[232 Biting is worse than hitting]

Feng Aotian's eyes moved, he suddenly lowered his head, and grabbed her lips.

He tightly suffocated her with both arms, enveloping her with a strong and strong masculine breath, blocking the words without leaving a single gap, pressing her pink lips hard, and prying open her tightly closed lips with a little force , Invading, penetrating, unknowing, step by step, finally changing, a ball of fire came from her palm, and hit his chest hard...

Feng Ao was born to be hit, he let out a muffled grunt, left her lips, and stared at her from above, "This time, I didn't bite my lord, it was considered gentle."

Tianliang looked at the obvious palm print on his chest, wiped his lips and gave him a white look, "It's better to bite than to hit, you, the same moves will make you immune if you use them more often."

Feng Aotian raised his lips and smiled, "Don't worry, I don't want your answer right now."

Tianliang whitened him and said nothing.

Then why are you professing, what are you inciting, and you dare to kiss her again in full view, relying on... her dignity!

In front, the sound of hooves of horses and the footsteps of military orders suddenly sounded from the crowd.

Tianliang jumped off Feng Aotian's horse, stood on a high place and looked from afar, only to see a big flag waving in front, and roughly tens of thousands of elite soldiers, clattering their hooves, heading towards the imperial city in an orderly manner And he rushed over quickly, and the one who came forward was Jun Xiaobao, who was only five and a half years old!

As the army approached, the flag raised became more and more obvious. It was not a phoenix character army chess, but a big fierce character written on the red chess piece, making it dazzling.

Tianliang looked at Jun Xiaofeng, who was leading the troops forward, calm and undisturbed, and had the air of a general, couldn't help raising his lips and smiling, with admiration in his eyes.

This son is more and more in line with her various expectations, not bad, really good.

Feng Aotian sat on the horse, looked down, and couldn't help but smile a little more impatiently.

Carrying the banner of the Li family into the imperial city so blatantly and arrogantly, this kid's fearlessness is really similar to his mother.

Jun Xiaobao led the troops to the gate of the palace, ordered them all to stand still, waved his small hand to Tianliang, and shouted loudly, "Everything that mother told me is done!"

Tianliang smiled and raised his eyebrows.

In less than half a moment, the Nanzhao stragglers were eradicated, and then led to the imperial city. The speed was very fast, and the efficiency was very high.

"Baozi, wait for me here."

With a word, Tianliang turned to Feng Aotian and said, "My lord, it's time for me to go to the palace to face the Holy Spirit, so I bid farewell."

"Come with me", Feng Aotian looked down at her, "Father is in the bedroom, this king can take you there in person."


As soon as Tianliang's words came out, he jumped down and jumped into the imperial city.

She turned around, stuck out her tongue playfully at Feng Aotian, waved her hands, and walked quickly towards the Xifeng Emperor's bedroom.

Feng Aotian looked at his back, extremely depressed.

How much she didn't want to be with him, walking so fast, and showing such an obvious look of disdain.

Li Tianliang.

This woman never knew how to hide from him, and she didn't care whether he was a prince or a prince. Her words and deeds were always reckless and unrestrained, and even when she became arrogant, she had a strange aura.

Feng Aotian looked at the figure from behind, finally turned around, rode his horse down the tower, and galloped away into the distance.

Just now, he seemed to be rejected.

Then, he will give her an undeniable opportunity to see what the result will be.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

This time, Tianliang met Emperor Xifeng alone.

The moment she saw Emperor Xifeng, before she knelt down to see him, she was immediately surrounded by guards and arrested.

Tianliang didn't resist, and let them lead into the hall. Seeing Emperor Xifeng looking at her with a majestic expression, she understood the meaning of this move!

"Li Tianliang, are you guilty?" Xi Fenghuang held the teacup in his hand, took a sip slowly, and raised his eyes and asked.

Tianliang pretended to be dazed, "Going back to the emperor, the grass people don't know where their crimes lie."

"You are neither an official nor a general, but you dare to snatch a soldier's talisman without permission and privately order me to act for you with tens of thousands of troops. If so, is it not a crime?"

After Xifenghuang finished speaking, the teacup fell down, clanged, and said sharply: "If you haven't handed over the military amulet until now, and intend to merge privately, tell me, what should you do!"

Tianliang raised his eyebrows slightly, he didn't speak at first, looked at Emperor Xifeng for a moment, and smiled, "Your Majesty, Caomin still doesn't know what his crime is. Regarding the rebellion, Caomin completely followed the orders of the third prince and followed the plan of the third prince. Acting according to orders, the success of this rebellion is all due to the three princes' brilliant strategy and proper command. It has been handed over to the Third Prince, so you can cleanse yourself and leave empty-handed, Your Majesty, tell me again, what other crimes do I have?"

Hearing this, Emperor Xifeng raised his eyebrows, and his eyes became more appreciative, "What a eloquent woman!"

When she said this, it meant that both the punishment and the reward fell on his third son, so she pushed it off so that he would be clean.

Unexpectedly, she was moving so fast that she used the soldier talisman as a stepping stone for her three sons without anyone noticing.

Seeing Emperor Xifeng blowing his beard and staring at him, Tianliang immediately raised his lips and smiled, and walked him down the steps, "This... If the emperor doesn't like my temperament and my words, then he will reward me with a punishment, Caomin!" Open your mouth, although you can't change it, the least I like to suffer a little loss, but if the emperor doesn't like it, the grassroots will bear the guilt."

"Then tell me, what should I punish you for?"

Tianliang grinned, "The emperor hates my words, just gag me."

"Gag you?"

Hearing the words, the Emperor Xifeng saw her intelligent eyes, and thought that arguing with this woman would lead to no good results, so he said impatiently, "Okay, as you said, I will order ten imperial cooks to come to your Li family's house tonight." Make endless delicacies here, and shut your mouth!"

"The emperor is merciful, and the grassroots are punished." Tianliang kowtowed and replied.

Depressed in my heart——

You emperor, if I help you settle such a big event, you just reward me with a few tables of meals, aren't you being too stingy?

(Thanks to Cannonyun, joyjoy118 presented the silent gold medal ha, what ^_^)

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