Burning Heaven

Chapter 96 Decision

"What? Headmaster, could it be said that Lin Mofeng has melted the Spirit Quenching Immortal Liquid?"

At the side, Master Qingzhi, who had been silent all this time, asked in shock, while Grand Master Yunchan, who was standing next to her, was smiling again and again.

"Master, this, this..." Headmaster Ming Guzi's jaw was shaking wildly at this moment, and it was obvious that his heart felt as uncomfortable as a knife.

At this time, the silent Great Elder Qingwu stretched out his hands to the crowd, signaling to be quiet. The Great Elder smiled and stroked his long white beard and said:

"Hehehe, fellow daoists, I know the importance of the Tempering Immortal Liquid to our Sanqing Sect, but fellow daoists, don't forget that the bottle of Tempering Immortal Liquid was given by the Supreme Elder."

When Great Elder Qingwu said the words "Elder Supreme", he deliberately lowered his voice, stared intently at the crowd below and said:

"Fellow daoists, Lin Mofeng's progress in cultivation over the past eight years has been phenomenal. It is not an exaggeration to say that our Sanqing Sect has been a peerless genius in the past thousand years. As we all know, this martial arts competition was originally supposed to be Lin Mofeng. What Mo Feng won, there was an accident in the end that turned the outcome upside down."

Just as Great Elder Qingwu said this, head teacher Ming Guzi suddenly stood up, cupped his hands at Great Elder Qingwu and said:

"Elder, Minggu has something to say!!!"

Everyone turned their heads and saw Headmaster Ming Guzi's face was very gloomy. It seemed that he really wanted to say something in his heart. After Great Elder Qingwu signaled his words and deeds, Headmaster Ming Guzi said impatiently:

"Great Elder, Ming Gu thinks that Lin Mofeng should not be the champion of Group B of this martial arts competition. All the elders were there that day, and they all saw with their own eyes that I sent my disciple Luo Haoyu to fight back with the Xuansha God Thunder. The result of Lin Mofeng, although my disciple Luo Haoyu decided to give Lin Mofeng the Quenching Immortal Liquid because of pity in the end, so the Great Elder, Ming Gu thinks that the Southern Wilderness Illusion should not be given by Lin Mofeng. Go, but send me, Luo Haoyu, to go."

Headmaster Ming Gu lowered his head and said, the corners of his mouth twitched continuously.

Quiet, after Ming Guzi finished speaking, the Sanqing Hall was very quiet, no one dared to speak, only the clear and crisp wind chimes outside the hall could make it appear less awkward.

Headmaster Ming Gu still didn't dare to raise his head, maybe he wouldn't raise his head until the Great Elder answered, which shows how important Luo Haoyu is to Headmaster Ming Guzi's heart.

Elder Yulan's eyes rolled wildly, staring at the expression of Great Elder Qingwu all the time.

After a while, everyone saw that the body of Great Elder Qingwu began to tremble slightly. Elder Yulan yelled inwardly that it was not good. It was too late to say it, but the corners of Great Elder Qingwu's mouth twitched suddenly, and his right hand quickly glowed, "Shut up!" " With a sound, it was a terrifying palm push to the head teacher Ming Guzi.

With a sound of "Boom", Master Ming Guzi was instantly blown away by this terrifying force. There were waves of fluctuations in the air, and the next second later, Master Ming Guzi fell down in the center of the hall. And rolled back a few times, at this moment, Great Elder Qingwu began to drink violently:

"Hmph! Bastard!!! Mingu, do you really think that this elder doesn't know about it? That day Luo Haoyu secretly took the Xuanyuan Tenglong Pill to cast the Xuansha Divine Thunder. Humph, Mingu, I didn't want to mention it to you. This matter, but you are still so entangled today, as the headmaster of the dignified school, you let the disciples use such indecent methods, I think you are getting more and more confused as you get older, hmph!!!"

Everyone was surprised after hearing this, and quickly turned their heads to look at Headmaster Minggu who was half lying on the ground.

Elder Qingwu flicked his sleeves, ready to teach Ming Gu a lesson again, but was quickly stopped by the real master, and hurriedly said:

"Great Elder, please calm down." After Dao Kun finished speaking, he turned to Master Minggu and asked angrily:

"Ming Gu, is what the Great Elder said true?"

Headmaster Ming Guzi rolled on the ground a few times and then got up, but his hair was a little messy. It could be seen that the Great Elder hadn't done anything cruel. Ming Guzi was in a panic at this time. The cold sweat continued, and Elder Yulan looked nervous, but seeing Elder Yulan's eyes deliberately avoiding, Master Minggu clenched his fists angrily, and said in a low voice helplessly:

"Yes, Master..."

