Elder Yu Lan's hands were flooded, and he didn't stop after touching Lin Mofeng's strong chest. Instead, he put his hands on Lin Mofeng's body quickly, as if he was searching for something, Lin Mofeng was shocked. Feng yelled loudly:

"Five, fifth elder, what are you doing?" Lin Mofeng instantly took a few steps back.

Elder Yulan frowned, slightly puzzled, but still said with a low expression:

"Mo Feng, the elder just wanted to see how your injuries are doing, haha"

Elder Yulan laughed unnaturally. After speaking, he immediately walked in front of Lin Mofeng, ready to continue to explore. Suddenly, after a few seconds, Elder Yulan seemed to have touched something through his clothes. Elder Yulan immediately He stopped, and looked at Lin Mofeng in shock, his eyes began to change, revealing a vaguely fierce look.

But at this time, the door of Zhenyao Pavilion was suddenly opened again. Elder Yulan was startled, and immediately let go of her hands, looking out of the door with an angry face.

It was not someone else who pushed the door open, but Elder Bi Ya.

"Yulan, what are you still doing here? Didn't the Great Elder send a voice transmission to you and me just now, telling you to go to the Sanqing Hall quickly?" Elder Bi Ya shouted angrily after pushing the door open.

Elder Yulan narrowed her eyes, walked slowly towards Elder Bi Ya, and said:

"Bi Ya, I was looking for you in Zhenyao Pavilion. I didn't expect you to come at the right time. Hurry up, let's go to the Sanqing Hall together. The head and the elder are already waiting."

After Elder Yulan finished speaking expressionlessly, she walked up to Elder Bi Ya, smiled and nodded at Elder Bi Ya who was puzzled, and then turned into a streamer and flew towards the distant sky.

After seeing Yu Lan flying away, Elder Bi Ya was slightly puzzled, looked Lin Mo Feng up and down, and after looking at it, he shouted angrily:

"Good boy, Lin Mofeng, you didn't even say anything to this elder when you came back, hmph, do you no longer have this elder in your eyes? Is fifth elder more important than your master?" Elder Bi Ya's voice became more and more angry.

"Master, master, Mo Feng didn't dare, Mo Feng didn't dare, Mo Feng met the Great Elder just after he came back, and before he could say a few words to the Great Elder, the Fifth Elder came to Zhenyao Pavilion and said that the head of the sect would invite The First Elder went to the Sanqing Hall to discuss matters, and after the First Elder left, the Fifth Elder stayed behind, Master, you misunderstood, you misunderstood Mo Feng." Lin Mofeng hurriedly knelt down and explained.

In the past eight years, in the entire Zhenyao Pavilion, Lin Mofeng respected Elder Qingwu the most, and Elder Bi Ya besides that. give.

Although Elder Bi Ya often yells at Lin Mofeng, Lin Mofeng knows better than anyone else that Elder Bi Ya only loves to talk about it, but the love for Lin Mofeng in his heart is the elder of the Sanqing sect who is in charge Nothing compares.

Therefore, Lin Mofeng knelt down in front of Elder Bi Ya.

"Okay, boy, I won't talk to you anymore. Anyway, your master is very angry. In fact, I have been watching Yulan outside the door for a long time. I just opened the door because I saw that he was not normal. Mo Feng, but Yulan didn't seem to know that you have been to Yunxian Lake before, so that's good, Yunxian Lake is a top-secret forbidden place of our Sanqing Sect, and no one in the entire Sanqing Sect, except the elder Enter, but since it is the Supreme Elder who wants to give you the fusion spirit, who dares to say more? Mo Feng, you must not mention this matter to others. After all, the Supreme Elder has a great reputation. Mo Feng, I am going to Once you go to the Sanqing Hall, you will guard the Zhenyao Pavilion and wait for us to come back. If the elders do not expect it, we will definitely find you when we come back."

After Elder Bi Ya finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave.

Lin Mofeng, who was kneeling on the ground, immediately shouted:

"Yes, Mo Feng respectfully obeys the teaching of the master!!!"

Elder Bi Ya turned around with a smile on his face, took two steps forward, suddenly looked back at Lin Mofeng, pursed his lips and said happily:

"Boy, you are so lucky..."

With a sound of "shua", Elder Bi Ya immediately turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sky.

After a long time, the whole Zhenyao Pavilion was as quiet as night, but only the sound of Wuwu's snoring was different. In the corner of Zhenyao Pavilion, Lin Mofeng stood there blankly, with his head down, thinking of something, as if Reminiscing, seemed to be meditating again, after a while, Zhu Wu suddenly woke up, he was irritated by something, and he yelled in Zhenyao Pavilion, and then opened his bloody mouth to face Lin Mofeng Constant "humming".

