Burning Heaven

Chapter 86 Strength

Seeing the soft sword approaching swiftly, swishing like a entangled snake, Lin Mofeng dodged and yelled dissatisfiedly:

"Senior Sister Yueqi, don't be so angry, I didn't mean to be so slow on stage!!!"

Lin Mofeng said with a smile, but Yueqi didn't care about Lin Mofeng's words at all, the soft sword kept stabbing Lin Mofeng back and forth, it looked like Yueqi wanted to defeat Lin Mofeng.

Lin Mofeng used the Phantom Step, and kept dodging back and forth, causing the disciples in the audience to be disappointed, and some disciples even showed contempt in their eyes.

"Hmph, don't the disciples of the Zhenyao Pavilion just hide and hide?"

"That's right, I thought how powerful it was. I really don't know how could the Great Elder let such a person enter the Monster Town Pavilion?"

At this time, the audience began to chatter and chatter, all of them showed contempt for Lin Mofeng. In the crowd, Luo Haoyu in gray robe looked at Lin Mofeng who kept dodging in the stands, and said disdainfully:

"Hmph, this Lin Mofeng is the eldest disciple of Zhenyao Pavilion, such inferior strength really shames Zhenyao Pavilion, Yanxue, I really don't know what you like about him?"

Then a beautiful and small-eyed woman appeared behind Luo Haoyu, pouted and said:

"I don't know, I don't know, anyway, whenever I see him talking to other senior sisters, I get angry," Luo Yanxue pinched her waist, angry at Lin Mofeng who was always laughing with Yueqi on the stage.


"Elder, I heard that Lin Mofeng has made a lot of progress over the years, but compared with Yueqi who was in the early stage of her body, there is still a gap, haha!" Dao Kun said lightly.

"Hehehehe..." The First Elder didn't answer after hearing this, but just looked at Lin Mofeng who kept laughing.

"Senior sister Yueqi, Mo Feng doesn't want to hurt you, Mo Feng asks senior sister to stop fighting and get out of the game!!!" Lin Mofeng, who was dodging back and forth, said in a panic.

"Hmph, it's so ridiculous to speak wild words!!!"

After Yue Qi sneered and said, "Shua, Shua, Shua..." Three swords stabbed at Lin Mofeng again, and the sword's aura surged.

"Hahahaha..., does this kid have a fever? He can't beat Yueqi without saying anything, but he wants to get Yueqi out of the game. I'm really laughing to death, I'm laughing to death, ahhahaha..."

A tall and thin disciple in the crowd laughed loudly, and some disciples in the audience started cursing.

Lin Mofeng sighed when he saw this, and then, without further words, he quickly stopped his dodging body, his whole body glowed slightly, and he collapsed to a corner with a stride, his eyes suddenly fused, and his aura began to change rapidly. Three or two seconds later, Lin Mofeng rushed towards Yueqi.It was too late, it was so fast, the moment Lin Mofeng's figure rushed out, his right hand grabbed the void, and immediately the Fanxing Sword suddenly appeared, and after being grabbed by one of them, he slammed towards Yueqi.

With a "boom", the Fanxing Sword turned into a Changhong, piercing through nothingness in an instant at a faster speed than Lin Mofeng, and appeared directly in front of that Yueqi. He didn't react at all, he was startled suddenly, and quickly blocked it with a soft sword.


With a sound of "Boom", Yue Qi, who was wearing a blue Taoist robe, was instantly blown away.

"Whoosh..." Yueqi's figure flew out of the Eight Diagrams Platform like a bright shooting star. The disciples of the Three Sects were so frightened that they immediately gave way to a small path. Seeing this, Bai Fu, the eldest disciple of the Yuqing Sect, jumped into the air and hugged her, but even In this way, the two took a few steps back again and again.

Afterwards, Lin Mofeng, who was lying under the stage with guilt, bowed and said:

"I'm sorry, Senior Sister Yueqi..."

Silence, incomparable silence, even slight breathing in the square seemed to be audible. The many disciples who insulted Lin Mofeng before all looked at Lin Mofeng with expressions of disbelief, and swallowed hard Spit a few mouthfuls.

"This, this... this is impossible." In the audience, Luo Haoyu showed a shocked expression, and said in disbelief, it seemed that Lin Mofeng's blow just now had caused Luo Haoyu's mind to undergo an earth-shaking change.

"One blow, this..." In the auspicious clouds, Master Ming Guzi said tremblingly.

"Great Elder, how is this possible? Eight years? It took only eight years to reach such a state, allowing a brat to defeat Yue Qi who was in the early stage of her body with one move. Great Elder, this Lin Mofeng is simply... ..."

