After some long-winded words from the head of Dao Kun, the competition in Group B officially started. The first one to play was Li Dazhu, a disciple of the Taiqing Sect, against Yu Qing, a disciple of the Yuqing Sect.

Amidst the shouts of the crowd, the chubby Li Dazhu trotted onto the stage, constantly showing excitement. When it comes to Taiqing Peak, besides Wang Xiaohu, the person Lin Mofeng is most familiar with is Li Dazhu, for the same reason. He has a very good relationship with Wang Xiaohu, and he often does some sneaky things with Wang Xiaohu. In the words of Master Lingbo, the two of them have the same zodiac sign, and they are both gluttons.

However, Li Dazhu is different from Wang Xiaohu in one thing, that is, this person's cultivation base is advanced and his aptitude is not bad, so he was cultivated by Lingbo's head teacher.

On the other side of the stage, a slender figure suddenly appeared, which surprised the disciples of the Three Sects even more. It was Yu Qing, the eighteenth junior sister of the Yuqing Sect. Occasionally, even in the past eight years, the disciples in the sect have rarely seen the disciples of the Yuqing Sect. However, Lin Mofeng has been in close contact with the Yuqing Sect in the past eight years. The reason is the same. Elder Ya sent a letter...

"Li Dazhu, a disciple of the Puritan Church, please, please enlighten me."

"Yuqing, a disciple of the Yuqing Sect, please enlighten Brother Li, hee hee"

The flames of war broke out, and Li Dazhu sacrificed his magic weapon cautiously. At first glance, everyone saw that it was a green pot the size of a pot, which made everyone in the audience burst into laughter, and even some disciples turned their heads. Waist...

But Lin Mofeng was shocked when he saw this. In the past eight years, Lin Mofeng has often seen Li Dazhu catch hares in the woods and cook meat with this pot on his back. Several times, Lin Mofeng couldn't resist the temptation to eat After a few bites, they all used this pot, but when they saw it today, what Lin Mofeng didn't expect was that this pot turned out to be a magic weapon...

"Hahaha, Lao Panzi, why are disciples so puritanical? The magic weapons are full of strange shapes. As expected, like a teacher, like a son, hahaha..." In the auspicious clouds, Elder Bi Ya deliberately stood next to Qingzhi laughed.

The words made the other elders smile slightly, but Ming Guzi sneered at Master Lingbo, showing disdain.

"What do you know? This magic weapon is called Juxian Pot. I refined it using many rare and precious materials. It is the magic weapon I am most satisfied with for hundreds of years," Master Lingbo laughed as he spoke. , stroking the mustache with his hand, said with satisfaction.

Everyone was silent, and then looked down.The duel between Li Dazhu and Yuqing was not as intense as everyone imagined, and even made people feel a little sleepy. The two of them didn't seem to be fighting at all, but seemed to be doing some fighting moves to fool the audience.

Many figures attacked with their swords, Li Dazhu dodged easily, and then Yuqing used the third layer of six Ding Qingyuan swordsmanship—Hundred Shadows to attack, Li Dazhu seemed to know it in advance, and hurriedly blocked it with an emerald green fairy pot on his head , like a hat, provoked another burst of laughter from the audience, and provoked Master Lingbo to tremble and roar again.

The disciples beside him had been whispering about the two of them, Lin Mofeng was curious and listened closely, and Lin Mofeng knew everything in an instant.

It turned out that Li Dazhu and Yuqing had already started admiring and flirting with each other a few months ago, but because of the school's rule that they are not allowed to form Taoist couples before the Mahayana period, they dare not make such a publicity , but these two people don't know that what they have done in the past few years has already spread throughout the Sanqing sect.

After tossing and turning, the battle between Li Dazhu and Yuqing finally came to an end amidst the insults from the disciples of the Three Religions, and Yuqing's junior sister deliberately got out of the game. The result was that Li Dazhu won, which really made people laugh and cry.

Looking at it, Lin Mofeng felt a little tired, so he sat on the floor and rested in front of the gossip table. Lin Mofeng didn't rest last night. Called to Fenglin in the back mountain, said some words that only the two of them knew, Elder Qingwu concluded that Lin Mofeng would definitely win the second group match, so he angrily shouted at Lin Mofeng when he was "choosing the ring". Be sure to choose your ring last.

Although Lin Mofeng didn't know why Elder Qingwu was so sure that he would win, and he didn't even know why he had to specifically tell him how to choose the ring, so Lin Mofeng agreed without thinking too much.

In the middle of the night, Lin Mofeng lay down on the highest peak of Taiqingfeng.

He couldn't sleep, for eight years, since the day he stepped into Zhenyao Pavilion, Lin Mofeng has been waiting for this day to come.

Under the starry night sky, looking at the shiny bronze family heirloom on his neck, Lin Mofeng couldn't help but giggled a few more times. The laughter remained the same, as if he had returned to eight years ago, in that dim In the shiny thatched house, in the 18 years of lies of the big dark man...

Lin Mofeng actually fell asleep with his back leaning against the gossip stone platform. After a long time, if Luo Yanxue hadn't rushed over and slapped Lin Mofeng in a panic, Lin Mofeng would have been scolded bloody by the elders again.

After being woken up by the beating, Lin Mofeng yelled several times in shock, only to realize that it was his turn to compete with Yueqi, and Yueqi had been waiting for Lin Mofeng on the stage for a long time. Only then did Lin Mofeng stand up in panic, seeing the admiring eyes of the surrounding disciples and the annoyed faces of the elders in Xiangyun, Lin Mofeng was so frightened that he rushed up to the stage without saying a word.

Elder Qingwu finally saw Lin Mofeng's figure, heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, and said to the head of Daokun:

"Dao Kun, Lin Mofeng has arrived, the martial arts competition can begin"

Elder Dao Kun smiled slightly after hearing this, and the heart-pounding voice spread again in Wendao Square:

"No. 20 three rounds, Zhenyao Pavilion disciple Lin Mofeng will face Yuqingjiao disciple Yueqi, starting now"

"Wow wow wow..."

The intense applause from the crowd made Lin Mofeng a little nervous. In fact, the reason why everyone applauded so loudly was for the same reason. They wanted to see what happened to the only disciple who had been accepted by Zhenyao Pavilion since the opening of the sect. What's the difference?

Of course, more disciples are the kind of people who are afraid of chaos in the world, and they are looking forward to Lin Mofeng's embarrassing face.

But even so, Lin Mofeng kept smiling and clapping his hands back. Then, Lin Mofeng clapped his hands to a young girl directly opposite and said:

"Lin Mofeng, a disciple of Zhenyao Pavilion, please enlighten me."

"Hmph, let me wait for you for so long, stop talking nonsense, and watch the trick." Suddenly, the young girl showed anger, and quickly drew out a vermilion soft sword that was as long as an arm, and stabbed towards Lin Mofeng quickly.

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