【Level 233 First Class】

"A few days ago, I received a letter."

Emperor Xifeng suddenly said again, looking at Tianliang: "The letter mentioned that Xifeng will have a strange situation in the near future, and the royal family will be in great danger. It also mentioned that there is a genius in this martial arts move, who can prevent this catastrophe. I didn’t really believe in those words at the time to save Xifeng, so I wrote a letter and sent it back to the gentleman, and if the gentleman’s words are not accurate, he would be willing to serve Xifeng for three years, based on his faith.”

Tianliang paused for a moment, knowing that the person Xifenghuang was talking about was Qi Xuan.

"If it's right..." Emperor Xifeng turned his eyes and waved his hand.

The servant next to him immediately opened an imperial edict, and began to read at the top of his voice, "For heaven's sake, the emperor ordered that Li Tianliang, the third daughter of the Li family in the general's mansion, won the first place in any martial arts, and not a single soldier subdued the black wind." In the stronghold, destroy the rebels, kill Cheng Ce, brave, loyal, and a natural general, it is the gospel of Xifeng, I will give back one hundred thousand soldiers, and according to the rules of martial arts, I will specially designate him as a general of hussars , hereby!"

Tianliang was a little startled, looked up at Emperor Xifeng, raised his hand to accept the order, and thanked him.

When she came out of the hall, she looked at the edict, still a bit incredulous.

After Li Tianxiao won the first Martial Edict, she was only awarded the title of General Zhenjing of the fourth rank. She was finally promoted to the position of General within a year because of consecutive victories and no defeats. She is the first in Xifeng, and as the female general of Xifeng, she is also the first.

Mr. Qi actually used a bet to win her the position of general.

No wonder this person took so much effort to help her, just now he insisted on rushing back to the palace to say that he had begged for her, it turned out that Mr. Qi Da used it to bet, it was his own.

This Qi Xuan really knows how to make full use of her social status, and her level of negotiating conditions with people is top-notch.

"General Li."

As soon as Tianliang walked out of Xifeng's dormitory, he saw a servant coming, knelt respectfully, and presented the things in his hand, "The three kings specially ordered servants to deliver the things you left behind."

In that hand was the soldier talisman made by Wujin.

It seems that Feng Aotian knew about her little tricks a long time ago, and he saw through it at a glance, and believed that she had the ability to pass the test, so I made people wait here for the property to return to its original owner.

Tianliang took the sign and put it in his arms.

When the maid got up to leave, she was pulled over by Tianliang, her eyes were serious, and she asked with great concern, "When will the ten cooks in the imperial dining room arrive?"

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Tonight, Luoyun Pavilion is very lively.

The usually huge house was full of people sitting at this time. Tables and chairs were set up in the whole courtyard and on the bridge.

On this side, Jun Xiaobao has also returned, and was surrounded by a group of bandits asking about the broken Nanzhao stragglers. A group of people listened to the little baby's narration, and their facial expressions were all admiration.

Jian Shaotang, on the other hand, looked depressed. He stood in front of the man in the cloak and protested, "Why don't you go to the weapon workshop to pick someone up? She is a girl who has to run a workshop and go back and forth to Banruo Temple to take care of her mother. It's hard work." What happened! You have a place to eat and drink but leave others alone, why, why!"

The man in the cloak didn't raise his head, and said with a cold snort, "Because you're here."

"I was there before, brother Xiao, you didn't tell me to stay away from her for three miles!"

"At that time, Tian Liang hadn't told me that you were unreliable."

"Boss, you must be fair! Don't you understand my character?"

"My third sister is what she says."

When Brother Tian Xiao said this, Young Master Jian immediately became indignant, and shouted up to the sky, "It's not fair! It's not fair! This is Chiguoguo discrimination, discrimination..."

When Tianliang entered the door, what she saw was such a chaotic, noisy, but in fact very orderly and weird combination that belonged to bandits. As soon as she arrived, all the bandits stood up, and followed Jun Xiaobao's lead to shout , "Mother is back!"

The thieves then echoed respectfully, "Sister in charge, you're back!"

Li Tianxiao saw that there were several servants and imperial cooks from the palace behind her, so he didn't say a word, but nodded to Tianliang.

Seeing that the people behind him seemed to be quite frightened by this weird scene, Tian Liang turned around and said, "As long as you have enough food, enough alcohol, and full food, no one will hurt you, the kitchen is over there, just go there. "

After receiving the order, the servants and the imperial cooks hurriedly ran to the kitchen one by one...

Tianliang walked to Li Tianxiao's table and sat down, Jun Xiaobao also jumped over, and sat obediently beside her, waiting for his mother to announce the good news.

"The Li family has been rehabilitated. The emperor issued an order. Brother, you can pay for your punishment this time. As long as you leave Heifengzhai, all the sins of everyone here will be pardoned." Tianliang said so, raising his eyes and said, "Brother How about next?"

As soon as these words came out, the noisy surroundings instantly became quiet.

Li Tianxiao didn't answer. He was silent for a while, then raised his cloak, and asked in a low voice, "Tian Liang, do you want me to sacrifice my life again for the unjust court that once trapped me?"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone from behind immediately reprimanded loudly, "We are a group of thieves, thieves who rule the mountain as king, who wants to follow the group of people in the court to work for their lives!"

"We are used to being free and robbing, and it is not uncommon to follow others in fear and humiliation!"

"That's right, regardless of whether the court pardons or not, I still live in Heifengzhai, eat, drink and scatter, who cares about his pardon!"

Someone caught a glimpse of the black gold plate hanging on Tianliang's waist, and immediately raised his knife and shouted: "I said why did you lobby for the court? It turns out that the head sister, you have become a high-ranking official in the court, and you have also held military power!"

"Go back to the village! Don't eat this celebration banquet!"

"That's right, master, let's go! We will be thieves all our lives, and we will not be lackeys!"

"Sit down." Li Tianxiao raised his head and scolded coldly, "I'm asking her something. After listening to her answer, it's not too late to leave."

Jun Xiaobao glanced at his uncle, then at his mother, frowned, pursed his mouth, and remained silent.

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