[254 Chiguoguo's Revenge ([-])]

Facing Tianliang's begging eyes, Mr. Qi Da, as if he didn't see him, raised his hand to pick up the green tea on the stone table, took a sip slowly, his face was extremely calm and unmarked...

Ignore it openly, shameless in disguise!Tianliang endured his exhaustion, and twitched the corner of his mouth, "Sir, if you really die... I will..."

"That's it?" Mr. Qi was very familiar with this tone pattern, so he turned to look at her, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Tianliang understood what it meant.She stared at him, silently cursing in her heart...Monsters, that's how they force people to confess.

"I just..." Tianliang curled her lips, unwilling to whisper: "...don't like you anymore..."

As she spoke, she hooked her head, reached out her hand silently, and grabbed the corner of his clothes.

Obviously, the same sentence was changed from a threat to a plea by her, and she...had no face to see Jiang Dong's elders from now on.

Mr. Qi finally smiled gently and was satisfied when he saw the little hand tangled up and down on his clothes.

He grabbed her hand, first sealed several acupoints on her body, then took out a transparent and fragrant pill from his bosom, gently fed it to her lips with his own hands, and then stuck it on her with the light in the palm of his hand. chest—

Tianliang stared at his hand, only daring to blush, not daring to speak.In order for her blood not to continue to flow, she can only continue to be worthless.

But this light is indeed effective, like Qi Xuan's people, it has a relaxing and comfortable warmth.

Within a short while, a layer of black mist floated strangely from the skin of her arms, and when it came into contact with the light in Qi Xuan's palm, it turned into clear smoke and disappeared...

At least, Mr. Qi did not deceive her.When Tianliang felt her fatigue disappear, she breathed out lightly. When she raised her eyes, she happened to see Qi Xuan holding a handkerchief to wipe the blood on her skin.

He got too close, and all his breath fell on her face, the warm musk orchid fragrance, with a bit of fascination.

Tianliang's face became hot, he pulled the handkerchief, turned his face and said uncomfortably: "Don't bother me, sir, I will do it myself!"

Looking at her hasty expression and shy face, Mr. Qi couldn't help but smile a little more dotingly on his lips...Teasing her, such a look, this kind of expression will appear.This happy, angry and charming woman always makes people feel like a spring breeze, letting go of all cumbersome thoughts, and focusing on her wholeheartedly.

This is, what kind of special woman?

"Miss Li", looking at her, Qi Xuan slightly bent down and asked in a low voice, "Did I tell you?"

Tianliang stopped, "What?"

"I like that you like me."

Every word, slow and gentle.

Bang bang...everything is quiet.

Heartbeat, very clear.

The handkerchief, decorated with conspicuous red plum blossoms, fluttered in Miss Li's hand and fell.

Seeing her absent-minded appearance, Qi Xuan smiled, straightened up, and walked away with leisurely steps...

Tianliang woke up suddenly, and found that his movements were disordered, his speech was incoherent, and when he behaved very embarrassingly, he immediately gritted his teeth at someone's back, and angrily hammered the stone table to vent his anger.

What kind of reason is this, why does she always fail every time in front of this person, as if she is doomed to suffer...

What's going on, what's going on... Ahhhhhh!

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

After Tianliang went back to the house to tidy himself up and put on his clothes, it was time to eat, and Li Tianxiao didn't stay to eat, he came here to bid farewell to Tianliang and Xiao Baozi before taking a The people and horses went back to Li's mansion.

Before leaving, he even praised Mr. Qi to Tianliang, saying how good his character is, how high his talents and virtues are, and he even agreed to remove the mark of a sinner on his forehead. benefactor...

When Tian Liang looked at Li Tianxiao's meticulous compliments, he just nodded and didn't speak.

First, she didn't want Li Tianxiao to bring up the matter of marriage again. Although Li Tianxiao never revealed the fact that he was not Li Tianliang, this posture really hurt her as his own sister.

Second, looking at her elder brother's serious expression when talking about Mr. Qi, he completely regarded Mr. Qi as his brother-in-law.

Tianliang silently nodded repeatedly, feeling sad in his heart, big brother of the Li family, you are changing too fast.

This also shows more clearly that Mr. Qi's technique of bribing people is very clever, and he surrendered her strong backing casually.

After Li Tianxiao left, Tianliang felt that his abdomen was still cold, and because he lost a lot of blood today, he was really weak, so he didn't want to go out, so he ordered Qiuling to bring food to the house.

When Qiuling ordered people to serve the meal, they brought out specially made chicken soup, which was rich in color and full of fragrance. Qiuling brought it to Tianliang and specially asked: "Miss, Guiqi black chicken soup, the past few days Miss Bu's body suits her best."

Invigorating blood and Qi, good stuff, and it tastes good to drink.

After Tianliang drank three bowls, she felt her abdomen warming up, and her cold hands and feet regained strength. She smiled at Qiuling: "You girl, you are becoming more and more considerate."

"Miss, sir ordered me to endure it," Qiu Ling clarified, praising someone, with ambiguous eyes, "Mr. personally told me that miss's blood deficiency should be repaired with this... Sir is really considerate, even Miss is taking good care of her menstrual affairs..."

At that time, Tian Liang's blood surged up, and he drove Qiu Ling out with a wave of his hand.

The upwelling was clearly anger.

That person just now asked in a dignified manner, do I have anything to do with Miss Li?

Then, he started to confuse the audience for no apparent reason, as if he was close to her, knew more about her and cared about her...

Who knows whose fault it is that she bleeds so much? It's not because this evildoer took revenge and died after watching her bleed all over her body!

Evil fate!

Tianliang lay down on the table decadently, looking at the dazzling eyes outside the window, she suddenly felt... If she stayed with this man for the rest of her life, she would never be able to turn over.

She wants to calm down for a while, and to calm down, she must immediately, immediately, stay away from this monstrous Mr.Otherwise, she will be bullied crazy...

After thinking about it like this, Miss Li began to seriously consider how to ask the emperor for leave.

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