Burning Heaven

Chapter 74 Affectionate

"Wow, brother Mo Feng, don't fly too fast, Ruohan can't see it"

On the blue light giant sword flying in the sky, Ouyang Ruohan closed his eyes, hugged Lin Mofeng tightly, and whispered into Lin Mofeng's ear, Lin Mofeng frowned slightly when he heard it, and slowed down a little up some speed.

In fact, Ouyang Ruohan is not blind, in this moonlit night, she just wants to hold Lin Mofeng for a while, even for a while...

But Lin Mofeng still frowned, secretly touched his waist with his hands, not knowing what was going on in his heart.

After a while, the blue light turned into a sword of stars and slowly fell somewhere in Heishui City.

After Ouyang Ruohan opened his eyes, he found that he was not in the compound of his own house. After a closer look, he found that it was beside the lotus pond, so he asked Lin Mofeng with doubts on his face:

"Brother Mo Feng, why are we in the lotus pond?"

In the middle of the night, the lotus pond was empty. A few hours ago, the lively scene of the Lantern Festival disappeared without a trace under the quiet night at this moment. Much quieter, in the lotus pond, there are still many floating lanterns rippling in the water, but the lights in the wicks have been burned out.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Ruohan, I couldn't watch the Lantern Festival with you today." Looking at the lanterns floating back and forth in the pool beside him, Lin Mofeng still felt very guilty.

After hearing this, Ouyang Ruohan hurried forward a few steps, hugged Lin Mofeng's body, pressed against Lin Mofeng's chest and said:

"Brother Mo Feng, do you know that the Lantern Festival is not important to Ruohan at all, Ruohan just wants to be with Brother Mo Feng, no matter where you are, no matter how dangerous it is, Ruohan will always be by your side you……."

With a beautiful face and beautiful appearance, Ouyang Ruohan began to sob while talking, but she smiled like a flower, like a spring breeze, as said, maybe the so-called laughing and crying is also true.

Seeing this, Lin Mofeng wiped the tears from the corners of Ouyang Ruohan's eyes, took out a rectangular wooden box from his bosom in an orderly manner, and said to Ouyang Ruohan nervously:

"This gift is for you, it's your compensation, well, don't cry, or I won't be able to bear it."

"What's inside, brother Mo Feng?" Ouyang Ruohan asked with wide eyes.

Lin Mofeng didn't say a word, and slowly opened the rectangular wooden box. When he opened it, a fresh fragrance came out, which made Lin Mofeng and Ouyang Ruohan feel refreshed immediately.

Then, a delicate and elegant double-headed purple lotus appeared in front of Ouyang Ruohan.

"Wow, what a beautiful double-headed lotus, it's actually purple, wow..." Ouyang Ruohan screamed again and again, and in a split second, she snatched it from Lin Mofeng's hand...

"Do you like it?" Lin Mofeng asked happily.

"Ruohan likes it so much, it's the first time Ruohan has seen a purple lotus at such a big age, and it's double-headed. Brother Mo Feng, can you tell Ruohan where he picked the lotus? Ruohan I will pick it later, it is simply too beautiful.”

Ouyang Ruohan closed her eyes, sniffing the lotus in her hand, intoxicated by it.

"Uh, uh...that place is too far away, but as long as you like it, I will give it to you next time." Lin Mofeng seemed to have lost his mind at this moment, and seemed to have forgotten that this lotus flower came from the forbidden area of ​​the Sanqing Sect —In Yunxian Lake.

"Good, good, Brother Mo Feng is so kind, hehehe..."

"I love you, Brother Mo Feng"

Ouyang Ruohan jumped up happily, and kissed Lin Mofeng's slightly dark face without saying a word. Then, Ouyang Ruohan, who was extremely shy, covered his face and ran towards the lotus pond with a double-headed purple lotus in his hand. Clutching his hands on the stone platform beside him, he shouted:

"I, Ouyang Ruohan, will never marry Lin Mofeng in this life"

"I, Ouyang Ruohan, have only Lin Mofeng in my heart in this life"


Ouyang Ruohan's cry in the lotus pond was heard by the little brother who was passing by in the middle of the night, and couldn't help cursing: "It's really crazy."

"Brother Mo Feng, do you love Ruohan?" After shouting, Ouyang Ruohan turned around and asked Lin Mofeng behind him.

Lin Mofeng was stunned for a moment, his eyes seemed to avoid the topic, Lin Mofeng looked at Ouyang Ruohan, and did not answer for a long time.

