[253 Chiguoguo's Revenge ([-])]

Tianliang entered the gate of Luoyun Pavilion, saw Li Tianxiao was waiting for her, thought that he must have brought Feng Yi back, and asked about Tianliang, but Tian Xiao said: "Tianliang, dad is here."

"Father?" Tian Liang stopped walking and frowned, "What is he doing here?"

Li Tianxiao raised his eyebrows, "Today I went to Prajna Temple to pick up my mother, and seeing my father was there, he knew that my mother was soft-hearted, so he followed me after a few words."

It's not a bad thing for Li Yuanhang to come, but it won't be a good thing either. This old guy who looks like a blood-sucking leech will not let go of any chance to cling to his advantage.

Tianliang stopped talking, and walked quickly into the pavilion and waiting room with Li Tianxiao. As soon as he stepped through the door, he saw Li Yuanhang grabbing Feng Yi's hand and whispering something, his tone was very low, he couldn't hear the words, but he could It should be some flattering soft words.

"Father, mother, the weather is back." Li Tianxiao said, and stepped into the door.

Tianliang also nodded to Li Yuanhang and called his mother.

Li Yuanhang's complexion flashed, and he couldn't bear the ugly look at Tianliang's deliberate contempt for him. He got up and coughed, squinted his eyes and smiled: "Tianliang, father knows that you are the lucky star of our Li family, the most The promising one is now sealed as a general in one fell swoop, Guangzong Yaozu, Daddy loves you the most when he urinates, and Tian Xiao, both are good children of Daddy and Ayi..."

"What's the matter with dad today?" Tianliang didn't want to hear his flattery, so he sat down and asked indifferently, "Could it be that Li Tianzhen's marriage with the eldest son of the Cheng family has gone wrong, and he specially asked dad to come here to discuss it?"

Li Yuanhang's face changed slightly, but he still laughed, "Innocence is not a big deal, and people are not good at knowing people. How can you wait for a thief to judge you, how can you be worthy of my Li family! Dad came today to tell you to take your mother back to the house about..."

"Don't talk," Tianliang interrupted neatly, with disgust on his face, "Send my mother back to be bullied, I will not do such unfilial things."

Li Tianxiao took a look at Tian Liang, and sighed slightly: "Tian Liang, mother has already agreed."

Tian Liang paused, turned to look at Feng Yi, with a puzzled expression, "Mother?"

"It's cool, the master has no malicious intentions, he just tried to treat me better and make up for the regrets that have fallen over the years." Feng Yi softened her heart and whispered, "It's rare that the master doesn't mind my illness and is willing to take me back... "

Feng Yi's words made the sky feel cold, she said with a sullen face: "Mother, why do you want to go back and suffer?"

"Tianliang, a family, peace is the most important thing", Feng Yi sighed softly, "Your aunt has been waiting for your mother to take care of you all these years, I should go back to Li's mansion and do my best, besides, my mother is here because I am afraid that it will delay your work." For big things, my mother will take care of myself, don't worry about my mother, after all, I'm going home...

Feng Yi said earnestly that Li Yuanhang sat next to Feng Yi, bowed his head and said nothing, and looked up at Tian Liang from time to time, and Tian Liang had the aura of being in charge, and listened silently for a long time, frowning and agreed: " Okay mother, if you want to go back, I won't stop you, but you must never go back by yourself."

Feng Yi looked up, Li Tianxiao understood, and said: "It just so happens that the guard's residence is crowded, I will bring some people back to Li's residence with my mother."

Tianliang responded with a deep voice and nodded.

In fact, he was a little depressed, and felt worthless for Feng Yi's submissive temperament.

This Li Yuanhang is also an old fox. Knowing that she was appointed as a general, he took advantage of the momentum and captured Feng Yi with sweet words.Not to mention that the current salary of Li's mansion is not enough for the group of people in the big house to squander it. If this trend of being abandoned by her without power and no one is going on, then the mansion of General Li will exist in name only sooner or later.Instead, he will find himself reliable.

After Tianliang agreed, Li Tianxiao ordered to pack his soft bags, and brought people back that night.

Li Yuanhang went to cooperate with the command, leaving only Feng Yi and Tian Liang, Feng Yi was quiet for a while, then suddenly raised his head to look at Tian Liang, did not speak, just watched silently, his eyes were gentle, but with a bit of dissatisfaction untie.

"Mother stay and eat before leaving," Tianliang said.

Feng Yi shook her head, smiled softly, got up and paced in front of her, held her hand tightly, trembling, "Son, be well."

Tianliang didn't understand why she said this suddenly, but looked at her suspiciously.

"Tian Xiao, Tiannuan, everyone thought I didn't know anything, but the whole city knew about the incident of throwing into the river at that time, so how could I not know? Others don't say anything, but I know. My daughter, how is it?" How can I not know..." Feng Yi choked up a little, "the same face, but they are obviously two different people, my mother, I can't fail to recognize you, you are actually...not my daughter, right? ?”

