flute?" The girl in purple gauze opened her colored contacts at this moment, exposing a small O-shaped mouth and looked at Lin Mofeng in disbelief.

"Yeah..." Lin Mofeng grasped the commoner clothes tightly at this moment, and became even more nervous.

The girl in purple gauze held the green flute in her hand and didn't answer after listening, but after a short silence, she suddenly stood up, revealing her big bright eyes, opening her red lips, and a pair of small dimples were distributed on both sides of her cheeks in an instant , pouted and said with a faint smile:

"This lotus is for you, let's exchange it, I won't ask for your things for nothing, hehe" The innocent voice pierced through the ears like the sound of nature, and when Mo Feng looked up, a white and flawless lotus stretched out. In front of Mo Feng, a faint fragrance wafted over his nostrils.

The purple girl said again: "I just picked this lotus from the lotus pond in the moat. My mother said that only the lotus is the purest, most pure and flawless flower in this world. Ha ha, so what? I Give you my favorite and purest flower."

Lin Mofeng uncontrollably took the flower presented to him by the purple yarn girl, and after getting it in his hand, he kept staring at the flower.

"Hehe, my name is Ouyang Ruohan, and I'm from Ouyang Baozi Shop in Heishui City. If you come to Ouyang Baozi Shop in the future, please come to me. Thank you for giving me the flute. I will take good care of him."

After Lin Mofeng reacted and heard this sound, the girl in purple yarn turned around and walked away. While walking, she turned her head and waved goodbye to Lin Mofeng. That sweet smile, with dimples on her cheeks looming, was as cute as a fairy.

Holding the lotus in his hand, Mo Feng kept watching the graceful back of the girl in purple yarn disappearing into the sea of ​​people with his demented eyes.

He was watching without taking his eyes off, and he didn't even know that Lin Nanxuan appeared in front of him with a roast chicken in his hand...

"Crack, brat, what are you looking at? I've been standing here for a long time, haven't you seen me?" Lin Nanxuan slapped Lin Mofeng lightly on the head, and said loudly in a rough voice. Mo Feng returned from fantasy to reality in an instant. . . . . . .

"Uh, Dad, you're back." Lin Mofeng said before he could react.

"Nonsense, can I still stand in front of you if I didn't come back? Do you have a fever?" After saying that, he stretched out his big hand to Lin Mofeng's forehead.

"Father, I'm fine, I'm fine." Lin Mofeng pushed Lin Nanxuan's hand away.Lin Nanxuan looked at the lotus in Mo Feng's hand, then looked at the pavement and found that a bamboo flute was missing, and then asked, "Did someone buy a flute after I left?"

"There is a girl who likes the bamboo flute but has no money, so I gave her one." Daolin Nanxuan, who Mo Feng told the truth, thought about it for a while, and suddenly became enlightened. So they ate together with Mo Feng, and they didn't go back until the sun was setting.

Country road.

"Father, when mother comes back, shall we go to Heishui City every day?"

"Okay, I promise you"

"Great, my dad is so nice"

"That is, who told you that you are your father and my precious son?"

"Ha ha"


Lin Mofeng and Lin Nanxuan walked happily on the country road, they didn't know that the thatched cottage had already...

[Today is Father's Day, Zhenjun blesses our strong and great father to be forever young and happy forever, it's the top of the man]

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