【234 A tough family】

Tianliang got up slowly, looked around at the bandits, but said nothing.

After watching quietly for a long while, she walked forward and stood among the crowd, her voice was neither slow nor slow, and she reprimanded each sentence clearly.

"Well said, and you have the confidence to shout. You are used to being free and robbing, so let me ask you, is there any one of you who dares to marry a wife and have children? There are also those who abandon their families and children, and even go home. You don’t even have the courage, but how can anyone dare to go back to your home to meet your relatives, face your wife and children, and say solemnly, I will be a bandit for the rest of my life?”

"Aweful, groveling? That's the excuse the incompetent makes for himself when he's afraid to go forward."

"Working for the court? That's wrong. I tell you, a person is working for his life when he is alive! Being a bandit is likewise working for himself. If you think life is cheap, then you can only be called a traitor." Words, if you take it seriously, it is a movable type. No one will help you, some people live in the clouds, and some people live like dirt. This depends on your ambition, but also on whether you have the courage to go Make a choice, go for a challenge!"

After Tianliang finished speaking, he walked up to a table of people, stood in front of one person and asked, "Do you have anything you want?"

The man was startled, opened his mouth and replied unconsciously: "Yin... son."

Tian Liang turned his head to the other side, "What about you?"

"Female, female..."

She turned her head again, and when she saw Xiaoliuzi, before she could ask, Xiaoliuzi waved her hands in shock and replied, "I am very simple, I am, I just want to build a house in the village, marry a capable wife, and have two children." Doll, and then there is meat to eat every day..."

Tianliang suddenly turned his head, looked at the crowd and said loudly: "You want freedom! You want money! You want to be upright! You want to honor your ancestors! You want the chance to marry a wife and have children! Well, follow me, and I will give it all to you!"

Little Six trembled, "Follow...follow you?"

"When did I say I wanted you to follow the imperial court?" Tianliang smiled with bright eyes, "Follow me, you will be famous, profitable, and stable, and you will be able to add a layer of glory to your ancestor's surname, and let you Future generations will not always bear the name of bandit. There is only one chance, and only one choice. If you are willing, stay, and if you are not, I will not blame you! The three thousand guards of the Li family, who are in this position? want?!"

After the words fell, the reverberations shook and shook people's hearts!

Jian Shaotang was the first to jump out at this time, raised his hands and shouted: "The first, the young master is the first! I will always support the head sister!"

Jun Xiaobao rolled his eyes at Jian Shaotang, contemptuous in his heart, it's too obvious that you're flattering your sister-in-law.

Li Tianxiao got up at this time, took off his cloak, raised his head and said in a low voice, "Li Tianxiao, count as one."

Little Six raised his hand in time, "Count me in."

A group of people heard that the head of the family has followed, and that they follow the Li family instead of the court, and they have the stable life they have always longed for. They couldn't help raising their hands in groups and shouting, "Sister of the head, count me in!"

"I'm coming too!"

"I'm participating too!"

"Follow the head sister to make a lot of money!"

"Follow the head sister and have meat to eat!"

"Follow the head sister to marry a daughter-in-law!"

The corner of Tianliang's mouth twitched, and he shook his finger and said, "Daughter-in-law? Find it by yourself, I can't be so comprehensive."

"dinner time--!"

Qiu Ling yelled from the side, and said loudly: "Quan Xifeng's most precious and rare feast, the royal chefs have prepared it, shall I present it to you now?"

Bandits, oh no, the elite guards of the Li family immediately tapped their chopsticks excitedly, "Come up! Come up quickly!"

"I heard that rare banquets are something only emperors can eat!"

"Submit it quickly, let me taste it..."

Tianliang looked at this group of people who liked to boo and yell, shook his head impatiently, sat back, and thanked Li Tianxiao: "Thank you brother for understanding me, for giving me the opportunity to persuade, and for taking the opportunity to help me."

There was more tenderness on Li Tianxiao's tough man's face. He looked at his younger sister and said dotingly: "In the past, you had a physique that was unmatched by anyone, but you were stubborn and hidden. No one would listen to you. I have always hoped that you can make good use of your own abilities. Soaring to the sky, today, I finally saw signs, how can I be unhappy?"

Tianliang didn't say much, picked up the wine glass to toast, and said with a smile: "Brother, I haven't seen you in so many years, how about my drinking capacity?"

Li Tianxiao picked up an altar with his right hand and replied with a smile, "You know I love you the most. When you can't stand it, remember to remind me to show mercy."

"Brother, what you said is the opposite!"

With a bold word from Tianliang, he picked up a pot with one hand and raised his head to drink it. He drank it all in one gulp, put down the cup, his face remained unchanged, his expression remained unchanged, his smile was still smiling, and his eyes were full of sparkles.

Li Tianxiao did his part, and immediately raised the altar to drink.

A heroic wine fight, with the shouts of the onlookers, began...

Jian Shaotang looked at the two Li family members who were drinking boldly, shook his head and murmured to himself, "What kind of family is this! What kind of family!"

This woman is top-notch inciting ability, top-notch inspiring ability, top-notch intimidation ability, top-notch in fighting, and top-notch in drinking.

Anyway, Miss Tang's family hates men by nature and often ignores them. Now following this Lu, he has a premonition that life will be worse than death in the future!

The little bun seemed to sense Jian Shaotang's venomous gaze, and immediately jumped off the stool, ran to his side, patted his shoulder and said, "My fifth aunt said that she obeys my mother in everything, including marriage."

Jian Shaotang was furious, "You kid, did you come to hit me on purpose?"

"Oh, did you see all of this?" Xiao Baozi's face was like an angel, with a loving smile on his face, "You're not as stupid as my Fifth Aunt imagined!"

Jian Shaotang felt as if struck by lightning, his face turned pale, "Did she say I'm stupid, am I stupid?"

After the little bun twitched his face in ecstasy to show off his cuteness, he ran away on purpose.

Jian Shaotang was annoyed, can this kid run away without leaving a half-sentence!He's going to sleep all night tonight, and he can't sleep well at all!

Li family, what kind of tough are you, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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