Burning Heaven

Chapter 69 Black Tiger

"Xiao Jian, you said that two hours have passed, why hasn't brother Mo Feng come back? Is something wrong?"

Ouyang Ruohan, who was sitting on the ground, thought of this, stood up hastily, then stomped the ground repeatedly, and said nervously:

"It's broken, it's broken, something must have happened to brother Mo Feng, something must have happened, what should I do, Xiao Jian, what do you say?" Ouyang Ruohan said anxiously, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt, Even anxious tears came out.

The Fanxing Sword, which was still circling, was still circling like a dead fish. There was nothing unusual after hearing Ouyang Ruohan's question. However, just the next second later, the tip of the sword that was bowing its head suddenly stood up with a "jump" sound. Get up, and quickly float in front of Ouyang Ruohan, the sword body is brightly cold, making a "buzzing" sound towards the barren and dry land under your feet.

"What's the matter with you, little sword?" Ouyang Ruohan looked at Fanxingjian's reaction at this time very puzzled, as if Fanxingjian was wary of something.

When the wind blows, the dry leaves on the barren land and the scratched land make a "Zi Zi..." sound,

But when the wind stopped, the "sizzling" sound did not stop, and the sound became louder and louder.

The Stars Sword floating in the air was trembling at this moment. In front of Ouyang Ruohan, the tip of the sword pointed at the cracked land below and shook his head desperately, then pointed in the direction of Heishui City and nodded again and again. Then the Stars Sword quickly fell on Ouyang Ruohan's body. Step down, motioning for him to go up.

"What's the matter with you, Xiao Jian? Why did you suddenly become like this?"

"I'm not leaving, I'm going to wait here for brother Mo Feng to come back," Ouyang Ruohan said stubbornly with her mouth puffed out.

After hearing this, Fanxingjian shook his head desperately, and even kowtowed, but no matter what he did, Ouyang Ruohan would not leave...

The voice of "Zi Zi" became louder and louder, but in an instant, it disappeared without a trace, and it seemed to become quiet, so quiet that only Ouyang Ruohan's stubborn voice could be heard.

Seeing this, the trembling Fanxing Sword blew, and the sound echoed continuously on the edge of Desolate Yin Mountain.

Quiet, extremely quiet at the moment, so quiet that even the singing of nightingales in the distance can be heard, so quiet that Ouyang Ruohan can even hear her own heartbeat.

Just when Ouyang Ruohan was about to continue sitting down.

With a sound of "Boom", the barren land suddenly popped open under Ouyang Ruohan's feet, and a huge white-haired boa constrictor head with blood-red eyes emerged from the ground. With a big mouth, he rushed towards Ouyang Ruohan without saying a word.

Ouyang Ruohan was completely frightened at this time, his mind went blank, and he let the white-haired python attack.

The Fanxing Sword radiated a cold light, and rushed forward to block it. The head of the white-haired python that was attacking quickly couldn't resist it, so it directly bumped into the Fanxing Sword head-on. With a "boom", the white-haired boa constrictor fell to the side, making Fanxingjian very happy, and blew several times.

After this monster hit the Fanxing Sword, it also showed its true colors. Upon closer inspection, this python was several feet long, as thick as a bowl, and covered with hard white hairs all over its body, but its head was incomparably After being knocked down, he quickly turned over and stood up. The ugly snake head kept spitting red letters at Fanxingjian, as if very annoyed.


Ouyang Ruohan reacted in an instant, terrified, terrified, and burst into tears, hurriedly covering her eyes with her hands, not daring to look forward, trembling slightly, crying loudly:

"Ah... there are monsters, brother Mo Feng, come quickly, brother Mo Feng, come quickly..."

The white-haired python continued to show greedy eyes, looking at Ouyang Ruohan who was crying in front of him, the mucus in his mouth kept dripping on the ground, and after a few seconds, the white-haired python rushed up again, and the Fanxing Sword once again resisted in front of Ouyang Ruohan , ready to fight to the death with the giant python, but when the white-haired giant python attacked Fanxingjian, the white-haired giant stopped unexpectedly, swung its tail, and knocked Fanxingjian flying by surprise.

