[230 Mr. Qi, I'm angry (gold medal plus update)]

Seeing Tianliang's sad expression, the man seemed very satisfied with the result, and sneered, "It seems that you haven't forgotten, if you can't even remember the father of the child, then you are the most heartless woman in the world, aren't you?" Is it?"

He raised his chin and said, "I want the man across from you to let me go, otherwise I will die in the sun, and you will never know about your problems."

Tianliang was still immersed in the pain. Hearing his words, he turned his head mechanically, glanced at Qi Xuan, opened his mouth, and wanted to speak, but because his mind was blank, he couldn't make a sound.

Qi Xuan's eyes moved, and the wind blew violently.

The cliff was controlled by powerful martial energy, and it completely returned to normal.

Once the masked man got rid of it, he quickly flew up into the sky with the blue light and left, only leaving a cold remark in the distant sky.

"Remember, July [-]th, Dongjing Beach, I'll be waiting for you."

Tianliang tried to get up weakly with his arms propped up, and turned his head to thank Qi Xuan, but before she could make that move, she fell limply...

I fell into the warm embrace of the fragrance.

Tianliang looked up, looked at the man who was always like the strongest backer protecting him, and called his name, "Qi Xuan..."

Qi Xuan didn't respond, and there was no superfluous expression on her stunning face, she just watched her silently and distantly like the vicissitudes of life...

"Qi Xuan..."

She clenched the corner of his clothes tightly, biting blood from her thin lips, "I..."

"do not Cry."

He spoke calmly, with a gentle tone.

The pair of clean lotus fingers slowly wiped away the tears from her face, "Don't cry in front of me, because of other men."

Tian Liang only felt the pain, and didn't know why she was crying, nor how to stop the tears.

She had never cried, let alone cried like this.

She has seen many women shed tears, and she always couldn't understand the sadness in her heart, but she didn't think that today, her tears were more turbulent and painful than anyone else...

"Miss Li."

Seeing that she was still crying, Mr. Qi called out suddenly, raised his hand and squeezed her chin, "I'm very unhappy right now."

That voice was still slow.

But in those eyes, there is clearly a thin anger that has never appeared before.

Tianliang looked at it and was stunned.

The tears stopped unconsciously, and the swirling tears shrank back into the eye sockets in surprise.

Mr. Qi...is angry.


Mr. Qi is actually angry.

She blinked her clear water eyes in puzzlement, looked at the somewhat unfamiliar Mr. Qi, was very fearless and courageous, and asked in a daze and ignorance: "Why...why?"


She could still ask these three words.

Qi Xuan saw that the tear stains on her face receded, and her eyes returned to the brilliance of the past, so it was rare that she didn't respond to the sarcasm, and she tightened her hands, letting her press against his chest, and asked, "What do you think?"

So, a certain girl really thought about it seriously.

She didn't have any movement to resist this embrace, and she didn't realize that because of the subtle influence of a certain gentleman's embrace every day, she has formed a subconscious feeling that this is the most comfortable embrace in the world, and sometimes she will subconsciously slip into this embrace at night... …

Tianliang thought about it for a moment, raised his head and said cautiously: "Could it be... is it because you didn't personally participate in such an action to capture the traitor, so you are unhappy?"

Then he took out a kit from his bosom, and said sincerely: "You left me with all the strategies, and I did everything according to what you wrote. You are a military adviser, and you have contributed the most. This time, I should thank you very much. "

What impressed her the most was that although Qi Xuan wrote briefly, she predicted the development of the situation very accurately, and also wrote down the countermeasures, which made her win so smoothly.

This man is not simple, but very simple.

In the past, so many people told her how powerful and amazing Qi Xuan was, etc., etc., but she never believed him, and only regarded him as a jobless vagabond.

This time he returned to Xifeng and stayed by her side all the time, finally let her understand, Mr. Qi, you are really a monster, a monster that can attract people's admiration.

Listening to her words, the husband felt impatient, "Will I care about this?"

Tianliang paused, fell silent, did not speak...

Xindao, it was you who came to save me by yourself, and you said you were unhappy for no reason, and asked me to say why, I am not a roundworm in your belly, so I don't know why!

"Did you forget everything you said last night?"

Tianliang was slandering, but Mr. Qi's words made her whole body tense up.

She shook her body, subconsciously opened her slender eyelashes, her pupils dilated and said nervously, "What did I say? What did I do?"

Seeing that she was nervous, he shook his head slightly and smiled to himself, helped her sit up and said: "There are five hundred elite soldiers from the palace chasing after ten miles away, you follow them into the palace."

It's cold, 囧, you should explain clearly what happened at night first!

She sat up and was silent for a while, thinking that she was still carrying the most important military talisman on her body, and said, "It's reasonable for the emperor to send so many people here. At this time, he should start to worry that this thing will be taken by anyone who doesn't trust me." It's in hand."

Qi Xuan's ink color was blotchy, and she fainted a layer of soft light, "I begged for something for you, just go as you go."

Tianliang blinked and didn't speak, Mr. Qi had already stood up slowly, standing on the edge of the cliff, his figure flashed, and disappeared like a fairy...

Although Tianliang didn't understand what he meant, he still smacked his tongue and said dissatisfiedly, "Just half a sentence, pretending to be a ghost!"

After a moment of silence, looking at the cliff, Tianliang's eyes became complicated.

Qi Xuan was a little bit angry, she could see it, why didn't she know at all?

She is not stupid, nor is she an idiot, she has said things that are not in line with his temperament, doesn't she know?

Don't cry for other men.

God knows, she didn't want to either.

Jun Wuxun...

Regarding this name, she didn't say anything, and Qi Xuan naturally wouldn't mention it.

Tianliang took a long breath, stood up and patted his clothes, turned around to face the direction where the masked man disappeared, frowning, and finally let go of the right hand that had been holding on to the corner of his clothes.

July [-]th... There is still some time.

To go, or not to go, she needs to seriously consider this matter.

(Thank you dear tytaoliu, Oooending for presenting silent flowers, thank you for the gold medals and gifts for your encouragement, dear ones, there is no less change today, so be proud! ~(≧▽≦)/~)

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