"Young man, now you know where the soul ink seal on my body comes from, you Elder Yulan of the Sanqing Sect has been looking for me frantically, hehe, and, I forgot to tell you, actually Qi Xiao Shanzhuang has long been controlled by the Heavenly Demon Sect, and Qi Xiao Shanzhuang has been working for the Tianmozong all the time. This is also the reason why it is hidden from the world. Here, he also respectfully called Qixiao Mountain Villa as the righteous way of the fairy gate, hahaha, I laughed so hard," the black dog spirit laughed.

"Fart, the owner of Beichen Villa is a first-class hero of the righteous immortal sect. He has killed countless demons and ghosts. 19 years ago, the owner of Beichen Villa led all the disciples of the villa to help the Sanqing faction to kill the Qianyuan demon together."

Lin Mofeng cursed after hearing this, and then said:

"You monster, you are a pack of nonsense, babbling nonsense, stealing the treasure of Bodhi Temple and yet you have no sense of shame, yet you dare to slander the elders of our sect and spray blood on the owner of Beichen Villa, you deserve to be punished by heaven. ,go."

Lin Mofeng, who was furious, quickly retracted the yin-yang fish picture that was injecting yuan, rubbed his hands back and forth to form a ball, and then yelled, and quickly threw it at the black dog spirit.

The yin-yang ball kept spinning in the air, and quickly struck downwards.

Seeing this, Shanmao Jing let out an exclamation, and immediately burned the Nascent Soul, and his whole body quickly lit up.

"Do not…………"

The Black Dog Demon stretched out his hand to stop Shanmao Jing, but the Black Dog Demon didn't even have the strength to move...

Shanmao Jing's eyes were blood red instantly, his strength increased greatly, his mouth stopped bleeding, and his whole body lit up. Shanmao Jing suddenly let out a mournful cry to the sky, and then knocked the Yin-Yang ball flying in front of him to the ground with a slap.

With a "boom", the overturned yin-yang ball hit the wall rock of the cave, making a deafening explosion.

"Good guy, you dare to burn the Nascent Soul without your life, haha, good, my grandpa will fulfill you today."

Seeing this, Lin Mofeng frowned, then gave an evil laugh, took out many small golden needles from his bosom, bit his tongue and sprayed a mouthful of blood mist on the needles, closed his eyes and recited the incantation silently:

"Heaven and earth are evil, arrogant to my heavenly lord, hurry like a law, kill the devil needle, get up"

A few words came out of Lin Mofeng's mouth unhurriedly, causing Heigoujing's eyes to twitch suddenly, and said tremblingly:

"No, it's impossible...cough cough, it's impossible, you little disciple, why, why do you have the demon-killing needle of Zhenyao Pavilion?"

"Hmph, you'll understand when you get to the Demon Suppressing Pot." Lin Mofeng said with eagle-like eyes.

With a sound of "crash", the small golden needle in Lin Mofeng's hand suddenly glowed golden, floating in the air like an array, with a monstrous momentum.

"You dog thief of the Sanqing faction, today you destroyed my alchemy, harassed my cave, and made my husband unable to continue his life. I will fight for you." The tip stretched out and grabbed Lin Mofeng fiercely in the sky.

"Zhuzhu, don't, don't...cough cough..." the black dog spirit yelled, and hurriedly rolled down the stone platform, trying to use the demon yuan, but found that the demon baby inside had shriveled up.

"Overthinking one's own strength," Lin Mofeng said dismissively, pointing to the flying lynx, and said:

"Go" "Swish, whoosh, whoosh..." Several golden needles immediately rushed towards Shanmao Jing.At this time, Shanmao Jing stretched her armor, and rushed towards Lin Mofeng with a ferocious face, very fierce.

"No, Zhuzhu, don't, don't..." the black dog spirit shouted desperately, shouting desperately, but the Shanmao spirit was blinded by hatred, and didn't listen to dissuasion at all, and continued to grab Lin Mofeng.

"Puff, puff, puff, puff..."

Time seemed to stand still, eerily quiet, as if only the sound of the golden needle piercing the heart was dancing.