It turned out that at this moment, Lin Mofeng's palm was dragging a small palm-sized lotus lamp. The small lamp was exquisite in jasper, and in the semicircular golden bead top of the base, especially the cluster of continuously burning lights in the lamp, it was even more strange. color.

Under Wu Wu's tyrannical roar, only Lin Mofeng's elongated sigh could be heard...

Taiqing Peak.

Inside the Sanqing Hall.

In the main hall with the wooden door closed, all the elders of the Sanqing sect gathered together, some were whispering, some were contemplative, such a scene is really rare.

Under the statue of Sanqing in the hall, the head of Dao Kun and the great elder Qingwu were looking at each other, as if they were talking about something, but after a while, the head of Dao Kun turned his head with a slight smile, and said to everyone in the audience A sentence:

"Hehe, there is no other intention for the elders and the head teachers to come here today. It is mainly to discuss the matter of the Southern Desolation Illusion. Everyone, the Qilin Sword is of great importance. Now it is very close to birth. Our Sanqing sect, It's time for the selectors to go to the Southern Desolate Illusion to find the Qilin Sword."

Suddenly, all the elders and head teachers in the audience fell silent, and the tall elder Yu Lan hurriedly stood up and asked:

"May I ask who is the Master Master planning to send to the Southern Wilderness Illusion?"

Daokun's head, Fochen, flicked away, walked forward slowly, and said:

"The illusion of the Southern Desolation has been one of the three forbidden places in the realm of comprehension since ancient times. The Southern Desolation is famous for its dangers and desolation, among which there are countless poisonous insects and miasma. It is rumored that the Southern Desolation is very mysterious and hides many descendants of the gods passed down from ancient times. Humans, of course, there are not a few ancient monsters among them, and most of the people who enter will end up with a narrow escape. Therefore, the people selected to enter the Southern Wilderness this time must be extremely tenacious people. The rules and the results of the martial arts tournament, just now, I had a preliminary discussion with the Great Elder, and decided to send these three people to the Southern Desolation Illusion to complete this task, they are: "

Elder Daokun said that he stopped here, and glanced at the teachers and elders standing below in turn, then said:

"Wu Yue, the chief disciple of the Puritan sect [later stage of distraction]."

Master Lingbo in the audience suddenly raised his head after hearing this, secretly delighted, it seemed that he had expected Wu Yue to be sent by the master.

Headmaster Daokun smiled slightly at Headmaster Lingbo, and then said to everyone:

"Southern Country Deacon Situ Changfeng [Later Fusion Stage]."

Elder Yulan immediately stepped forward to stop him after hearing this:

"Master, Changfeng is the number one deacon of the outer sect I sent. Since he came back from the Southern Desolation last time, he was sent to the Southern Kingdom as a deacon by the master. It has been 500 years since the last time. In the past 500 years, the southern kingdom has been in good weather. , the peace of the people, this is inseparable from the credit of Changfeng, especially in recent years, Changfeng has beheaded countless vicious demons, and the reputation of our Sanqing Sect has been greatly boosted in the southern country, and now the southern country is not stable , the real master wants to send Changfeng to the Southern Desolation Illusion to find the Qilin Sword. He said that Changfeng has been to the Southern Desolation Illusion last time, but according to Yulan's opinion, it is not suitable. Changfeng cannot ignore thousands of people in the Southern Kingdom. .”

Elder Yulan said with a gloomy expression, it seems that this disciple named Situ Changfeng holds a lot of weight in Elder Yulan's heart.

"Hahaha, Yulan, you are wrong this time. This time, Changfeng himself asked to go. The Great Elder and I have considered it for a long time, and we think that Changfeng is very suitable for this time due to his advanced cultivation and familiarity with the Southern Wilderness path. Leading the team to the Southern Desolation Illusion, Yulan, Changfeng has sent me a sound transmission, and he is waiting for others from the faction to join him in the southern country, so, Yulan, don’t have any opinions.”

When Elder Yulan heard this, his expression froze suddenly, as if he had thought of something, he suddenly became enlightened, and with a smirk, he said:

"Yes, Master, Yulan has no objection."

The head of Dao Kun took a deep breath after he finished speaking, turned his head to look at Elder Qingwu, and after looking at each other for a while, he suddenly said to everyone:

"The last person is Lin Mofeng, a disciple of Zhenyao Pavilion, who has reached the middle stage of distraction."

With a "boom", all the elders and the three head teachers in the audience seemed to lose their heads in an instant, their expressions froze and remained silent, only the teeth of head teacher Lingbo were trembling at this moment.

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