Along with Ming Guzi who said in shock, there was also the youthful head teacher Qingzhi.

"It's simply a miracle in heaven and earth? A miracle in heaven and earth!!! This, how is this possible? Great Elder, why can I feel his Dao Yuan, but why can't I see his cultivation?" At this time, the man who had closed his eyes for a long time Dao Kun, the head of the sect, suddenly opened his eyes at this moment, frowned and asked nervously to the elder.

After Daokun's head said so, all the head teachers closed their eyes one after another, and hurriedly used their spiritual sense to investigate, but this investigation didn't matter, and everyone was stunned for an instant.

"As expected, this, this, what is going on here? Who is he?..." Ming Guzi was completely shocked by Lin Mofeng at this moment.

It is not incomprehensible that the head teachers are so shocked, because if a cultivator wants to prevent his own realm from being discovered by others, either his own realm is higher than others, or he must rely on some magical medicine to temporarily Concealment, according to records, in the period of ancient gods and demons, there were several treasures of heaven and earth that could hide any aura, but at this point, looking at the entire cultivation world today, let alone anyone who has seen it, has never even heard of it .

Facing everyone's doubts, Great Elder Qingwu smiled faintly after hearing this, and said:

"Hehehe, fellow daoists, don't panic, I just let Lin Mofeng take an Obstacle God Pill." When everyone heard that it was an Obstacle God Pill, they secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but then, the head of Dao Kun said asked again:

"Great Elder, can you tell me what realm Lin Mofeng has reached?"

Elder Qingwu, who is not in the Gujing, said plainly:

"out of body"



All the elders and headmasters in Xiangyun gasped suddenly after hearing this, and even made Headmaster Lingbo take a few steps back in shock...

Amid the incomparably loud applause of many disciples, the head of Dao Kun announced the result of the competition, but Lin Mofeng had already left the stage just now, and no one knew where he ran to.

The helpless head of Daokun had no choice but to say a few short words before continuing to the next match.

After a while, Lin Mofeng, like a ghost, appeared in the audience watching the match, and covered his face with his hair, leaving only a pair of small black bright eyes to look at the stage.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the martial arts tournament was still in full swing. In the next few games, Lin Mofeng played one after another, and his profound strength also completely exploded, making this town that had been unknown for eight years The disciples of the Yao Pavilion are finally focusing on the Sanqing Sect at this time. They have sharpened their swords for eight years, just to fight for the day and night. In eight years, in just eight years, they have reached the late stage of out-of-the-body. Believe in this myth of genius, In the near future, it will spread throughout the cultivation world.

And Luo Haoyu with the sword on his back is not bad. Luo Haoyu shined brilliantly on the stage with a glowing wooden sword in his hand, causing all the elders and head teachers to praise him, especially his elegant figure and ruthless eyes , which caused many seniors and seniors of Yuqingjiao to scream in surprise, but Luo Haoyu remained calm, except for the opening remarks, he didn't say much at all.

On the other hand, Luo Yanxue found that ever since Luo Haoyu stepped down after defeating his opponent in every match, he had been looking at Lin Mofeng with worried eyes. As he watched, his left hand was constantly clenched around his waist On the Huanglong jade pendant, his left hand trembled.

Perhaps only Luo Yanxue could understand this situation in the entire Asking Square. She couldn't help but wipe away the tears welling up from the corners of her eyes with her white and tender hands...

The competition in Group B is coming to an end. There are only four disciples left in Group B who have not yet competed, Lin Mofeng, Ruxuan, Luo Haoyu, and Li Dazhu.

Later, after Lin Mofeng defeated Ruxuan with difficulty, the competition between Luo Haoyu and Li Dazhu officially started.

Everyone believed that Luo Haoyu was a peerless genius known to everyone in the Sanqing faction in recent years, but these were all before Lin Mofeng appeared on the stage. Today's battle will definitely end with Lin Mofeng and Luo Haoyu It is the focus of everyone's attention. One is Luo Haoyu, who has become famous in the Sanqing Sect in recent years and is called a peerless genius by the head of Dao Kun. The other is the Megatron Sanqing Sect, who suddenly emerged. The powerful dark horse Lin Mofeng, who is stronger and weaker of these two?No one can tell clearly.

Standing under the stage, Lin Mofeng was extremely excited and even uneasy. A voice kept ringing in his heart:

"As long as there is one battle, I will win, there is only one battle left, one battle..."

But when Lin Mofeng thought of this, suddenly there was a small hand on his back, and it suddenly patted Lin Mofeng on the shoulder. Lin Mofeng turned his head in a panic, and saw that it was Luo Yanxue.

"Rolling all over the floor for collection"

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