() In the early autumn, there was a gentle breeze in the plum grove pavilion, creating a peaceful and leisurely scene. In front of Song Jing was a picture of "Winter Plum Blossoms" painted by Wang Wei. The first thing he noticed was the painting. inscription--

If the husband Qiongying is decorated with snow, and the crimson calyx is covered with frost, he is called He Lang; Weeping in Jiuyi; Love the sun to make the sun clear, and the bright toad shines at night, like a god and man coming from a aunt; Another example is the green pearl falling from the building lightly.Half-open and half-closed, neither silent nor non-verbal, Wen Boxuezi, witnessing the existence of Dao; leaning down or looking up, laughing and angry, Dongguo Shunzi, understanding things upright.Either haggard like a spirit, or proud like a manqian, charming like a gentleman, or light like a flying swallow, with an orpiment tone, I have proposed it all over the place.

This is the most exciting section in "Ode to Plum Blossoms". It uses rhetoric of parallelism and metaphor to describe the characteristics of plum blossoms.

Just looking at Wang Wei's whole painting, the painting as a backdrop to the Fu fills in the gaps in this section, making people feel that the plum blossoms are indeed as written in this section of the Fu. From this we can see that Wang Wei's painting is of a high standard. , at least up to the top grade, his painting skills, under Wu Daozi's training, have begun to show everyone's demeanor.

Although Song Jing knew that Wang Wei's painting was to curry favor with him, he was still very happy. This kind of flattery was undoubtedly a kind of elegant flattery, which was very different from the vulgar flattery of villains. Song Jing, a prime minister who cares about his own official voice, likes this kind of elegant flattery very much.

And when Song Jing met Wang Wei, his first impression of Wang Wei was very good. From the usual greetings, it can be seen that Wang Wei is different from the calmness of ordinary young people. This is a young man who likes to make decisions before making moves. People with a keen sense of politics, Song Jing secretly appraised Wang Wei in his heart.

From this, thinking of Wang Weina's performance of rioting in the street, he can only secretly praise him. This guy is a natural politician and is very good at putting on a show. If Song Jing knew the word "actor king", he would definitely put this word in the On Wang Wei's head.

Even so, Song Jing does not reject people like Wang Wei under his command. After all, he has benefited from Wang Wei, and Wang Wei has a good relationship with Wei Zhi. It seems that Wang Wei is very likely to vote for him , This can be cultivated well. If Wang Wei is arranged to be a speech officer and censor in the future, the lethality will definitely be extraordinary.

The following painting by Wang Wei deepened Song Jing's affection for Wang Wei. Song Jing was also a literati. After becoming an official, he was diligent in government affairs, and gradually became unfamiliar with literary trails. Apart from writing some poems, he had almost no desire to start writing.

However, in Song Jing's heart, he still yearns to become that kind of great writer. This is the desire that all literati have, and Song Jing is not immune to it. But now he no longer has the leisure and leisure of his youth, so he is the most famous His most famous work should be this "Ode to Plum Blossoms".

Wang Wei painted "Ode to Plum Blossoms" and dedicated it to him, which can be said to have scratched Song Jing's itch. Song Jing loved plum blossoms very much, and he thought plum blossoms were the symbol of his character. Fearing hardships and dangers, the garden of this Xiangfu is full of plum trees. Every winter, it is a beautiful scene of thousands of plums blooming together.

Wang Wei gained Song Jing's favor in such a short period of time, which is not unrelated to his careful preparation before, but the most critical reason is that Wang Wei found a breaking point for Song Jing before.

"This painting is exquisitely written and has a profound artistic conception. It is really a rare masterpiece." Song Jing has tasted it for a long time and is not stingy with his own praise. Although he has seen many master-level works, considering Wang Wei's At this age, it is already very good to be able to draw such good quality paintings.

Wang Wei did not change his color because of Song Jing's praise, and still said very modestly: "If there is no Song Xianggong's "Ode to Plum Blossoms", it would be difficult for the younger generation to draw. , but the appearance of plum blossoms naturally appeared in my mind, and then I drew it according to the trend. The younger generation really loves Song Xianggong's "Ode to Plum Blossoms."

No matter whether Wang Wei is telling the truth or not, even if he knows that Wang Wei is deliberately complimenting him, Song Jing still feels very happy in his heart. After all, the current Wang Wei is not an unknown person, but a new generation of poets who are famous in Chang'an As long as he maintains the standard of poetry and prose, it will not be difficult to become the world's Wenzong in the future.

Who is most likely to go down in history?Some people think that he is a famous minister who governs the world, but in fact he should be a poet and sao guest. After going through the long river of history, looking back and comparing Wang Wei and Song Jing, there are definitely more people who know Wang Wei than Song Jing. Even at that time, Song Jing's reputation was comparable only to Yao Chong.