Is it fate?Is it the bright fireworks in the night?

Who sighs in the years?Who burns the smoke away?Only a trace of ashes is left in your hands.

Life is floating in the world, flowers bloom on Moshang, and it is enough to make you smile in this life...

"No... no no no..."

Heigoujing shouted heart-piercingly, desperately, rolled down the stage, like maggots, crawled to the side of Shanmaojing's blood-covered body with great difficulty.

Heihu hugged Shanmao Jing with the last bit of strength left in his body, and cried bitterly:

"Zhuzhu, why, why, why, you are so stupid, woohoo..." Heihu twitched continuously, and then, pointing at Lin Mofeng with sharp fingers, he roared:

"If I, Heihu, don't have this soul seal, I will kill all of you Taoist lackeys with human faces and beast hearts, all of you, ah, ah, all of you..."

The blood-red eyes of the black dog roared desperately, with a vicious look, as if it could tear the world apart, but Lin Mofeng knew that he didn't have much time...

"Heihu, brother, Zhuzhu failed to help you practice Baijingdan, I'm sorry, Brother Heihu," Shanmao Jingqiang smoked a mouthful of blood.

"Zhuzhu, woo... that's my brother, I lied to you, cough cough... I want you to swallow it after you have cultivated the Baijing Dan, and I don't want you to waste your cultivation because of me, a dying person, brother Knowing how hard it is for you to become a demon, woo, Zhuzhu, it was the elder brother who killed you, why are you so stupid, why are you so stupid, woo..."

Baijingdan, when Lin Mofeng heard for the first time that Shanmao Jing was refining Baijingdan to save people, Lin Mofeng smiled wryly, because, as far as Lin Mofeng knew, Baijingdan only had the effect of increasing the essence and strengthening the foundation .

Hey, the sad thing is that this lynx spirit doesn't even know the efficacy of the Hundred Essence Pills. He always thought that as long as he has practiced the Hundred Essence Pills, he can continue his life for the black tiger. It can be seen that demons have feelings, and humans also?

"Hei, Hei, Brother Tiger, do you know, this, this is your first hug, Zhuzhu"

"Zhuzhuzhen, I'm really happy..."

"Don't leave me, Zhuzhu, cough...cough..., don't leave me, Zhuzhu..."

After hearing these dialogues, Lin Mofeng tremblingly looked at the blood-stained hands, feeling a sense of guilt. Then, he turned his gaze downwards, looking at the two goblins who were exhausted and embracing each other. Scene after scene, Lin Mofeng seemed to hear a voice repeated thousands of times in his heart:

"The world of demons remains, and the demons punish the heavens. Anyone who encounters them will be caught and put into the pot of suppressing demons."

"The world of demons remains, and the demons punish the heavens. Anyone who encounters them will be caught and put into the pot of suppressing demons."

Is the Yaodao really dead?

No one answered Lin Mofeng...

The edge of the barren mountain.

After being silent for a long time, Ouyang Ruohan, who gritted his teeth and covered his eyes, discovered that he hadn't been swallowed by the python yet, so under suspicion, boldly, Ouyang Ruohan opened a little gap to look with his five fingers covering his eyes.

It didn't matter that this hope made Ouyang Ruohan speechless in surprise.

A young man in a large black robe was facing away from Ouyang Ruohan at this time. This man's black hair fluttered in the wind. In front of this man in black robe, the white-haired python was still there, but, But the black-robed man pinched Xue Tong tightly, unable to move.

Ouyang Ruohan thought it was Lin Mofeng who was in front, but after a closer look, he found that the back was not the same, and he couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. The back of a black-robed man.

A few seconds later, the black-robed man yelled at the raised white-haired python:

"Get out" Then, he threw the white-haired python to the ground.

With a sound of "嗖", almost instantly, the giant white-haired python quickly dived into the ground, as if it was very scared...

"Girl, why did you appear here in this wilderness? Don't you know that this is the time for the earth corpse demon python to appear?"

A cold voice sounded, and the man in black robe gradually turned around, allowing Ouyang Ruohan to see his face clearly...

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