Burning Heaven

Chapter 87 Request

Seeing that it was Luo Yanxue, Lin Mofeng asked in a low voice:

"What's the matter, Yanxue?"

"Lin Mofeng, come with me, I have something to ask you,"

After Luo Yanxue finished speaking, without waiting for Lin Mofeng's answer, she pulled Lin Mofeng's long hair and ran back, causing Lin Mofeng to be in pain.

At this time, Luo Haoyu, who was fighting fiercely on the stage, saw it, although he was a little puzzled, he didn't care, and continued to confront Li Dazhu with his imposing swordsmanship.

The first stick of incense was about to be exhausted. At this time, Li Dazhu, who was slightly fat, was sweating profusely. Facing the fierce sword energy that was constantly galloping, Li Dazhu clenched his teeth, and kept putting the green pot on his head to resist desperately, but there was something faint about him. Invincible meaning.

Luo Yanxue, who was dressed in blue Taoist clothes, pulled Lin Mofeng to forcefully break through the crowd. Luo Yanxue's beauty was like a fairy descending to the earth, and her clear and translucent temperament provoked the surrounding disciples to tease her again and again, and more disciples , but looked at Lin Mofeng with vicious eyes, among them was Fenghua, a disciple of the Puritanism.

Afterwards, Lin Mofeng was forcibly pulled to the edge of Wenwen Square by Luo Yanxue, and then stopped, Lin Mofeng asked puzzledly:

"What are you doing, Yanxue?"

The tall and slender Luo Yanxue said hastily after hearing this:

"Lin Mofeng, I want to ask you one thing." After hearing this, Lin Mofeng breathed a sigh of relief, and said helplessly:

"Yanxue, how can you beg for help like this? Can you let go of my hair first, it hurts me to death!!!" Lin Mofeng deliberately said angrily.

Luo Yanxue hurriedly let go of her hands when she heard the fright, and pretended to be gentle and said:

"I'm sorry"

"What the hell is it? It's still so mysterious. I want to say it in advance. Lin Mofeng doesn't do other things between men and women!!!" Lin Mofeng smirked.

"Hmph, you think so beautifully" Luo Yanxue twisted Lin Mofeng's arm when she heard it, and Lin Mofeng couldn't help crying out in pain.

A few seconds later, Luo Yanxue lowered her head secretly, and stammered shyly with her small mouth:

"Lin Mofeng, that, that, I want to ask you one thing, I know you will definitely fight my brother soon, I was thinking, can you, can you..."

Luo Yanxue's voice became smaller and smaller, she clenched her fists tightly, and stuttered so much that she couldn't even utter the last few words.

Looking at Luo Yanxue who was struggling endlessly at this time, Lin Mofeng said impatiently:

"Yanxue, can you do something?" Lin Mofeng was no longer laughing at this moment, facing this topic, he actually felt a little uneasy.

Before Luo Yanxue could answer, in the distance, on the gossip stage, Li Dazhu in blue was instantly blown away. After falling to the ground, he immediately vomited a mouthful of blood and moaned in pain back and forth. It was obvious that Luo Haoyu It seemed that it hurt him badly.

Facing another burst of thunderous applause from the audience, Luo Haoyu smiled lightly, but then continued to look at Lin Mofeng in the distance with aloof eyes. Everyone knew that the next match would be the two personal final battle.

After simply announcing Luo Haoyu's results, head Dao Kun told the disciples of the Three Religions to take a break for a while. Two quarters of an hour later, the final battle of Group B will begin, and then head Dao Kun and the elders will start There was a lot of discussion, and they kept looking at Lin Mofeng.

As for Luo Haoyu, he soared to the top of the tall and mighty Youlong pillar, sat down without saying a word, looked up at the incomparably blue sky, and calmly took out a wine gourd from his bosom, Gently flicking off the cork, he began to drink happily. The evening glow and the setting sun, supported by a bit of weak wind, seemed quite comfortable.

In the distance, Luo Yanxue, who lowered her face, faltered and said to Lin Mofeng:

"Lin Mofeng, I can see that you are stronger than my brother, after a while, you, can you not beat my brother..."


"No !!!!"

Lin Mofeng said without even thinking about it, and after hearing that, he turned around and left, but Luo Yanxue walked forward quickly, grabbed Lin Mofeng's arm, and cried:

"Lin Mofeng, do you know? This martial arts tournament will affect my father's life, I beg you, please!!!" Luo Yanxue cried and said, her expression was completely different in the past.