Tianliang's chest trembled slightly, and he lowered his eyelids, looking at the tightly held hands of the two, without speaking.

"Son, no matter who you were in your last life, you can live a good life on her behalf. I... Mother... don't ask for anything else, as long as you are healthy and healthy, Mother will be at ease."

Feng Yi said, slowly let go of her hand, wiped away tears, lowered her head and walked slowly to the threshold, when she looked back, her complexion had returned to normal, and she smiled softly: "Mother won't keep any food, Make the peach cakes and leave them in your room, don’t forget to eat them.”

Tianliang's heart felt warm, and he nodded obediently, "Understood, mother."

Feng Yi went out, and went back to Li Mansion with Li Yuanhang first.

Tianliang walked out of the door slowly by himself, looked up and saw Qi Xuan with a disguised face saying goodbye to Li Tianxiao, while Li Tianxiao was speaking, he lifted half of his face that was always covered by his hair for the past two days , I can see the marks of sinners all over the face, which have been completely removed, and now there are only a circle of marks that are so faint that they cannot be seen, and only a circle of marks remains.

After Li Tianxiao cupped his fists at Qi Xuan to express his thanks, he turned around and continued to order to pack his things and prepare the carriage.

Tianliang sat in the gazebo, lying on the stone table, staring at Li Tianxiao's back in a daze.

Knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, Feng Yi already knew that the coldness of this day is not the coldness of that day, and Feng Yi has always believed in Buddhism and practiced Buddhism, so it is not surprising that he said the words of the previous life.In other words, after Li Tianxiao had a detailed discussion with Feng Yi this afternoon, he must have known that he was not Li Tianliang. After all, Li Tiannuan recognized her after just a few glances.

The fetters of blood relatives, that's all. Even if you change people without changing your face, you can still distinguish clearly. She thinks, this is why Jun Xiaobao believes that he is his mother at a glance...

Tianliang was thinking wildly, and there was someone sitting beside him.

Then, a calm voice rang in my ears, "General Li."

Once she came back to her senses, listening to his serious address and looking at her mentally retarded posture, she suddenly felt her ears burning red, as if she had been cleverly mocked by him.

"Sir", Tianliang was too lazy to change his posture, so he still lay on the table, just turned his head, raised his eyebrows and teased, "It seems to be very hot today, I don't know if it's hot, sir, do you need to reduce the fire? It can set fire."

At this time, Qi Xuan's face was neither dark nor angry, and his face was calm, he glanced at her and said: "Miss Li, you'd better lower your own fire first."

Tianliang was taken aback, only felt the heat coming from his nose, but he didn't realize that there were two streams of heat spurting out from just now, and the bright red blood flowed to his lips——

Startled, she quickly raised her sleeve to wipe it off.

But when he raised his hand, Qi Xuan grabbed his hand, and he reminded: "The blood contains toxins. This is because you were exposed to the poisonous gas for too long yesterday, and your body fell into symptoms."

It must have been exposed to the poisonous mist of Nan Zhongwei for too long. It was fine at the beginning, but now it has sequelae.

Tianliang watched the blood flow down his nostrils like pillars, and his heart ached to death.

She grabbed Mr. Qi's warrant and asked, "Sir, don't you think you should treat me immediately?"

Mr. Qi raised his brows, and the corners of his mouth were a bit unhappy, and he asked, "Why should I treat the girl, and what does the girl have to do with me?"

Tianliang was horrified, he didn't expect that this person who often selflessly healed his wounds would suddenly turn his face and deny anyone!

She looked at the man who grabbed her hand and didn't let it go, and let her nose bleed profusely. She was angry, angry!

This is revenge, Chi Guoguo's revenge!

This guy is not generous at all, this guy is still angry at all, this guy is obviously cold-blooded!

"Then let me die." Tianliang smashed the jar and stared at the man, "If you have the ability, don't treat him. Don't treat me for the rest of your life."

Qi Xuan tilted her head, "Girl, don't worry, this disease won't cause you to bleed to death, it will just cause you to bleed from under your nose every now and then, making you dizzy and making it difficult to stay in bed."

When Tianliang heard it, I was angry!

Then wouldn't she be a waste?

Tianliang stared at him, his eyes became rounder and rounder.

Mr. Qi suddenly twitched the corner of her mouth, and let out an alluring smile, "Miss Li has beautiful eyes, and Qi knows that."

It looks like a joke...

And the tone of voice that has nothing to do with it...

Tianliang wanted to go crazy, and in this situation, her nosebleeds were surging like a fountain and waterfall, dripping red plum blossoms in her newly worn clothes, competing to be enchanting.

She figured it out, when an expert is angry, she can't mess with it, and she can't make fun of it casually, especially, when something is attempted, she must never use it as a joke to satirize...

When Miss Li understood this truth, her mind started to go dizzy. She strained her eyelids to look at him, asking for help...

(Thanks to pro 13883967129 for donating silent red envelopes, and pro-Shuiyue 47 for presenting silent gold medals ^_^)

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