Burning Heaven

Chapter 97 Going Down the Mountain

The next morning.

The sun was shining and there were no clouds in the sky. Wendao Square in the early morning was a peaceful scene. A long-echoed bell sounded in the distance, making the entire Sanqing Hall even more solemn.

In the hall of Sanqing, the head teacher Sanfeng, the four elders, and the head of Dao Kun, who is wearing a gossip Taoist robe, are all gathered in the hall of Sanqing at this moment. Right in front of the head of Dao Kun, there is a dense crowd of Sanqing Send disciples, look carefully, it seems that there are no less than hundreds of disciples.

At this time, in the entire Sanqing Hall, there seemed to be an invisible serious atmosphere, which made the disciples of the Three Religions standing under the stage very nervous. In the entire spacious hall, there were only two people kneeling on the ground, facing the three Qing Tianzun's eyes were firm. One of these two people was Lin Mofeng who was dressed in white, and the other was Wu Yue, a disciple of Taiqing Peak who was dressed in green.

In the main hall, only Sect Master Dao Kun and Great Elder Qingwu stood in front of Lin Mofeng and Wu Yue, while the rest of them all stood under the stage, all facing the three god statues behind the real sect master without saying a word. Waiting for the opening words of the Master Master.

After a long time, the head of Daokun standing on the stage slowly woke up from the state of concentration, his deep eyes swept across the audience, and he stretched out his big hand and said:

"Everyone, I summoned everyone to the Sanqing Hall today. I think everyone already knows what I did, so I don't want to repeat it. Everyone, I think everyone knows the legend of the five strange treasures of the wild. Qilin Sword, the treasure of the Qionghua Sword Sect, will be born in the Southern Desolation Illusion in two months, and the Qilin Sword is one of the five prehistoric treasures, its terrifying power, everyone must have heard of it."

The head of Dao Kun said here, and the golden jade Buddha dust in his hand swept across the door of the palace, and the door was instantly closed, and he said:

"Everyone, the birth of the Qilin Sword this time is related to the position of our righteous immortal sect. This time, many hidden masters from the demon sect and demon ways will surely be drawn to snatch the Qilin Sword. For this reason, our Sanqing Sect must not let It has been less than two months since the unicorn sword was born with such rare treasures flowing into the hands of the Demon Sect and the Demon Dao. Yesterday, after discussions with many elders of our Sanqing Sect and the head teachers of the Three Sects, we decided to send the Taiqing Sect today. Wu Yue, a disciple of Feng, Lin Mofeng, a disciple of Zhenyao Pavilion, and Situ Changfeng, a deacon of the Southern Kingdom, went to the Southern Desolation Illusion to get back the Qilin Sword. .”

After Sect Leader Daokun finished speaking, he and Elder Qingwu stood aside slowly, and stared at the two people kneeling on the ground.

Lin Mofeng and Wu Yue got up immediately after hearing this, took a few steps forward, took three sandalwood incense sticks from the square table, lit them and immediately walked towards the three god statues, after the three sandalwood incense sticks stood firmly on the incense burner, Lin Mofeng and Wu Yue knelt together On the cattail mat, I bowed three times with words in my mouth.

At this time, the head of Dao Kun suddenly turned around, bowed to the tall and solemn three statues and said:

"Sir Sanqing, today my head, Dao Kun, swears on behalf of the Sanqing faction that we will never let the Qilin Sword, a rare treasure, fall into the hands of others. , Sanqing Shengshang, today I will send Wu Yue, a disciple of Taiqing Peak, Lin Mofeng, a disciple of Zhenyao Pavilion, and Situ Changfeng, a deacon of the Southern Kingdom, to the Southern Desolation Illusion to find the Qilin Sword. Send the disciples to go all the way smoothly, turn danger into good luck, and bring the Qilin Sword back to the Sanqing Sect safely and soundly as soon as possible."

Suddenly, the head of Dao Kun suddenly turned his head and shouted at the disciples of the three religions behind him:

"The disciples of the teaching obey the order and worship the Three Holy Ones with me"

As soon as the words fell, there was a "shua", and many disciples and elders in the audience all knelt down and neatly kowtowed three times to the statue of Sanqing to show their respect.

After the ceremony, Great Elder Qingwu turned over in the air, and came to Lin Mofeng and Wu Yue, pointed at Lin Mofeng and Wu Yue and said sternly:

"Wu Yue, a disciple of Taiqing Peak, and Lin Mofeng, a disciple of Zhenyao Pavilion, obey the order. This elder orders you to set off immediately to find the Qilin Sword in the Southern Wasteland Illusion. When you pass by the Southern Dragon State, you must crush this jade slip. After crushing, Situ Changfeng, the deacon of the Southern Kingdom, will definitely join you. Then you can go to the Southern Desolate Illusion together. Along the way, you will encounter many difficulties and dangers, are you ready?"

