Burning Heaven

Chapter 24 Magician

When Lin Mofeng asked passers-by while running, and finally found Ouyang Baozi Shop with all kinds of twists and turns, Wang Xiaohu was heartbroken when he saw Mo Feng dragging him outside a small shop On the top of the house, there is a plaque wrapped in red cloth. On the plaque, it is written: Ouyang Baozi Shop.

Lin Mofeng saw a huge line of people lined up in front of the steamed stuffed bun shop. Due to his short stature, he could only see the words on the plaque. He didn't expect that the business of Ouyang steamed stuffed bun shop was so good. No wonder his father said to line up every day when he bought steamed stuffed buns. For a long time, but now is not the time to think about this matter, he hurriedly squeezed the fat man towards the front of the team.

"Everyone, stop arguing, can you? I told you my old lady, there are... all of them, why are you arguing?"

At this time, at the corner of a street in Heishui City, there is a house built with blue bricks and blue tiles. This house is not very old. The two small red pillars on both sides of the shop are particularly beautiful. It can be seen that half of the shop is blocked by a wall. There is a large window made of paper on the wall, and there are two women standing in the window, one with a scorched face, holding a broken fan and fanning herself fiercely, with pale skin, small eyes and a high nose, and a black matchmaker on the chin. mole.

The other woman is not very old but young and beautiful, with a high nose bridge, big eyes, delicate skin, a small cherry mouth, black and bright curly hair, the hair on both sides of the cheeks is slightly flowing, and the top is wearing a light purple gauze. The beauty is as beautiful as a fairy.

There was a sea of ​​people in front of Ouyang Steamed Bun Shop at this moment, huddled and chatting, as if they were a little impatient to wait now. "When will it be good? I've been waiting for a long time." A big man said irritably:

"Yeah, hurry up, I'm exhausted from standing" This is the complaint of an old woman

"Ten cages of steamed stuffed buns will come out again soon. If you want to buy them, hurry up and line them up for me, stop arguing." At this time, a sharp, irritable voice came from Ouyang Baozi shop, which made people feel suddenly uncomfortable.

"Ouyang Ruohan, Ouyang Ruohan," Lin Mofeng ran to the front of the bun shop and shouted at Ouyang Ruohan who was busy inside. The fat man thought he was going to buy buns, but he heard Mo Feng say so As soon as he yelled, he immediately looked a little depressed.

A childish voice stopped the busy Ouyang Ruohan, and then she looked out the window, and found Lin Mofeng who was jumping around in the crowd, and of course the fat man who was jumping together... …

Ouyang Ruohan smiled at Lin Mofeng when she saw it, then said a few words to the middle-aged woman with an irritated expression, and disappeared into the window.

After seeing Ouyang Ruohan's appearance, the fat man stopped jumping immediately, and kept watching with a demented face, especially after Ouyang Ruohan smiled at Lin Mofeng just now, the fat man seemed to be a little obsessed at this time.

Everyone in the queue was looking at the two brats at this moment, wondering how these two bumpkins could know people from Ouyang's family. After a while, an exquisite girl ran out from the back door next to Ouyang Baozi Shop. Although this girl is not very big, she will definitely be a beauty in the future, with thick eyebrows and big eyes, especially after she ran out, she kept smiling. That smile has already made the fat man with his head tilted and demented. There is something I would like to turn into a big lump The thin mud instantly melted in front of your beautiful face......

When Ouyang Ruohan trotted up to Mo Feng and Fatty, he first looked at Fatty with a demented expression, then smiled at Lin Mofeng and said:

"Why are you here?" Ouyang Ruohan smiled with bright teeth and red lips, revealing two shallow dimples, and then gently stroked the two black hairs next to her cheeks.

After seeing this scene, the fat man couldn't help but let out a slow "ah", he really felt hot.