Beside the willow tree in the quiet night, the two people just stared at each other. The slender branches of the willow tree fluttered in the wind, confusing Lin Mofeng's frightened face.

The still bright moon in the sky, accompanied by the silent dialogue between the two, highlights the mottled tranquility of the night.

I don't know how long after,


A rapid sound of falling into the water awakened Lin Mofeng, who was still in deep thought. After hearing this, Lin Mofeng was shocked, and he ran towards the edge of the pool in fright.

Under the willow tree, Ouyang Ruohan, who was so charming, was no longer there. Only a rectangular wooden box fell to the ground. Lin Mofeng looked down, and after seeing the waves churning in the pool, he couldn't stop his trembling in his heart. , shouted desperately:


Afterwards, there was another crisp sound of falling water, which made the rippling Mirror Flower even more turbulent.

After a long time, two drowned chickens landed on the shore...

On the shore, after landing, Ouyang Ruohan bent over and coughed several times, looking very embarrassed. Ouyang Ruohan was soaked all over, and the cold wind blew, making Ouyang Ruohan's body tremble a little. Ouyang Ruohan lowered his head Holding his head and hugging his shoulders, it makes people look very pitiful, but even so, it still can't stop Lin Mofeng from roaring angrily:

"Ouyang Ruohan, why did you dive, what on earth do you want!!!" The angry shout made Ouyang Ruohan tremble slightly in fright.

Although Lin Mofeng was very angry, but seeing Ouyang Ruohan's pitiful appearance, he felt pity in his heart.

"I, I, I...I just want to know if Brother Mo Feng loves me or not." Ouyang Ruohan, who folded his shoulders and bowed his head, said with a pouted smile in his tone.

Seeing that Lin Mofeng hadn't spoken yet, Ouyang Ruohan, who lowered his head and smiled secretly, said again:

"If Ruohan knows, brother Mo Feng will definitely come to save me"

Time, like fine sand, is slowly passing by.

Beads of water dripped slowly from Ouyang Ruohan's messy hair, dripping drop by drop on the stone slab, so quiet, so quiet that even the sound of heartbeat could be heard.

Lin Mofeng's silence caused the two of them to fall into silence again. Maybe Ouyang Ruohan didn't want to endure such silence even now, so he mustered up the courage to raise his head, but after seeing Lin Mofeng's face, Ouyang Ruohan's hands tightened tightly. The purple lotus in his hands fell to the ground instantly with a "pop".

Because Lin Mofeng's cheeks were crying uncontrollably, and the circles of his eyes were very red.

"You are so stupid..." This was the first sentence Lin Mofeng cried after being silent for a long time.

After seeing Lin Mofeng's tears, Ouyang Ruohan couldn't bear the weakness in her heart any longer. She took a step forward and hugged Lin Mofeng tightly in an instant. Once hard.

Under the moonlight, against the backdrop of the bright moon in the water, the two water figures embrace each other tightly...

I don't know when, the frogs in the lotus pond began to "croak", and some frogs even jumped on the wide lotus leaves, revealing their bulging bellies, quietly watching the two kissing each other with their lips and tongues intertwined. people……

That night, neither of them fell asleep. Lin Mofeng agreed to Ouyang Ruohan's request and sat on the eaves of Heishui City to watch the sunrise quietly.

In fact, it's not that Ouyang Ruohan doesn't want to sleep, but he can't bear to sleep, because after dawn, Lin Mofeng will return to the Sanqing sect...

That night was Lin Mofeng's happiest night. Lin Mofeng sat on the eaves and kept telling Ouyang Ruohan stories about his childhood, while Ouyang Ruohan held his chin and listened giggling.

That night was also the most unforgettable day in Ouyang Ruohan's life, even forever...

"Ruohan, do you know? Xiaohu was still wetting the bed when he was 10 years old, hahaha..."

"You don't know Ruohan. When I was young, I held my breath in the water. That was recognized as the number one in Baiguo Village. Then I'm not bragging. If you don't believe me, you can ask Xiaohu..."


The next day, Ouyang Ruohan caught a cold and had a persistent high fever, but she thought it was all worth it. Ouyang Ruohan lay on the bed and smiled smirk from time to time, which made Liu Qing, who was feeding the medicine, scold Lin Mo repeatedly. Feng swears a few times. After scolding Lin Mofeng, he turns around and scolds Ouyang Ruohan...

Even so, Ouyang Ruohan was still extremely happy, because this was the first time since she grew up, she took the initiative to kiss Lin Mofeng in spite of anxiety.

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