Burning Heaven

Chapter 68 Nameless Cave [Part [-]]

The edge of the barren mountain.

"Xiao Jian, when do you think brother Mo Feng will come back?" Ouyang Ruohan, who was sitting on the ground, said to Fan Xingjian who had been circling around him in front of him.

After hearing this, Fanxing Sword moved slightly, and the cold light flowing around the sword's body suddenly dimmed a lot. Afterwards, it even lowered its head, and began to circle endlessly again, but the speed was obviously much slower.

"Hey... I really don't know if brother Mo Feng lied to me again this time? Uh, but I don't think so, because you are here with Xiaojian, hehe."

Ouyang Ruohan showed her extremely white teeth, and said happily to Fanxingjian.

The golden phoenix-winged hairpin on the hair looks particularly beautiful against the backdrop of night light.

"Xiaojian, did brother Mo Feng tell you that he likes me?"

"Xiao Jian, do you think I'm not pretty enough, or I'm not good enough for brother Mo Feng?"

"Oh, what a difficult question..."

Ouyang Ruohan dragged his mouth with both hands, pouted with dull eyes.

Ouyang Ruohan didn't realize that there was a snake-shaped monster in the barren and cracked land under his feet, with greedy eyes, desperately attacking...

Desolate Yin Mountain.

Nameless Cave.

"Brother Hei, hold on, you'll be fine in no time, you'll be fine in no time, Zhuzhu will make a hundred essence pills."

"Zhu...Zhu, cough cough...Zhu Zhu, cough cough, don't, yes, I'm being stupid..."


Lin Mofeng was awakened by a sad voice, slowly opened it to wake up, and suddenly found himself tied up in the air, so Lin Mofeng looked around in panic.

Lin Mofeng found that he seemed to be in an extremely large cave. The cave was very bright and spacious, but what surprised Lin Mofeng was that there were hundreds of Optimus pillars growing in the cave, and on top of each stone pillar , there is actually a demented strong man tied up, count carefully, there are hundreds of strong men, and all of them are tied to the stone pillars, their eyes are dull, and they are staring at the front...

Lin Mofeng looked at everything around him in shock, and tried hard to break free from the stone pillar, but found that his chest was tightly entangled by glue vines, so Lin Mofeng didn't struggle too much, his eyes suddenly turned to the bottom, In the place, an extremely bright and tiny lotus lamp caught Lin Mofeng's attention.

This small lotus lamp is about the size of an egg. Its whole body is jasper, and its luster is moist. In the straight burning, look closely, there is no wick in it.

"What? This seems to be, Bo, Bo... the treasure of Bodhi Temple - the Longevity Lamp?"

Lin Mofeng was shocked, because the longevity lamp of Bodhi Temple had disappeared in the cultivation world for many, many years. Lin Mofeng did not expect to meet him here. After the shock, Lin Mofeng did not make a sound, his eyes turned to A rectangular stone platform next to the longevity lamp.

On the stone platform, there seemed to be a tall man with black hair all over his body. This man's face looked like a dog, his eyes were confusing and his lips were purple. Judging from his expression, he looked haggard like a dying old man. The hairy man kept covering his chest with his big hand, and his breathing was extremely short.

After Lin Mofeng took a closer look, he found that this black-haired man turned out to be a thousand-year-old black dog spirit in the Mahayana period. However, he seemed to have suffered serious injuries. Lin Mofeng secretly smiled, and was about to take out his demon bag to collect it. Desperate.

But at this moment, a voice made Lin Mofeng stop.

"Brother Hei, you are persevering, Zhuzhu is lucky enough to refine a hundred essence pills"

A woman in floral dress suddenly appeared next to the stone platform. Lin Mofeng saw at first glance that she was a bobcat spirit, so she immediately stopped moving and continued to wait and see.

"No, no...cough...zhuzhu...bead, don't, it's too late...the Hunmo Xuanyin has already entered the baby, already, cough cough...it's useless." on stage.

"Hun Mo Xuan Yin? Isn't that the uninherited secret art of Qixiao Villa?" Lin Mofeng was startled again, remembering that Qing Wu and Lin Mofeng said that the Hun Mo Xuan Yin is the world's first-class vicious unique art, This soul seal is printed by the emperor's soul stone, the treasure of Qixiao Villa.

According to legend, all those who got this seal first groaned weakly, and then their viscera and six organs were in unbearable pain. After this seal invaded the Yuanying, the mysterious seal entered the soul, and the soul of the Chinese and Indian people would completely disappear in the world, and even more vicious Yes, as long as it is printed, there is no cure at all.

According to legend, the Emperor Soul Stone is in the hands of successive owners of Qixiao Villa, but Qixiao Villa has always been hidden from the world, and no one knows about this unique skill. Therefore, the soul ink seal only exists in legends .

