Burning Heaven

Chapter 23 Losing Money

On the way to Heishui City, two teenagers about 10 years old could be vaguely seen walking forward. One was thin and not too tall, wearing a clean dark blue cloth, with a hooked nose and small eyes. Although he didn't smile, the dimples on his cheeks were slightly visible. Under the strong sunlight on the boy's neck, he could see something like a thin golden rope flickering slightly.

The other was wearing a slightly dirty gray cloth with a small tiger head on the chest with a red thread. He was obese all over, with black hair coiled up and a dirty face. Wipe the runny nose.

"Mo Feng, tell me, Zhao Ming, he, he is really dead." Wang Xiaohu lowered his head and looked at the ground under his feet, and said in a low voice while walking in a daze.

At this time, Mo Feng and Wang Xiaohu were walking on the road, and they didn't have the same kind of jokes as before. Mo Feng kept looking ahead, and looked back from time to time as he walked, as if he was very careful. He touched the small bag hanging on his waist, and the small bag made a "bell...ling" sound from time to time. Hearing the sound, there should be some copper coins in it. After hearing Xiaohu's question, Mo Feng was silent for a while and said in a low voice:

"It should be. Aunt Zhang will not lie to us. Hey... Zhao Ming is actually quite good sometimes, but he likes to bully others, but how can he say that he will die when he dies?" Mo Feng continued after finishing speaking. He turned his head and looked at the dirt road he was walking on.

"That's right, Zhao Ming once stole several big watermelons from Wu Fei's family and shared them with me. I gave me the biggest one. Although we have been bullied by Zhao Ming all the time, we grew up together anyway. Yesterday I was still thinking about how to hide from him in the future, but when I heard that he died today, I felt a little...a little uncomfortable..."

Wang Xiaohu pursed his lips and lowered his head and said, wiped his nose again with his big hand, and then asked Mo Feng again with his dirty nose: "Mo Feng, where did you go when you died, can you come back again? "Wang Xiaohu looked at Mo Feng with a sad expression and asked.

"I don't know, but the old man in the village said that he seems to have gone to the underworld and reincarnated back."

"Ah? He went underground, how did he get down on such a hard ground?"

"I do not know either"

"Mo Feng..."

The voice slowly, slowly disappeared into the path.

Blackwater City.

"My mother, this Black Water City is so big, my mother has so many people,"

On the streets of Heishui City, Lin Mofeng and Wang Xiaohu walked hand in hand on the street, Wang Xiaohu kept looking at this and that, like a fat monkey.

"Mo Feng, smell it, what smells so fragrant," Wang Xiaohu was already standing on the street, his nose seemed to be sniffing something.

Seeing Wang Xiaohu like this, Lin Mofeng knew that Xiaohu must be hungry now. Before coming to Heishui City, those two shriveled steamed buns were not enough for Xiaohu to eat. At this time, Wang Xiaohu's eyes were fixed on a shop that made meat pies. Looking at Mo Feng said.

Lin Mofeng smiled without saying a word, hurriedly took out the purse from his waist and walked towards the meat pie shop while holding Wang Xiaohu by the hand.

And the moment Lin Mofeng took out the money from his pocket, he caught the attention of an old man in dark blue cloth who was walking through the crowd. After seeing the money bag Lin Mofeng took out just now, the tall old man, His eyes lit up instantly, and he quickly took out a yellow rune from his pocket and pasted it on his right hand, then walked towards the stall selling meatloaf.

Lin Mofeng and Wang Xiaohu were standing in front of the stall selling meatloaf, anxiously waiting for the soon-to-be-made meatloaf. After Lin Mofeng gave the money, he hung the money bag back to his waist and looked at the meatloaf that had already started to flow out. The slobbering Wang Xiaohu laughed loudly, and at this moment, Lin Mofeng felt a gust of cool breeze blowing behind him, which was extremely refreshing, and he immediately felt better.

On the streets of Heishui City.

"Xiang, this meatloaf is so delicious, Mo Feng, can you finish yours?" Wang Xiaohu asked Lin Mofeng innocently, wishing he could fill up the oil paper bag.