So a talented poet like Wang Wei's compliments to Song Jing made Song Jing very happy. Song Jing was not a greedy and lustful person. He devoted all his heart to revitalizing the country. I hope that I can go down in history without a trace of stain.

In this way, we can understand why Song Jing is called "hard-hearted". If "hard-hearted" can be exchanged for the reputation of being upright after death, so what if he keeps being hard-hearted?

Famous ministers, besides the political ambitions in their hearts, what they care most about is naturally their reputation after death.

So, if he could be praised by a talented poet like Wang Wei, his reputation would be even better?

After talking about literature and art with two young men, Wang Wei and Wei Zhi, Song Jing finally shifted the topic to officialdom. He first asked Wei Zhi curiously about Wang Wei's previous "prophecy".

Wei Zhi actually mentioned it in front of Song Jing a long time ago. Since Song Jing asked again this time, he naturally said it again. Song Jing smiled and listened, but secretly observed Wang Wei's expression, and saw that Wang Wei was still calm. Comfy and extremely calm, he can only admire that this Wang Mojie is really young and mature.

According to Wei Zhi's words, Song Jing found out some omissions, and made some general points, such as telling the two people why Jiang Jiao would be released directly to the countryside instead of being promoted in the open. If it goes up, it is a posthumous gift specially given to ministers after death. If Jiang Jiao really goes up, it means that he has no chance to recover.

However, Jiang Jiao chose to return to the countryside at this time, which was a good move. It can be said that it is a step back. Once Song Jing retreats, Jiang Jiao is very likely to recover.

Wei Zhi worriedly asked Jiang Jiao if he would counterattack after recovering, but Song Jing just smiled and turned his eyes to Wang Wei, with encouragement in his eyes.

Wang Wei knew that this was Song Jing's exam. He thought that Song Jing must have considered Jiang Jiao's response after recovery, and he was not happy to figure out how to answer Song Jing's question in order to make Song Jing happy. in terms of ideas.

First of all, Wang Wei felt that the goal of Jiang Jiao's recovery in the future must be to enter the political affairs hall. As long as he is a minister, he should have ambitions, but there will definitely be people who don't want Jiang Jiao to enter, because there are only so many seats in the political affairs hall. The prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty were not comparable to those of the Song Dynasty. The Privy Council of the Political Affairs Hall had a total of more than a dozen prime ministers, and the prime ministers of the Tang Dynasty did not exceed five. Generally speaking, there were two prime ministers, left and right.

There are more monks than meat, and in the process of Song Jing's retirement, he, the former prime minister, is also qualified to suggest candidates for the next team, just like Yao Chong did at the beginning. Although Li Longji has the final decision-making power, but for Song Jing For a highly respected prime minister like Jing, he couldn't completely ignore his opinion.

Therefore, it is very difficult for Jiang Jiao to enter the political affairs hall, and if he fails in the process of seeking the prime minister, what awaits him will be a tragic ending, and because Jiang Jiao has a period of dormancy, during this period, his influence His strength will definitely decline, while his competitors will naturally do the opposite. Under the balance of one another, the possibility of Jiang Jiao finally being able to enter the Political Affairs Hall is less than [-]%.

"So, Yin Qing, I don't think you need to be afraid of Jiang Jiao's backlash. After all, this person's talents are limited. No matter how much His Majesty favors him, he will not let him enter the political affairs hall." Wang Wei finally came to a conclusion.

Wang Wei's analysis can be said to be simple and easy to understand. Let alone Wei Zhi, even Song Jing felt that this young man was too smart.

Once this matter was over, the topic finally reached the place Wang Wei was looking forward to. Of course, it was next year's imperial examination. Song Jing told Wang Wei all his experience and experience of the imperial examination without reservation. The younger generation with great development potential has received the meaning of his subordinates.

Perhaps at this time, it is really unclear whether Wang Wei has the talent for practical work, but in terms of vision and scheming, he is really a leader. Powerful, if you can't be a down-to-earth person like Pei Yaoqing, you can also be a "talker", become a "publicly known elite", criticize current affairs when you have nothing to do, and then play with literati gatherings to strengthen your power of public opinion and discourse.Song Jing is very optimistic about Wang Wei's development in terms of gossip.

Naturally, Wang Wei listened patiently to Song Jing's memories of the past, but he hoped that Song Jing would write a letter of recommendation quickly. With this letter, everything would be fine. How could he need his old man's experience in imperial examinations...

"Since Thirteen Lang, you are preparing for the imperial examination next year, then show me the papers you want to pass?" Song Jing stroked his beard with a majestic expression, but if other students heard this at this time, they would definitely be extremely excited Yes, if you want to testify, who would dare to testify against this stern and selfless prime minister?

But at this time Song Jing took the initiative to read Wang Wei's work!This is a very lucky thing for a scholar who is taking the exam!


Wang Wei was not prepared for this at all. While he was in a daze, he quickly used his brain to think about what to do...


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