Great Elder Qingwu's eyes were like eagles, and with a wave of his big hand, a square jade slip quickly flew out of his cuff and landed in Wu Yue's hand.

"The disciple will not hesitate to die, and will definitely bring the Qilin sword back!!!!" Wu Yue and Lin Mofeng shouted at the same time, the voice seemed to be able to shatter the hall.

Elder Qingwu raised his head and smiled after hearing this, and instantly looked at Lin Mofeng and Wu Yue with an incomparably kind face, and said:

"Haha, good, good, good" said three good words in succession, Great Elder Qingwu suddenly stopped talking and laughing, but his expression instantly became serious and said:

"You must bring the Kirin Sword back, and it must not fall into the hands of others, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable. Alright, the ceremony is over, let's go quickly!!!"

After Great Elder Qingwu said, Lin Mofeng and Wu Yue quickly got up, turned around and bowed to the elders and the headmaster standing around them a few times.

Elder Bi Ya looked very proud, took a few steps forward, patted Lin Mofeng on the forehead, and cursed loudly:

"Hmph, brat, you're finally gone, I can finally be clean for a few days as a teacher, hahaha..."

After Elder Bi Ya finished laughing, he quickly turned around and left. The speed of his footsteps was completely different from the past, but Lin Mofeng was surprised to see that the moment Elder Bi Ya turned around, a stream of hot tears flowed from Elder Bi Ya's eyes. Seeing Elder Bi Ya's disappearing back, Lin Mofeng's eyes turned red, and he pursed his lips and trembled.

After a while, many disciples of the Sanqing Sect saw Lin Mofeng and Wu Yue off at Wendao Square. Among the many see-off disciples, Lin Mofeng looked left and right, but did not find Luo Haoyu and Luo Yanxue. After one or two days, Lin Mofeng found out that Luo Yanxue and Luo Haoyu had gone back down the mountain before dawn. Lin Mofeng's expression was gloomy after hearing this, and he just sighed slightly.

Before leaving, Elder Qingwu gave Lin Mofeng a small bluestone sword the size of a palm, and told Lin Mofeng that when he saw Guiyi Swordsman in the future, he must hand over the stone sword to Guiyi Swordsman , Lin Mofeng wanted to ask, but Elder Qingwu didn't answer Lin Mofeng, he just changed the topic and said: "Be sure to bring the Qilin sword back."

Afterwards, after Wang Xiaohu hugged Lin Mofeng tightly and howled, Lin Mofeng finally bid farewell to the Sanqing sect who had lived for eight years, stepped on the flying sword and flew towards Heishui City together with Wu Yue.


On the black iron Xuanyu stick, Wu Yue in a gray robe looked at Lin Mofeng suspiciously and asked:

"Junior Brother Mo Feng, why should we go to Heishui City first?"

On the side, Lin Mofeng, whose face was full of excitement, scratched his head slightly after hearing this, and said with panicked eyes:

"Brother Wu Yue, Mo Feng wants to, before leaving, go, go to my father's tomb to pay homage."

Hearing what Lin Mofeng said, the tall Wu Yue smiled slightly, and praised Lin Mofeng a little bit in her heart.

Seeing Wu Yue's praiseful eyes at this time, Lin Mofeng lowered his head slightly, and through the wind-shattered skirt, he could vaguely see a purple and delicate lotus, stuffed in the skirt.

This purple lotus was picked by Lin Mofeng after returning from Yunxian Lake that day...

The strong wind was still there, carrying two streamers of light that pierced through the sky, quickly disappearing into the sky.

Watching the two streamers fly by in the air.

In the distance, among the extremely chaotic mountain peaks, there are two figures standing beside a cliff at this moment, arguing:

"Brother, why can't we go to the southern country with Lin Mofeng and the others?"

"Yanxue, father's life is at stake now, we can't delay for a minute, Yanxue, don't be self-willed, hurry up and follow me."

"No, no, I won't, I'm going to find Lin Mofeng, I'm going, I'm going to the Southern Kingdom with him!!!"

A blue figure suddenly rose into the sky and followed Lin Mofeng and the others in the direction where they disappeared.

"Yanxue, Yanxue..."

A gray figure immediately followed closely behind...

〔It will be on the shelves soon, frantically looking for collections, a large number of plots are about to unfold, everyone will wait and see! ! ! ! ! 〕

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