【229 Painful Name】

"Are you from the Jun family?"

Tian Liang asked.

The masked man closed his eyes and did not answer.

"Six years ago, what happened to me in Dongjing?"

He is still silent.

Tianliang frowned, and continued to ask: "What happened to me at Jun's house? Why did the Jun's family, who were hiding in the Fourth Prince's Mansion, have a letter with my birth date? I gave birth to a child. Do you know who the child's father is?" , and, where do you want to take me, why do you have to take me there, for what purpose?"

She asked a lot of questions in succession, but he didn't answer, but closed his eyes persistently and treated him indifferently.

Tianliang gritted his teeth, "I heard from Feng Xiyun, you can't get too close to me, otherwise, it will be extremely painful, if you persist..."

Her words were threatening, and she took a big step forward, getting closer to him.

The man suddenly felt as if he had been hit hard, and he let out a muffled grunt, and his hands that had been motionless suddenly clenched tightly.

Seeing this man's stubbornness, Tian Liang took a few strides forward and stood in front of him.

The man's body shook suddenly, his hands clacked, and a line of blood flowed out from under the mask.

Tianliang was still surprised, she didn't know that what Feng Xiyun said about not being close was actually so lethal.

"You answer me a question, and I will take a step back." Tianliang looked at the silver glitter mask and stared into his eyes, "Before that..."

In the middle of her words, her right hand suddenly raised, piercing through the layer of blue light, she concentrated on it, and took off his mask.

Tianliang's pupils constricted, his chest trembled, and he stopped in shock.

She thought that seeing this face, even if it was a face that didn't help memories, at least maybe, she could find something related to Jun Xiaobao in this man.

However, when she saw the face under the man's mask, she really held the mask in her hand and was stunned for several seconds before regaining her sanity.

This...how can it be called face...

This is not just a disfigurement covered in scars, the facial features on this face have been burned so thoroughly, it seems that the entire skin has been burned by the fire, pits and ravines, criss-crossing, ears, nose and mouth cannot be distinguished, only the eyes can see As far as those eyes, there is always a cloudy dark gray with deep hatred.

"Your face..." Tianliang couldn't help taking a step back, whispering, "How could it be..."

The corner of the man's mouth moved. There was still blood stains on the suspected chin. He seemed to be sneering, and seemed to be twitching. Because his facial features were unclear, he couldn't tell what movements this face was making.

"You still haven't changed, you like threatening people as much as before." He spoke.

His voice is very cold, with a special hoarseness. When he was hiding behind the mask, Tian Liang only felt that it sounded a little strange. Now, it can be seen that this is a clear and clear voice that was once burned by fire. And the sound formed.

This man must have experienced a fire, an inescapable, tragic fire.

And the person who set the fire is 80.00% likely to be her.

If so, he wouldn't have stared at her with such hatred in his blood from the first time he met her, and when facing her, he seemed to convey his resentment and heartbreak all the time.

But this sentence, Tianliang had to speculate a little more in his mind, how could he be said to be good at threatening people according to Li Tianliang's temperament in the past?

It was her, Lu Lan, who was good at threatening people.

When she was in a modern vegetative state, her diagnosis was not brain-dead. According to common sense, she should be conscious when she woke up again, not to mention having any clear memory when she was in a coma.

The reason why she really believed that she was dead at that time was because after the Diderot accident, she really left that world, plunged into darkness, and lost consciousness.And it seemed that she had been in a coma for a long time, and she suddenly realized that her friend was in trouble, so she suddenly woke up and went to Jack's headquarters.

So... don't tell me...

Tianliang shook hands, looked up at him again with this suspicion, and said in a low voice, "I ruined your face?"

The man's eyes froze, and hatred and grief intertwined in his eyes for a moment, making it complicated and difficult to guess.

Seeing that he was silent, Tianliang raised his hand, trying to put on the mask for him.

Unexpectedly, when he touched his face, he only felt him move violently, he got rid of Qi Xuan's fixed control technique and knelt on the ground, the blood vessels all over his body began to expand and overflow, as if they were about to burst out of the skin, bleeding out like.

Tianliang was startled, and immediately took a few steps back, getting a little further away from him.

She withdrew, and the strange situation on his body slowly disappeared.

"If you want to know about those questions just now," he picked up the mask, put it on his face again, and said indifferently, "On July [-]th, come to the East China Sea at the junction of Dongjing and Nanzhao to find me. I can answer all your questions."

Tianliang frowned, knowing that he knew that although he was in a weak position and was being oppressed by Qi Xuan, he understood her state of mind trying to figure out everything better, so he threatened her with this word.

She pursed her lips, and saw that under the sun, the man's firm skin appeared a little sluggish, as if he had suddenly turned from a prime of life to an old age, which was very weird.

The man raised his hands and sealed his main veins, looked at her with a sneer, and said sarcastically, "There are other men so soon? You...do you still remember Jun Wuxun?"

You can't find it.

Jun Wuxun...

no search...

When Tianliang heard these three words, his heart shrank suddenly, and it shrunk tightly into a ball, as if three sharp knives were pierced into his chest fiercely, dripping blood, and the pain was convulsive.

"Jun... Wuxun..."

She murmured unconsciously, and when she said a word, her chest hurt once, and when she said it a second time, there was an uproar of pain in her eyes, and two lines of clear tears flowed out, flowing into a gully.

Jun Wuxun, such a painful name.

It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.

Not to mention reading it out, even thinking about it made her tremble uncontrollably.

who is... who is he...

Tianliang couldn't remember, grabbed his head with both hands, trying to remember something, but in vain, there was nothing but the blood-stained pain.

Mr. Qi stood opposite, didn't step forward, didn't stop him, just stared at Tianliang's back without moving, his eyes that were usually calm like water, were a little darker than the ancient pool, dark and incomprehensible...

(Thank you, Cannonyun, for giving me the silent gold medal. My dear Chunzhen, I hope to give you a silent gift. Well, the gold medal is 120 yuan more, and I will give it to me after dinner at night^_^)

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