Afterwards, the giant white-haired python, who had succeeded in the plot, quickly came to Ouyang Ruohan, with a fierce look on his face, and opened his mouth with exposed fangs, ready to swallow Ouyang Ruohan.

"Ahhh..." Ouyang Ruohan, who was terrified, screamed loudly in front of the speeding blood basin. Ouyang Ruohan buried his head deep in his knees, his heart was beating rapidly, and he was twitching endlessly. Qun kept crying and shouting:

"Brother Mo Feng, hurry up, Ruohan is going to be eaten, Ruohan is afraid, woohoo..."


Desolate Yin Mountain.

In the nameless cave.

Lin Mofeng, who was floating in mid-air, suddenly felt heart palpitations at this moment, and hurriedly stopped the Yin Yang fish that was injecting Yuan, clutching his chest and gasping for breath.

"Young man, more than 1000 years ago, I was a stray black dog. When I was about to starve to death, I was met by Yaoying, the owner of Wanyao Valley. Yaoying rescued me and gave me a Only one demon transformation pill can I transform into a demon."

"Later, after thousands of years of painstaking training in the Valley of the Demons, I, Heihu, finally attained the stage of Mahayana and was highly valued by the owner of the valley. I remember that day, the owner of the Yaoying Valley sent me to the Tianji Gate to pick up Miss Bing'er back to the Valley of the Thousand Demons. I, Heihu, got the order and went quickly, but after leaving the valley, I, Heihu, did not expect that Qianyuan, the master of Tianji sect, would cause such a disaster, and make the heavens furious, hey, cough..." Heihu couldn't help coughing again several times.

Panting, Lin Mofeng stopped clutching his chest, but stared at the two monsters on the stone platform below.

"After arriving at the Tianji Gate, I saw that Miss Binger was very haggard and weak. Heihu didn't dare to ask more questions, so he immediately escorted Miss Binger back to the valley, but as soon as she arrived in the valley, the lady passed out. Tan, was shocked to find that the young lady was close to the point where her soul was gone, the owner of the Yaoying Valley was furious, and immediately sealed the young lady in the trapped spirit crystal without saying a word, so that later, we found out that when the young lady was cultivating in the Tianjimen, she secretly She gave birth to a baby, which was the child of her and Qianyuan sect master, the combination of human and demon violated the rules of heaven and earth, not to mention giving birth to a seed root, so she was backlashed by the rules of heaven and earth."

The black dog spirit said out of breath.

"Why do you have the treasure of the Bodhi Temple - the longevity lamp? As far as I know, the longevity lamp has disappeared for hundreds of years. Why did it appear in your hands?"

Lin Mofeng raised his eyebrows lightly, as if he was not interested in what Heigoujing said just now, so he said it lightly.

"Hahaha, cough cough...cough..." After another violent cough, the black dog spirit trembled slightly, resisting the blood that rushed to his mouth and said again:

"Hehe, young man, the longevity lamp of the Bodhi Temple has never disappeared, it was just stolen by someone, and it has been hidden in the Star Picking Cave of Qixiao Mountain Villa. Immediately send the black tiger to sneak into the star picking cave and steal the longevity lamp to save the young lady, but when I succeeded and was about to leave, I discovered a shocking secret, hehe, do you want to know what it is? Young man."

"Hey, you evildoer, you don't have any shame in stealing treasures. See if I, Lin Mofeng, don't kill you shameless evildoers here today."

After Lin Mofeng finished speaking, he formed a seal with his hands, and a yin-yang fish quickly formed in front of him, and he injected Yuan once again.

Looking at the yin-yang fish that was about to take shape, Shanmao Jing was about to burn the Nascent Soul again but was stopped by the black tiger. The haggard black tiger stood up slowly, raised his head, and said with a faint smile:

"Just as I was about to leave, I found out that Elder Yulan of your Sanqing Sect suddenly appeared in the Star Picking Cave, ahem...and, carefully looking around, slowly tore off the mask, the young man Man, do you know who is behind the mask?" Heihu asked.

"Who?" Lin Mofeng asked hurriedly involuntarily.

"The owner of Qixiao Villa, Beichen Xichen..."

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