Taiqing Peak is undoubtedly the head of the three peaks of the Sanqing Sect. Its seat is tall and majestic, its momentum is like a rainbow, the forest is dense, and the clouds are endless. Disappeared in the clouds and fog, or what ordinary people say, seeing flowers in the fog, is the same.

In the early morning, the moist dew was very fresh, and the morning light rose high and sprinkled on the roof of Zhenyao Pavilion. Under the morning light, the black and white gossip diagram looked even more solemn.

Zhenyao Pavilion has always been known as the number one pavilion in the world in the realm of comprehension. Since ancient times, there have been many strange people in Zhenyao Pavilion. There are already only a handful of peerless figures in the world, and with the more and more severe thunderstorms, there are even fewer people who have ascended to the fairy world, causing the righteous immortals to cry again and again, for no reason.

Zhenyao Pavilion is located in front of the maple forest on the back mountain of Taiqing Peak. It is in the upright autumn scenery, the breeze is blowing everywhere, and the red maple leaves are blowing down again and again. The cursing voices coming from the Zhenyao Pavilion ahead were interrupted instantly.

Roaring curses rang out in the Zhenyao Pavilion shrouded in the morning light, and the birds living in the maple forest immediately flew away in fright. At this time, there was no one in the open space outside the Zhenyao Pavilion. For Lin Mofeng, today is the most unforgettable day for him.

Inside the Demon Town Pavilion.

In the resplendent attic, there were several figures standing in it. Behind the figures was the 梼杌 hiding under the table next to it. In the air in the attic, there was an inexplicably serious atmosphere.

At this time, Elder Bi Ya, Grand Master Yun Chan, and the tall Elder Yu Lan were all standing in front of the golden demon suppressing pot very seriously. Among them was the angry-looking Elder Qing Wu .

In the entire Zhenyao Pavilion, there was only one person kneeling on the ground, bowing his head to the several elders standing in front of him, and that person was obviously Lin Mofeng.

"Lin Mofeng, let me ask you one last time, are the scratches on your back caused by other monsters?" In front of the golden demon suppressing pot, the angry Elder Qingwu frowned and said, seeing his angry appearance , it seems that the outbreak is not far away...

"Lin Mofeng, hurry up and report to the First Elder truthfully, where exactly is the monster hiding, as long as you tell the truth, the First Elder will definitely not blame you, Lin Mofeng, don't be stupid."

Before Bi Ya could speak, the burly Elder Yu Lan forcefully spoke first, causing Elder Bi Ya to stare several times.

After Lin Mofeng heard this, he raised his head and looked at Elder Yulan who was sliding his goatee. Lin Mofeng's complexion showed some pain, but he still said very firmly:

"Great elder, all elders, today I, Lin Mofeng, can swear to the sky that the demon of Heishui City has already been killed by Lin Mofeng on the spot with my demon-killing needle. Thunder Heaven will punish you, you will not be able to live forever."

After Lin Mofeng finished speaking, his palms pooled, and the five golden demon-slaying needles flew up in an instant, flying towards the face of several elders. The golden demon-slaying needles were especially engraved with a lot of Daoist spells, but they were covered with blood stains . "

"Grand Elder, what Lin Mofeng said is true. The needle attached is indeed the blood of the raccoon. Great Elder, Lin Mofeng did not lie." This time, after carefully observing the Demon Slayer Needle, Elder Bi Ya pointed The Great Elder said with an accentuated tone.

"Hmph, Bi Ya, don't you understand? The blood of the raccoon is indeed on the demon-killing needle, but is it the raccoon that the elder asked? The elder asked about the scratches on Lin Mofeng's back!!! "

Suddenly, Elder Yulan took a step forward, and said angrily to Elder Bi Ya.

"Mo Feng has already said that the scratches on the back were caused by tigers in the forest. Mo Feng, you said that you were too careless. Catching a monster can cause tigers in the forest to attack your back. Even the teacher feels ashamed for you? "

The short Elder Bi Ya deliberately raised his voice and shouted.

"Bi Ya, I think you are really confused. Desolate Yin Mountain is barren and arid all year round. How can there be a forest? There is not even an ant, let alone a tiger. Hmph, Lin Mofeng has deep scratches on his back. It is thick and thick with three stripes, and there are black marks in the marks, which are obviously scratched by a poisoned monster, and there is still a little bit of monster gas left in the scratches, I have already smelled it, it does not smell like a raccoon at all."

