Kaiyuan Merry

73, dust settled

() Being able to meet the current prime minister is really very beneficial news for Wang Wei. Although all of this is in his plan, he tried his best to express himself in front of Pei Yaoqing, but his ultimate goal was still for Song Jing.

However, during these two months, Wang Wei did not focus on the incident that took the conflict between him and Jiang Qing as a breakthrough point, but stayed with the injured Cui Yingluo inseparably. In a sense, this incident Cui Yingluo's injury also played a big part in making it so smooth.

Although his father, Cui Zhu, was not considered a high official position, he was still a court official of the fifth rank, and he was the head of the Boling Cui family in name. In addition, he belonged to that kind of Qingliu literati, the so-called The "publicly known elite" has a huge influence, which is of great help to Jiang Jiao's obedience and compromise, and the Cui family also benefits from this, which is compensation from the current prime minister.Cui Zhu is expected to go a step further in the officialdom, which is almost worth his years of hard work.

Jiang Qing's fate has also been decided, he has become an outcast of the Jiang family, because he has committed too many things, maybe everything is trivial in isolation, and it is aimed at the low-level people, but At this time, it was natural that "the prince broke the law and committed the same crime as the people". He was directly sentenced to exile, but because of this, the entire Jiang family was picked out.

Exile seems to be lighter than direct beheading, but in fact, people with poor health often die on the way to exile, like Jiang Qing, who has never suffered, and whose physical fitness is not very good because of his sound and color. The result is basically a dead end, or slow suicide on the road...

It can be seen from this that the fate of offending Wang Wei is so tragic. Wang Wei, the person who beat him up, has gained a good reputation. But everyone shouted and beat him, and almost several forces wanted him to die. The Jiang family wanted him to die, because after he died, there would be no witnesses, and the Jiang family would lose a time bomb. The Jiang family would not be afraid of the family This person is chilling, because Jiang Qing only has friendship with Jiang Jiao's son Jiang Qingchu, and the others are not very popular.

Song Jing also wanted him to die, because this not only gave the Cui family an explanation, but also further demonstrated his upright and strict official voice. After all, severely punishing the rich second-generation officials and so on is really popular among the people.

Wang Wei wanted him to die, the simplest reason was because of Cui Yingluo, but no one had discovered this, and he would not claim that he would take revenge for being so vengeful because of a woman.

Wei Zhi, who knew Wang Wei very well, even felt that Wang Wei might have set up this game a long time ago. Cui Yingluo was his easy move. Strong, because in a sense, Wang Wei's behavior of beating Jiang Qing and beheading BMW in the street is also a crime.

But in the end, no one mentioned this matter, because he took up a word of reason, and behind him was Pei Yaoqing, who was directly adjudicating the case. His nephew and future son-in-law are well-known in the literary world, and he sang with Wei Zhi, Cui Zongzhi, Cui Hao, Lu Xiang and others, and was supported by He Zhizhang, Zhang Xu, Wu Daozi and others. Such a huge The human network ensures that Wang Wei has nothing to do.

The role of false fame is reflected here, because Wang Wei is "justice" and firmly holds righteousness. Even if the Jiang family hates Wang Wei, they can only knock out their teeth and swallow it in their mouths. Just wait until the time of recovery, and then come back with fierce revenge, now is not the best time for revenge.

Wei Zhi saw the development of the whole matter in his eyes, and he really admired Wang Wei's previous predictions more and more. He even developed a kind of blind worship for Wang Wei. Under such circumstances, he naturally In front of Song Jing, he was full of praise for Wang Wei.

Song Jing knew Wei Zhi's high-sighted personality, and when he found that he praised Wang Wei so much, he naturally became curious about this young man. Pei Yaoqing also told Song Jing about Wang Wei's performance in this matter, He thinks this young man can help.

After two months of recuperation, Cui Yingluo finally returned to health. At that time, she fell to the ground and vomited blood, which made Wang Wei feel very distressed. Fortunately, Cui Yingluo seems to be fine now, which made Wang Wei feel relieved. .

Even though Wang Wei had a prejudice against Princess Yuzhen in his heart, and even felt that she had neurological problems, he still politely expressed his gratitude to Princess Yuzhen. After all, she did give Cui Yingluo the best medical treatment in the first place. Assure.

Although what he got was still the cynicism of Princess Yuzhen, and he once again asserted that Wang Wei would never pass the provincial test, but Wang Wei didn't take it to heart at all. He couldn't afford to argue too much with a woman. He didn't take it to heart, because he would see Song Jing soon, no matter how influential Princess Yuzhen was, she couldn't compare to Song Jing, an extremely personable minister.

It was September, and Chang'an County Magistrate Pei Yaoqing's reform of the household allocation and municipal laws went smoothly, and Wannian County was not behind at this time, so it can be seen that this is Yuan Qianyao's release of Song Jing by adapting to the wind. goodwill.