Lin Mofeng started laughing again, and hastily handed the remaining meatloaf to the fat man. After seeing this, the fat man was a little embarrassed, and started to wink at Mo Feng. Finally, the little fat hand gently took the bag of meatloaf come here......

Heishui City Medicine King Hall.

At this time, Lin Mofeng and Wang Xiaohu were standing in the Medicine King Hall in Heishui City waiting to grab the medicine. Xiaohu looked at this and that, and kept muttering: "Why are you so slow, why are you so slow, the smell here It stinks to death."

There seemed to be quite a few people waiting to grab the medicine in the Yaowangtang, but most of them were middle-aged or old men, and there seemed to be none as young as Wang Xiaohu and Lin Mofeng.

After a while, a piercing voice came from the back room of the medicine hall:

"Hey, whoever wants the scald medicine, grab it."

After finishing speaking, a young man drilled out from the back room, holding a package wrapped in large paper in his hand. After speaking, he kept looking at the people standing in the medicine hall. After hearing this, Mo Feng and Xiao Hu hurriedly stretched out their hands Shouting "It's my medicine, it's my medicine."

"Hey, good class. There are 10 packs in total. There are decoctions and medicines to smear inside. You will know when you go back and open it. It is a total of 4 pennies." The shop assistant walked up to him after seeing Xiaohu and Mo Feng. In front of the two children, after explaining, he handed the medicine to the two children.

Mo Feng said "Thank you big brother" and then started to take the purse hanging around his waist, but at this moment, Lin Mofeng's eyes suddenly opened, and then he looked down at the purse around his waist, unexpectedly, unexpectedly gone...

The buddy was puzzled for a while, and then handed the medicine bag in front of Mo Feng, and immediately took it back into his arms, and said to Mo Feng with a solemn expression:

"Boy, don't tell me you have no money"

Lin Mofeng was very anxious at this time, thinking that there were still some meat pies when he bought them just now, and then he said to the waiter with a flustered expression: "Brother, my money may have been lost, you wait here for me, I will Immediately go back and look for it." After saying that, Wang Xiaohu, who had only realized his reaction, ran out.

On the streets of Heishui City.

"Xiaohu, you are thinking, where will it fall?"

"Mo Feng, we've searched for 5 laps back and forth, and there really isn't one."

Lin Mofeng's expression was a little sad, although he didn't want to accept this reality, but he couldn't find it at all, so he thought for a while and suddenly thought of something, and said to Wang Xiaohu, "Xiaohu, come with me"

Lin Mofeng pulled Xiaohu to the Baiyu Bridge, there were still so many bustling vendors, but there was no Grandpa Song, Lin Mofeng stood still on the bridge like an idiot, Lian Xiaohu asked a few times: "Go Where are you, Mo Feng, where are we going?" Xiaohu's question seemed to be ignored by Mo Feng.

On the edge of the moat of Heishui City.

Lin Mofeng walked forward blankly at this moment, not even asking if the willow branches by the river hit him in the face, Wang Xiaohu didn't know what to do, and walked with Lin Mofeng in a daze. At the same time, without saying a word, Lin Mofeng felt very regretful at this moment, thinking that he would be scolded after returning home, the more he thought about it, the more he couldn't think about it, the more frightened he was, even, even, he even thought of jumping into the river by himself, because The money Lin Nanxuan gave him was about 6 dao copper coins, which was almost 6 months of flute sales for Lin Nanxuan to earn back.

After finishing speaking, Lin Mofeng looked at the moat. The moat is the only water source river in Heishui City. Not only is the scenery beautiful, but the river is so clear that it is so beautiful. But at this moment, a lotus flower in the moat is floating forward along the river Go, Lin Mofeng was startled when he saw it. At this moment, a voice in his heart suddenly thought of "Ouyang Bun Shop."

After finishing speaking, he hurriedly dragged the demented Wang Xiaohu to the street.

[There are so few recommendations, Zhenjun really tried his best]

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