Elder Yulan's face was full of anger, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Mofeng all the time. His eyes seemed to be as terrifying as cannibalism. "

"Yulan, don't spitting blood here, it's the tiger who caught it, the tiger caught it, the tiger caught it, the tiger caught it..."

At this moment, Elder Bi Ya didn't care about the face of the Fourth Elder of the Sanqing Sect, he ran up to Yu Lan and jumped, pinching his waist and stomping the ground constantly.

Just as the corner of Elder Yulan's mouth twitched, a furious voice resounded through the hall instantly.


Great Elder Qingwu, who had been silent for a long time, yelled violently, making all the elders quiet down instantly, not daring to speak. After finishing speaking, Great Elder Qingwu walked towards Lin Mofeng. After walking in front of Lin Mofeng, There was a slight pause, and the tone was calm, and he said lightly:

"Feng'er, do you still know why I chose you to join the Monster Town Pavilion at the beginning?" The plain voice sounded faintly, and there was a bit of desolation in the words.

"Back to Master, Feng'er knows." Lin Mofeng lowered his head and said, not daring to look up at Great Elder Qingwu in front of him.

After hearing this, Qingwu smiled slightly, turned around lightly, and walked slowly towards the golden demon pot.

"Da, da, da," Qing Wu's footsteps were heavy and slow, making Lin Mofeng, who was kneeling on the ground and bowed his head silently, feel mixed emotions.

Great Elder Qingwu showed no expression on his face, and slowly, slowly walked to the golden demon-suppressing pot, looked at the top of the pot, the blue gemstone that was shining all over the body, Qingwu put his hands behind his back, slowly closed his eyes and road:

"Eight years ago, during the test of Huanyuandao, I found the shadow of the second elder from you. I still remember that Qingyuan and I risked being hunted down to seek Taoism at the Sanqing sect. In Guan Yuan Dao, it was Qing Yuan who forced me to go down, Lin Mofeng, do you know that back then, in Guan Yuan Dao, my junior kept repeating the same sentence you said back then."

"I must cultivate immortality," said Lin Mofeng who was kneeling on the ground tremblingly.

Qing Wu, who closed her eyes, said this, her eyelids were wrinkled and trembling, but she continued:

"Thousands of years ago, the Sanqing Sect experienced the greatest catastrophe since its founding. In that catastrophe, many masters and disciples of the Sanqing Sect were killed. I can still vividly remember the tragic scene. Back then, the Supreme Elder To kill demons, for the first time activated the power of the Taiji Diagram, and activated the Liangyi Mochen Great Formation Guardian Sect, one of the four great divine formations of heaven and earth."

"However, the Liangyi Mote Formation is a Heaven and Earth God Formation after all. To activate it, a peerless Sanxian must be sacrificed. The eyes of Yi Weichen's formation..."

"Hey... After thousands of years, I often think of the scene back then, Lin Mofeng, I have to say, you really look like Qingyuan, so, regardless of the strong opposition of the real master, I took you into the Town Demon Pavilion. Among them, I believe that I have no clear fog, let alone misjudged people, I believe in my vision."

"Today's matter, if you continue to entangle, it is meaningless. Hey, let's break up. But, Lin Mofeng, I want to hear you shout the oath of suppressing demons back then."

The heart-pounding voice reverberated continuously, constantly, constantly playing with the young man's struggling heart.

After a long time, a deafening shout resounded through the sky.

"The world of demons remains, and the world of demons punishes the heavens. Whenever I, Lin Mofeng, meet him, I will definitely arrest them and put them in the pot of suppressing demons."

"The world of demons remains, and the world of demons punishes the heavens. Whenever I, Lin Mofeng, meet him, I will definitely arrest them and put them in the pot of suppressing demons."

"The world of demons remains, and the world of demons punishes the heavens. Whenever I, Lin Mofeng, meet him, I will definitely arrest them and put them in the pot of suppressing demons."

"You must be caught in the demon suppressing pot, you must be caught in the demon suppressing pot..."

The voice kept roaring in the sky. Before he knew it, Lin Mofeng, who was still shouting like this, slowly shed tears. In fact, many people didn't know that his tears were not for today's events. Feng, I just don't understand, I really don't understand, the so-called "Tao" can only be obtained by slaughtering all demons and monsters in the world, splashing blood in the hands, and betting the sword with dead souls?Is that "Tao"? ...

No one answered him.

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