"I, I, I'm here today to ask for something." Lin Mofeng lowered his head at this moment, not daring to look at Ouyang Ruohan's face, and grabbed his thighs with his still red and swollen hands.

"What's the matter? As long as I can do it, I'll help you," said Ouyang Ruohan's innocent voice firmly.

"I went to the city today to buy medicine for my father. I lost the money. Can I... Can I lend it to you..., to you..."

The voice behind was barely uttered, and Lin Mofeng's hand grasping his thigh was even more forceful.

"Fairy, I just want to lend you 4 hanging money." Seeing that Mo Feng couldn't speak, Wang Xiaohu quickly helped Mo Feng speak out, and then stared at Ouyang Ruohan with lecherous eyes.

"Hehe, so that's what happened, so why can't you come out?" Ouyang Ruohan smiled while covering her small mouth with her hands, and untied the money bag hanging around her waist, and took out 4 slings of money from it. He stretched out his hand and handed it to Lin Mofeng who was still bowing his head.

Seeing this, the fat man took the money over at the slowest speed, and took the opportunity to touch Ouyang Ruohan's jade hand, and then smirked endlessly.

Lin Mofeng looked up at Ouyang Ruohan who was still smiling, and said to her, "Thank you, I will definitely return it to you tomorrow."

"It's okay, hehe, you can go grab medicine for your father first, not to mention I took your bamboo flute for nothing, the store is a bit busy today, I have to go back quickly, or my mother will be angry again, goodbye gone."

After Ouyang Ruohan said that, she turned around and ran towards the back door. Finally, when she entered the door, she waved to Fatty and Lin Mofeng and said goodbye. That sweet smile, delicate face, and elegant back made people standing in the original Fatty and Lin Mofeng were both fascinated...

Blackwater City.

on lively streets.

"Hey, Mo Feng, how did you know that fairy? I haven't heard you talk about it before." The fat man exposed his tiger head and said to Mo Feng who turned his gaze to the front.

"He bought my flute before, and I gave her one without taking any money," Mo Feng said flatly.

"Oh, that's it, that's good." Wang Xiaohu seemed to be thinking about something at this moment, and said such a strange thing.

"What? What's the matter?" Lin Mofeng didn't seem to understand what Wang Xiaohu meant at this time, but Wang Xiaohu changed the subject instantly after hearing it.

"Let's go, Mo Feng, we also caught the medicine, let's go back quickly"

Lin Mofeng said "Yes" after hearing this, and walked towards the gate of Heishui City without thinking too much, but when they were about to reach the Baiyu Bridge, the Baiyu Bridge was full of people, as if they I'm watching, I don't know what I'm looking at.

"Look, Mo Feng, there are a lot of people there, let's go and take a look." After saying that, the fat man actually pulled Lin Mofeng up and ran towards him.

"Hey, heaven and man come to the world, gods calculate and turn evil, discerning eyes know the universe, fairy hands touch the future, cough...cough...it's time for the next fateful person"

After Xiaohu and Mo Feng got into the middle of the crowd, they found that there were only so many people watching in the middle of the Baiyu Bridge. It turned out that it was because there was an old man in dark blue cloth at this time, with unlined eyebrows, small eyes, full of It was an old wrinkled face, with a small black mole under his nose, and a black mustache on his chin. His face was full of red. At this moment, he was sitting on a broken stool with his eyes closed, stroking the mustache with his left hand, and touching the man sitting opposite him with his right. The middle-aged man's head and the folds on his face shook wildly, as if he was thinking about something, then the old man slowly opened his eyes and said to the middle-aged man in front of him:

"Pindao touched your life veins all over your body, and used his great supernatural powers to observe your past and future, and finally found that your fate is not in reincarnation. No wonder you have been unlucky recently. So it is so, so it is really rare in the world, rare in the world, If you don’t crack it, as I expected, you will die strangely soon.”

After the old man in Tsing Yi finished speaking, he slowly closed his eyes and remained silent.

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