"You!!!..." Headmaster Dao Kun was also very angry after hearing this, pointing at Headmaster Minggu with trembling fingers.

"Minggu, I don't want to talk too much about you. Today, I asked all the fellow daoists to come to the Sanqing Hall to discuss the matter of the Qilin sword, but you are so nonsense. Hmph, let me get back to business, and I will ask all the fellow daoists. In other words, do fellow Taoists have any objections to the three people mentioned by the head and I just now?"

In the main hall, after listening to the elders, no one dared to speak. After a long time, Great Elder Qingwu said again:

"Since all fellow Taoists have no objections, then this matter is settled. At noon tomorrow, Wu Yue, a disciple of the Taiqing Sect, and Lin Mofeng, a disciple of the Zhenyao Pavilion, will leave for the Southern Wilderness Illusion. They will pass through the Southern Kingdom on the way. Now that the two of them meet, fellow Taoists, let’s end today’s discussion on this matter, please go back.”

After the Great Elder finished speaking, all the headmaster elders retreated one by one, especially the headmaster Minggu, who turned around and left, for fear that the Great Elder would be angry again, and then only the head of Dao Kun and Qing Elder Wu did not leave, Elder Daokun said to the elder after seeing that everyone had left:

"Great Elder, this trip to the Southern Wilderness must be very dangerous. After all, it used to be a prehistoric land in ancient times. Do you think Bi Ya should follow them to the Southern Wilderness?"

Great Elder Qingwu didn't seem to even think about it after hearing this, so he smiled and said:

"Dao Kun, don't you understand why I asked Lin Mofeng to go this time? Daokun, you and Bi Ya will soon have a catastrophe. After you leave, who will be the master? I The disciples of the Sanqing Sect are becoming more and more useless now, and there are only a handful of people who can take over your position as head!!"

After hearing this, the head of Dao Kun's eyes were slightly flooded, and the corners of his mouth were turned up, as if he had understood everything, and said:

"It turns out that the Great Elder wanted to use the trip to the Southern Wilderness to hone Lin Mofeng. Hehe, what the Great Elder said is very true. After all, Lin Mofeng has fused the Spirit Tempering Immortal Liquid that I sent. Clever, such a genius, if he doesn't dominate the cultivation world in the future, it will be an insult to the body of a fairy, hahaha..."

Great Elder Qingwu smiled slightly after hearing this, raised his sleeves and walked out of the main hall. When he reached the center of the hall, Great Elder Qingwu left a sentence:

"Dao Kun, you are wrong. What I borrowed was not the trip to the Southern Wilderness to hone Lin Mofeng, but the hand of Guiyi to train Lin Mofeng!!!"

After Great Elder Qingwu finished speaking, it turned into a stream of colorful light and rushed into the sky.

The wind chime is crisp, the sunset glows, and a light smoke drifts past, making the haggard figure of the head of Daokun in the hall even more ethereal...

In the evening of that day, Lin Mofeng learned that he was going to the Southern Desolate Illusion to search for the Qilin Sword tomorrow. Lin Mofeng was excited and uneasy. He was excited that he could finally go down the mountain to see Ouyang Ruohan again. What was uneasy?what is itEven Lin Mofeng himself couldn't explain it clearly, but he didn't know the reason, but he felt uneasy.

In the evening of that day, in Taiqing Peak, Luo Haoyu knelt down in front of Elder Yulan expressionlessly and asked to go down the mountain early. Luo Haoyu, who was covered in scars in the past, has recovered a lot after today, but only his chest The entangled white cloth is so dazzling, but even so, Elder Yulan kept beating and scolding Luo Haoyu who was kneeling in front of him. In the end, thanks to Master Minggu stopping him in time, Luo Haoyu was spared again. In a difficult situation, under the third intercession of Master Ming Gu, Elder Yulan finally agreed to let Luo Haoyu and Luo Yanxue go down the mountain ahead of schedule, with a deadline of one month, and they will go together with Lin Mofeng tomorrow.

After hearing this, Luo Haoyu, who was lying on the ground with a bruised nose and swollen face, finally laughed out, and fell asleep with a smile, or maybe passed out.

In the middle of the night that day, Great Elder Qingwu stood alone on the top of Taiqing Peak, staring at the biting cold wind, looking at a small bluestone sword the size of a palm in his hand, Great Elder Qingwu's eye circles were red, and he secretly said something :

"Guiyi, go all the way, Mo Feng will leave it to you..."

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