【228 Mask Man】

Feng Xiyun's eyes were gloomy and condensed, "I'm defeated! But I want to keep my oath with you! It's cool, let's go, come with me..."

Tian Liang didn't know what he was going to do, seeing him walking quickly while speaking suddenly, she immediately backed away.

Unexpectedly, Feng Xiyun pointed at Xuanguang, and rushed towards Tianliang at a crazy speed that was too fast to see clearly. In the blink of an eye, he strangled her neck, without giving her any time to breathe or use her martial energy. He dragged her to the edge of the cliff, laughed loudly, and jumped off the cliff while choking her.

Let him go.

It is said that people who die together can get closer by reincarnating in the next life. In this way, she can fulfill her wish of staying with you in this life and never leaving in the next life.

It's cool, look, how well I treat you...

She didn't expect Feng Xiyun to lose control so suddenly, the hands around his neck could suffocate him to death almost instantly, his nails pierce her skin, sinking into her flesh, a circle of bright red quickly appeared on his neck, The pierced skin also dripped with blood, surrounded by blue light, it was strange and enchanting.

Huo Wu gathered on her finger, the moment her pupils protruded and her eye sockets were painful to breathe, she raised her hand and slammed Feng Xiyun!

He was hit by her, and the flesh on his body burned, directly exposing his bones.

"I won't let go...until I die!"

A layer of black mist floated in Feng Xiyun's eyes, covering those pupils like dark clouds, "Hit, hit, you've hit me so many times, when will I fight back, so it's cold, stay with me Come on, go to hell with me..."

Fall, fall madly!

The cold wind at the bottom of the ten thousand zhang cliff rushed up from below, making people shiver and tremble all over.

But she couldn't feel the cold, the endless darkness and suffocation seemed to wrap her tightly.

Gathering all her strength, she used the most ruthless strokes again and again, hitting any part of the man's body.

There is a burning smell, with a burnt smell, which is the smell of burning flesh on Feng Xiyun's body, and it is extremely pungent in the wind.

Tianliang struggled to resist, but under the control of Feng Xiyun's desperate Xuanguang, she couldn't turn over and grab anything that could stop her from falling!

Almost unconscious.

There was a buzzing in her ears, and she heard her heart beating violently, as if it was the last crazy beating before it stopped.

It's familiar...is...the feeling before death...

Eyes tired, want to sleep.

She endured it, opened her eyes, and saw that Feng Xiyun's right half was almost burned into a skeleton by her.

He stared at her with wide eyes, his complexion was completely black, his eyes were lifeless, his pupils were filled with blackness, and his face was also full of perverted arrogance...

He is dead.

But under his command, Xuan Guang still didn't stop.

Just to restrain her and bring her to die together...

Damn, this man is really perverted!

She gathered all her strength and took a drink, the flames of both hands suddenly lit up, she gritted her teeth and struck in the middle, chopping off Feng Xiyun's hands with martial energy, breaking the suffocating blue light.

Tianliang looked down and saw that Feng Xiyun fell one step faster than her, and hit the rock, immediately smashing the burned bones of half of her body.


If she falls, she will die!Try to get up there!

A moment hangs in the balance.

Before she could think of how to soar into the sky without the help of strength, the wind around her suddenly stopped.

The falling body stopped at the same time.

Tianliang was stunned for a moment, and looked down at his feet—only to see himself floating in mid-air inexplicably, as if he was stepping on a cloud, and stabilized his body.

"Come up by yourself."

From the top of the cliff, came a gentle and peaceful male voice.

Obviously the voice is not loud and there are no ups and downs, but it seems to be able to spread throughout the entire cliff, and it can calm people's panic thoughts very calmly.

At this moment, Tianliang could exert strength on his feet, and with his toes, he stepped on the red light like a rising sun, and flew up. After a short time, he flew away from the cliff and landed on the land of the cliff.

When she hit the ground, she looked straight ahead.

On the high side of the mountain top, there is a person standing tall, his spirit is like moonlight, his face is like a crown of jade, his eyebrows are like ink paintings, his eyes are shimmering, and in the blink of an eye, clear frost flows down, and his shadow is startling.

An evildoer is an evildoer.

It doesn't matter if you change your appearance, but if you stand in any position, you are Fan Er, and you can easily fascinate a lot of people. Even if Miss Li has seen it many times, she still loses her mind every time.

Tianliang was weak, she couldn't move forward, so she fell down and sat down. She raised her head, wanting to speak, but unexpectedly, at the moment she raised her head, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a more shocking scene from the side.

On the other side of the cliff, there is also a man standing.

A man with a mask.

The man was surrounded by a layer of light, which was the blue and mysterious light that could be felt easily.

But all the light and color became stagnant, unable to function, stagnating around him, suppressing his actions, and becoming a kind of backlash.

This is Qi Xuan's move.

Borrowing the energy of Wuxuan to control the aura of all things, Lan Xuan was blocked before he could make a move, making people unable to move, otherwise, it would be like being hit by himself, and the gain would not be worth the loss.

Tianliang had never seen Qixuan fight before. In addition, when Heifengzhai restrained Jian Shaotang in the blink of an eye, he saw him attack twice. How did it come out.

What I saw was only the result. Mr. Qi had a calm face, but the result he could get easily.

This man, as expected of the name she gave him, is not a human being. The masked man in front of her is so strong that she dare not guess, but he is easy to control. Can this be made by a human?

Tianliang stood up, looked at the man on the opposite side, jumped up and jumped to the opposite side, getting closer and closer to the masked man.

The man stood upright in the blue and black light, watching her getting closer and closer, those gray eyes with sunken mask suddenly opened wide, and his body began to vibrate with increasing pain...

Tianliang walked halfway, and stopped, "It seems that you sensed Feng Xiyun's frantic profound breath, and came to save me who is useful to you, but unfortunately, my skills are not as good as others, so you were stopped."

He didn't speak, but stared at her with stagnant eyes.

"Answer me some questions, otherwise, I won't let you go." Tian Liang said.

With a pair of hateful eyes, the man glanced at Qi Xuan, then looked at Tian Liang with a complicated look, and closed his eyes.

"Are you from the Jun family?"

(Thanks to Qin Xixi, zjpjchl presented Momo’s gold medal, and Qinzaozao 1760 presented Momo’s red envelope, what (╯3╰)╮)

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