"Brother Hei, woo woo, why are you disobedient and insist on leaving the longevity lamp, I don't want you to die, woo woo woo... ah ah... demon core, come out, ah ah ah..."

A miserable cry resounded through the cave. Lin Mofeng took a closer look, and found that the lynx spirit was lucky enough to force out the demon pill from the demon baby's mouth. The green oval demon pill floated into the air and then stopped. , Shan Maojing sat cross-legged on the ground, facing the blood flowing out of his mouth, luck again, and shouted at the countless stone pillars around:

"Nine secluded earth demons, ten thousand ghosts and evil shapes, demon pills gather energy, and hundreds of essences become pills, gather..."

Shanmao Jing's eyes suddenly glowed green, and his hands were constantly changing handprints against the green demon pill in the sky.Suddenly, hundreds of stone pillars in the cave began to emit traces of white air, slowly gathering towards the green demon core floating in mid-air. This white air seemed to be emitted from the strong man tied to the stone pillar …………

"Stop the monster, Zi Yanlei, hey"

Lin Mofeng hurriedly got his luck, forcibly broke through the glue vine, and quickly drew a thunder map on the palm of his hand. A few seconds later, a thunder ball the size of an egg smashed down at the bobcat spirit that was gathering yuan below.

At this moment, Shanmao Jing's eyes were extremely flustered, she didn't expect Lin Mofeng to wake up at this time, but she didn't resist, Shanmao Jing cried, blood and tears flowed from her eyes, mottled hands, facing the demon pill that was concentrating in the sky I tried harder, but my hands trembled a little...

The thunder ball flew faster and faster, faster and faster, it was the hands of the Shanmao Jing who were gathering Yuan and did not stop. In the blink of an eye, the white mist was about to gather, but at this moment, the Ziyan that was attacking quickly Lei, however, came before him.

"No..." Shanmao Jing yelled in horror.

In an instant, there was a "bang", and Zi Yanlei had already exploded.

After the gunpowder smoke passed, Lin Mofeng, who was floating in the sky, looked down, and was surprised to find that the black-haired man had thrown himself on Shanmao Jing's body at this moment. Looking closely, the black-haired man's back was ripped apart, bloody and bloody. You can vaguely see the white bones, the black blood is continuously flowing, and the tall body is twitching all the time...

"Failure ... It's almost a little bit just now, it's almost almost, Black Brother, Woo ... Black Brother, I'm sorry, ah ah ah ... I will fight you on the way you kill you this day, I will fight you ..."

The Shanmao Jing, who was pressed down by the body of the Black Dog Jing, was shouting hysterically at this moment, crazy, blood and tears had covered his rouge cheeks, without saying a word, he tore off his clothes with both hands, and stopped at his dantian. The mouth kept spitting out blood, but still couldn't stop the silent spell in his mouth.

"Hmph, you actually want to burn the Nascent Soul, I won't let you succeed, evildoer, you have done a lot of evil, today I will be my celestial master to do justice for the heavens, take your life..."

Lin Mofeng looked serious, his hands formed a seal, and a figure of a yin-yang fish was formed in front of him. Afterwards, Lin Mofeng broke out in cold sweat, and kept pouring energy into the yin-yang fish with both hands.

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous to dare to say justice for the sky, justice for the sky, cough...hahahaha...cough cough..."

The thousand-year-old black dog spirit lying on the ground vomiting blood was laughing crazily at this moment, clutching his chest, forced his bloody back to stand up, signaled with his eyes, and stopped the bobcat spirit who was burning the Nascent Soul, and then pointed at Lin Mo Feng said lightly:

"Young man, can you listen to me tell a story? Ahem..."

Words like magic voice kept piercing into Lin Mofeng's ears, causing Lin Mofeng who was upset to frown. Looking at the strong appearance of the black dog spirit, Lin Mofeng admired him for a few seconds. After thinking for a few seconds, he still Said impatiently:

"What is there to talk about?"

"Cough...There is really nothing to say, but I still hope you can listen, cough cough..." the black dog spirit gasped, and then sat on the stone platform with the support of the bobcat spirit.

"Cough...cough..." Two more painful coughs resounded through the cave.

Lin Mofeng didn't answer, and kept looking down at the thousand-year-old black dog spirit who was coughing continuously. For some reason, Lin Mofeng looked at the black dog spirit, and he could always remember, think of Heizi...

Later, Lin Mofeng heard people from Heishui City say that in the nightmare in Baiguo Village, there was an old black dog who had been sitting in front of a wooden house the whole time. Anyone who gets close, until the end, is consumed by a raging fire...

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