[025 The third lady is vicious and ready]

Li Tianren took the lead, seeing a carriage with three people, he glanced at Tianliang who was wearing a skirt, and said coldly: "Some people don't care about their reputation, just as a shame, but they don't know etiquette at all, country people Ordinary, it's simply vulgar and ugly, but in fact they cannot sit together, it's disgusting!"

"What I'm talking about is that some people are no longer worthy of the surname Li. Riding in the same carriage is simply an insult to our identities."

Li Tianzhen replied, and gave Li Tianliang a hard look, remembering that he retched after taking the so-called antidote for a day, if it wasn't for Li Taiyi who happened to come to the house to visit his father, he would continue to eat the disgusting mud pills, and he vomited so much that he wished he couldn't do it now Go teach her a lesson.

But she dared not.

She is not sure about Li Tianliang's strength.

In addition, there is always a strong and fierce aura exuding from this woman for no reason, so that every time she is looked at, she will feel a sense of sympathy and don't dare to act rashly.

"Will the two of you be intimidated by each other when you see each other every day?"

Tianliang suddenly said, with a flat tone, "The woman looks like the scene of a car accident, and the man seems to have not evolved. I didn't expect that now, he can't even speak the most basic human words. However, this is not the case. Your fault is only to blame for your aunt not being able to reincarnate you. After all, what kind of sons and daughters are there, what kind of mothers are there, and what they make is not a virtue. Second sister, fourth brother, you say, don’t you? "

In one sentence, everyone in the big room was scolded.

The servants and grooms of the Li family beside the carriage sighed secretly——

Miss San's words are really vicious and prepared!

After Tianliang finished speaking, without waiting for the two people to respond, he frowned, jumped into the carriage neatly, and ordered in a low voice, "You all heard that the second lady and the fourth young master do not want to take this carriage, let's set off. Enter the palace."

The groom gave a low voice and waved his long whip.

The horseshoes sounded, the wheels rolled, and they rushed away, raising a cloud of dust.

The cold wind blew, rolled up a few leaves, made several circles in front of the two people in front of the door, and floated into the distance...

Li Tianzhen and Li Tianren, who had been stunned and hadn't reflected the deep meaning of Tianliang's words, suddenly realized——

They were tricked by that woman again and left alive!

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

The banquet for monarchs and ministers is held in the Phoenix Garden of the Imperial Palace.

Tianliang walked to the gate of the palace, jumped off the horse, put down the hem of the palace dress, and walked forward slowly, admiring the ancient scenery by the way.

The founding monarch of Xifeng was a woman, so when building the imperial palace, the emphasis was on elegance and elegance rather than grandeur.

In the imperial palace, the halls are lined up with glazed jade roofs, and the palaces are row upon row, with high and low levels, and the flowing colors and brilliance are solemn and solemn.The road is paved with blue stones, and there are flowers and green brocades beside the palace road. Walking like this between the eaves and the plank road, you can see the broken flowers on the high wall in the distance falling with the wind, and you will be greeted with a cold fragrance before you know it.


Thank you dear satisuil for giving silent flowers and red envelopes ^_^

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