Song Jing's many decrees to eradicate long-standing abuses were finally carried out in an orderly manner. After Jiang Jiao was brought down, he took advantage of the general trend and directly deposed thousands of oblique officials (officials bought with money) in the capital, allowing many to rely on opportunism to gain power The people present were trembling, but no one dared to violate the majesty of the Prime Minister, because Song Jing was supported by the Holy One.

Next, Song Jing plans to weed out the proud "iron cavalry", ban and recycle counterfeit coins in the popular market, and adopt a system of employing officials based on their talents. However, these things are all thankless and offending. Jing still decided to go on without hesitation, this is his responsibility as the prime minister.

After dealing with the political affairs in hand, Song Jing finally took time to meet Wang Wei. After he knew that Wang Wei was preparing for the imperial examination next year, he quickly realized why Wang Wei tried his best to show his talents in front of Pei Yaoqing and Wei Zhi. Naturally, it is different from talent. Compared with those flashy things, Song Jing appreciates talented people more.

For Wang Wei's scheming, Song Jing didn't take it seriously. Although he is known as "upright and strict" and "iron and selfless", and some people even complained about his "hard heart", he is not rigid and sticks to rules. Reform, how can a prime minister who wants to get rid of long-standing abuses be rigid and pedantic.

Therefore, as long as Wang Wei really has the practical talents that Pei Yaoqing and Wei Zhi said, Song Jing would not mind helping Wang Wei in the imperial examination. His recommendation is just to help Wang Wei eliminate those variables and give Wang Wei an absolutely fair However, for Wang Wei, the probability of him passing the provincial test has been reduced to [-]%.

It is already the end of summer and early autumn, and even though the sun is shining today, it is no longer scorching hot. Wang Wei took the gift he carefully prepared and went to the Prime Minister's Mansion with Wei Zhi. He behaved very low-key, but still It has attracted the attention of many interested people.

But at this time, the role of reputation was revealed again. Almost no one thought that Wang Wei would get Song Jing's help in the imperial examination. The reasons were very obvious. , Would you write a recommendation letter for an outsider like Wang Wei?This is really impossible. The second is that Wang Wei himself has a noble character and disdains to follow the path of the rich and powerful. He thinks that he can pass the provincial examination safely with his talent.

These two very obvious reasons make Wang Wei no longer questioned by others, and Wang Wei's wonderful poems flow out from time to time, which has cultivated a large number of brain-dead fans, and they will spontaneously maintain Wang Wei's reputation.

In fact, many people are waiting to see Wang Wei's jokes, especially those who have experienced the shady scenes of the imperial examinations. No matter how talented people are, if they don't open up some channels, they will be tricked. Those who are jealous of Wang Wei's talent, and Guys who can't see other people's nobleness just wait for Wang Wei to fail the ranking, and then they beat the dog who is in the water.

These things have all been experienced by Wang Wei in history. He took part in the imperial examination with full confidence for the first time, but in the end he was given a blow. Naturally, he tried his best to pursue the path of Princess Yuzhen, but in the end he was played and played by others.

But today's Wang Wei has the opportunity to really make friends with real power factions like Pei Yaoqing and Song Jing, not just those talkative parties in the literary world. This is the opportunity for Wang Wei's success.

After entering the Xiangfu, we came to the garden full of plum trees, but the plum trees were not yet in bloom at this time, and the bare branches gave people a different kind of autumn.

Seeing these plum trees, Wang Wei couldn't help but feel certain that the gift he prepared today was related to plum blossoms. Wang Wei put a lot of thought into it, because this painting is based on Song Jing's famous "Ode on Plum Blossoms".

Song Jing is upright and upright, but he wrote the romantic and charming "Ode to Plum Blossoms".The preface of Pi rixiu's "Peach Blossom Fu" said that Song Jing "has a strong posture and a strong attitude, and he is suspicious of his hard heart, so he can't speak euphemistic words." Another song "Butterfly Love Flower" by Yue Ding said: "Walk the way Guangping's heart is like iron, and his poems are romantic, and he is full of worries." In fact, why can't people with "iron intestines and stone hearts" have the other side of "cifu romantic", especially to express their youthful feelings?

This "Ode to Plum Blossoms" was composed by Song Jing when he was 25 years old. He had just failed the imperial examination at that time, so he went to Dongchuan, Sichuan with his uncle, and stayed in the dormitory newly prepared by the government for entertaining guests.At that time, due to illness for several months, I sometimes went outside for a walk. I saw a plum blossom blooming and growing among the overgrown vegetation by a collapsed wall.He sighed and said: "This plum blossom grows out of place. Such outstanding talent is hidden by vegetation. How can it be recognized by people? If its steadfast nature does not change, it is advisable."

He was very touched, thinking that this flower simply symbolized himself, so he became interested and wrote "Ode to Plum Blossoms".


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