With a sound of "shua", Lin Mofeng stopped abruptly, turned his head, and asked with a slightly confused expression:

"Yanxue, what did you say?"

Luo Yanxue resisted the pain in her heart and said:

"Our Luo Palace in Pingzhou has been proud to protect the royal family of the southern country for generations. My father, Luo Haotian, is a hero admired by thousands of people in the southern country - the great general of the southern country. He has done a lot of hard work, but the ambition of the emperor has never stopped day and night. Since the old emperor of the southern kingdom passed away and the new emperor ascended the throne eight years ago, the entire southern kingdom began to riot. The new emperor is extremely greedy for women. The licentious woman has plunged the entire southern country into dire straits, and the tyrant is cruel by nature, never managing politics, and even disregarding the people."

[Note: The vast land of Shenwu is vast. In today's world, the world is determined by the Kyushu, and the four kingdoms are established to divide the country. Among them, the southern country is one of the four kingdoms of the Shenwu land]

When Luo Yanxue said this, she paused slightly, and said angrily:

"The monarch of the Southern Kingdom listened to the licentious woman's rhetoric very much, and had no mind at all. In a rage, my father rushed into the palace while the night was dark, intending to kill the lewd woman, but he didn't expect that woman It turned out to be a man of infatuation, with profound practice, knocked down my father on the spot, and shouted loudly. When the tyrant heard the news and came, the lewd woman framed my father to moleste her, and the tyrant threw my father into the sky in a rage Prison, a lifetime of wisdom is ruined, and our Luo Palace has plummeted since then, and we have been bullied by others."

"Missing Sensation?" Lin Mofeng asked herself, frowning and thinking, as if she had never heard of this sect in her mind.

At this time, Luo Yanxue pursed her lips, looked at the blue sky, wiped away the tears that kept falling from the corners of her eyes with her blue lace sleeves, and said:

"I thought this matter would be over for now, but I didn't expect that dissolute woman to be so vicious, she secretly poisoned my mother to death, and finally sent someone to chase me and my brother. In order to escape for our lives, eight years ago, my brother He didn't hesitate to trek across mountains and rivers behind my back, and came to the Sanqing Sect to seek immortals and cultivate Taoism, Lin Mofeng, do you know? My mother's death has hit my brother hard. He has changed a lot. He was not like this before, really Not so."

"For eight years, my brother and I have dreamed that one day we can return to Pingzhou, enter the prison to rescue my father, and kill that vile woman to avenge my mother. Only a few years ago, my brother and I were able to travel down the mountain for a while. My brother and I have not practiced for 10 years, so the two of us can’t go down the mountain for revenge. Just a few months ago, my brother and I learned of the nightmare again. A few months later, my father wanted Being questioned and beheaded... In desperation, my brother begged Elder Yulan to go down the mountain early, but although Elder Yulan agreed, he made a request to my brother..."

[Note: The discipline of the Sanqing sect is strict, and all disciples who want to go down the mountain must obtain the consent of the chief deacon of the outer sect, Elder Yulan, before they can leave]

At this time, Luo Yanxue's tears were all over her face, making people look very pitiful, especially when Wang Xiaohu saw it, she stood up suddenly, and dragged her fat body to run quickly.

"Is the request for Luo Haoyu to win the championship of this year's Group B?"

The corner of Lin Mofeng's mouth twitched and said, after saying that, Lin Mofeng immediately turned around, and angrily walked towards the gossip platform, before turning around, he left a sentence:

"Luo Yanxue, for eight years, I, Lin Mofeng, have only been waiting for this day. Let me tell you, it's impossible!!!!"

Luo Yanxue looked at Lin Mofeng's leaving figure without saying a word, lowered her head and clenched her fists tightly. After a few seconds, Luo Yanxue clenched her teeth and couldn't help but yelled:

"Lin Mofeng, I know you are a good person, I beg you, please, I, Luo Yanxue, have only begged you in my life, as long as you promise me, what do you want me to do It doesn't matter, my mother is gone, I can't live without my father, I can't live without my father, oh...I can't live without my father..."

As Luo Yanxue was talking, she burst into tears, and slowly knelt down with her head in her arms, sobbing on her knees, and kept muttering to herself:

"I can't live without my father, I can't live without my father..."

These words startled Lin Mofeng, who was walking forward angrily, and stopped in place for a while. Lin Mofeng closed his eyes, sighed deeply, stabbed his nails into his thighs forcefully, gritted his teeth, and trembled all over his body. …………

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