Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

235 Confession After Drinking

[235 Confession after drinking]

When drinking, Tianliang seldom refuses others. In the past at the Lu family, when her brothers asked her for a toast, she always liked to accompany her. This is also one of the sources of her good drinking capacity.

In the past, she was rarely drunk, and never drunk for a thousand cups, which was not a fantasy for her at all, but since she traveled here, this Miss Li is not as tall as her, and her physical fitness is even worse, so she can drink naturally. It has been reduced a lot.

After drinking like this for more than an hour, she was drunk again, and she was still very drunk.

Li Tianxiao saw that his sister was starting to falter, so he got up to help her and said, "Go back to your room and rest, I'll take care of you here."

At this time Qiuling came, supported Tianliang and said: "Eldest Young Master, I will help Miss go back to her room."

Li Tianxiao nodded, and after Qiuling took Tianliang away, he found that the little bun in front of him had been drunk by someone, and the little bun who was sleeping on the belly of Jian Shaotang, who was also drunk and in a mess, strode forward and took him Picking it up, he reprimanded softly: "Little child, how dare you drink like an adult?"

He thought that Baozi was asleep, but when he spoke, the little baby's eyes opened, and he smiled at him flickeringly and said: "Uncle, don't accuse the good man, Baozi is not drunk."

Li Tianxiao frowned, "Then why don't you go back to your room and just stay here and sleep drunk?"

"I'm not uncle's subordinate, so I want Baozi to say good things to Fifth Aunt on his behalf, and even say that if I don't agree, I won't let me go!" Little Baozi rubbed his sleepy eyes, "I'm so tired. The only way is to sleep on his belly."

Hearing this, Li Tianxiao cast a cold glance at Jian Shaotang, just as he saw Young Master Jian hiccupping, turned around and hugged a bench leg and muttered, "Xiao Tiannuan..."

Young Master Li was suddenly furious, hugged the little bun and left with a cold snort——

This Jian Shaotang really became more and more like what the third sister said, useless and annoying, not worthy of his fifth sister!

Why didn't he realize before that this person surnamed Jane had bad intentions towards his little sister!

If this woman wants to marry his fifth sister, don't even think about it in her next life!

The little bun looked at the uncle's stinky face, and shook his head impatiently at the sleeping Jian Shaotang...

Young Master Jian, I'm just stating the facts. I didn't intend to make my uncle hate you even more.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

After Qiuling sent Tianliang back to her room, she helped her take off her coat and boots, and then carefully covered her with a bedding. After tidying up, she went to the table and blew on the lamp, closed the door softly, and left.

Miss Fang Li lay on the bed and slept for a while, subconsciously touched her side with her left hand, and after feeling for a while, she found that she was empty, sat up angrily, opened her drunken eyes and murmured dissatisfiedly, "What about people... ..."

She got off the couch crookedly, didn't wear boots on her feet, and searched in the house with bare feet and thin underwear——

"where is it?"

She yelled under the table, raised her hand and waved it. Seeing that it was empty, she got up and ran to the cabinet to open it.


The drunken Ms. Li rummaged through all the tables, chairs and cabinets in the room, but without finding the target, she opened the window with a dazed head, sat by the window, and looked at the disc-like moon hanging on the top of the attic. , Looking at the bright and bright moonlight like those eyes, I couldn't help being lost in a moment.

The moon is as bright as water.

She murmured in a low voice: "Things that are too beautiful are always very addictive."

Otherwise, why did she have a hallucination, and saw the man standing with his hands behind his back in the attic opposite the window, smiling lightly at her?

In the dimness, the eyes of that person are extraordinarily gentle and extraordinarily bright.

The sound of water has traces.

Tian Liang looked at him, his chest skipped a beat, his mind was blank for a while, only the face of this man remained.

She got up slowly, and stood in front of the window looking at this peerless and handsome man. Before he could make a sound, a slender figure jumped out of the window, jumped over the rippling water overflowing with light, and landed on the shallow water standing beside the long clothes. In the arms of the man in clothes.

Tianliang didn't expect that he could jump so accurately, nor did he expect that he would catch him without saying a word.

She looked up at him, her complexion became more flushed than usual, and she said in a low voice, "I didn't come to look for you."

He laughed: "Did anyone tell you not to blush when you say something duplicity, otherwise it won't be convincing."

"You are duplicity, your whole family is duplicity," Tian Liang puffed her lips, staring at him and replying.

At this time, Mr. Qi discovered a characteristic of Ms. Li, she was very unreasonable when she was drunk.

"Looking for me?"

Seeing that she was wearing thin clothes, he carried her back to the room from the window, put her on a soft step, looked down at her and asked her a question before getting up.

"No, I'm looking for a pillow." She continued to duplicity.

Seeing that he seemed to be leaving, she simply raised her hand and pulled him to sit on the soft couch. Regardless of his reaction, she lay down on his lap with the help of alcohol.

As soon as Mr. Qi's body moved slightly, she tightened her arms and hugged his waist even tighter. She closed her eyes, as if she was about to sleep in his arms.

"Miss Li, this is in the study," Mr. Qi reminded.

"I sleep wherever I like, this is my house!" She snorted coldly, hugged her tightly and said, "You are not allowed to go!"

The second characteristic of Miss Li is that when she is drunk, she looks like a rascal doll.

Qi Xuan asked with a smile in his eyes: "What if I leave?"

"Let's go, I don't like you anymore!" Tianliang raised his face, raised his finger and poked him on the chest, "Girl, I have liked a man in my life, do you dare to be disobedient?"

Is this Miss Li's drunken confession again?

"The only one." Qi Xuan said, putting one hand on her hair, "Can you guarantee that you are the only one?"

"I don't know Jun Wuxun..." she whispered, as if answering, as if raving.

Qi Xuan lowered her eyes, looked at the woman lying on her lap, straightened her silky hair, pursed her lips slightly, and said nothing.

"I didn't do it on purpose..." Tianliang lay on his lap, half-closed her eyes, and spoke in a low voice, a little drunken inarticulate, but it sounded very sincere, "I won't cry next time... promise... ...Mister Big...I promise..."

Mr. Qi's heart moved slightly, but his hands stopped moving.

(Thanks to my dear Mouse Love Coke, Simu Township, CHEN. JIANG for presenting silent gold medals, and dear karin1023 for presenting silent red envelopes and gifts, what ╭(╯3╰)╮)

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