Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

236 Dark Change in the Palace

[236 Dark Changes in the Palace]

Mr. Qi's heart moved slightly, but his hands stopped moving.

He looked at the woman with loose hair, wearing only unlined clothes but not a single bit of grudge lying on his body, his eyes were full of deep and serious eyes that did not often appear in his eyes.

This is such a woman who is as tough as steel, but also as delicate as a flower, decisive and enthusiastic, with a dazzling bloom.

When he first met, there was a strong magical power that made him fall into an unknown obsession.

So far, it made him feel possessive for the first time in his life.

"Li Tianliang."

Qi Xuan called her by her name.

She seemed to have a sense, closed her eyes and responded, raised her arms around his neck, and gave him a sweet kiss before good night, smashed her tongue, and said to herself contentedly, "It's very soft, very good...very soft." Aids sleep... Good night, sir."

Mr. Qi is impatient.

Mr. Qi never took advantage of others.

Under such circumstances, he had no choice but to withdraw his body, put her head on his chest, and after adjusting a comfortable posture for her, he slightly moved his left hand to cool off those hot thoughts in his head...

Mr. Qi has always been very calm and calm.

But when he looked down and saw her begonia-like crimson face, he still couldn't help lowering his head, and after she pressed a light kiss on the corner of her lips, his voice was unexpectedly hoarse, "Miss Li, next time, it will be better to be drunk." Reason."

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

"I can remember clearly, how should I say it, how should I say it, and how clearly should I say it?"

Concubine Zhen was dressed in fine attire, turned her head and asked the timid groom, frowned, and instructed again, "I will take you to see the emperor later, not someone else, so please don't make mistakes. Don't miss anything, you know?"

The groom shrank his head hurriedly and said, "The silver taels agreed..."

"It's only tens of thousands of taels of silver, will I not give it to you!" Concubine Zhen snorted coldly, and waved her long sleeves, "Follow me."

Walking out of the inner hall, a servant rushed over and whispered to Concubine Zhen, "Your Majesty, I have inquired about it. The Emperor is staying in the bedroom today. The concubine has not been summoned. The little one has already arranged for Eunuch Zheng to report. I want to come here for a while." The emperor should order the empress to serve you in bed..."

"elder sister!"

A loud female voice interrupted the waiter's whisper, causing Concubine Zhen and the groom to look at the person in front of the door, only to see Concubine Ning walking in a simple dress, with three or five entourages behind her, striding forward with a smile on her lips, Regardless of the obstruction, he walked in.

"Sister is all dressed up, where are you going?" Concubine Ning smiled at her, stepped over the threshold, and walked into the inner hall.

Seeing her coming uninvited, Concubine Zhen smiled back hypocritically and said coldly: "Sister is the one, why is this simple dress in my palace? Just barged in, but it’s too rude, isn’t it?”

"My sister heard that the emperor was not feeling well today, so I just went to the bedroom to see it. It happened that Eunuch Zheng wanted to report something about your sister's desire to see you, but I blocked it! The emperor has already rested, and he will not see anyone again tonight." , I am here to send a message to you, sister." Concubine Ning said with a smile, glanced around the room, and fixed her eyes on the person behind Concubine Zhen, "Huh? When is this little servant here? The face is very strange, which father-in-law did you follow first?"

The groom panicked, and hurriedly knelt down, "Go back, go back to your mother, little one..."

"Young one? Did you enter my sister's palace without knowing the etiquette in the palace? In the palace, you have to call yourself a slave, don't you understand?" Concubine Ning spoke slowly and looked at him coldly. After one glance, he took a step forward, stared at him and said, "What should I say, you seem familiar."

Concubine Zhen raised her eyebrows when she heard the words, hummed softly and said in a low voice: "My sister has very good eyesight, can you still recognize people from many years ago?"

"I know it. Naturally I know it." Concubine Ning winked at the three or four attendants while speaking, and the smile on the corner of her mouth deepened, "If so, I wouldn't come here, sister said, right?"

Concubine Zhen turned her head to say something, but saw that the tall wooden door of her bedroom was closed tightly by those servants with a bang, and the servant and several maids were also arrested one after another and ordered to kneel in the corner lie down.

She panicked suddenly, and retreated, "You...what do you want to do..."

Concubine Ning put away her smile, walked beside the stool, and sat down, "The Shen family is gone, Cheng Ce is ruined, this is an extra-court affair, it has nothing to do with my sister and me, the duty of us harem people, Just serve the emperor well, but sister, why do you want to stir up trouble and seek death for yourself?"

Concubine Zhen stood still, raised her finger and said angrily, "Concubine Ning, this is my palace, you must not be presumptuous!"

"Do you still remember the fire in my palace that disturbed the holy car?" Concubine Ning sneered, "I never do useless things. You said it well, how could there be a fire? Of course, someone has to talk back, and I will It’s better to explain to the emperor!”

Concubine Zhen had already guessed what she was going to do, her face changed and she ran towards the vermilion wooden door, raising her hand to knock on the door for help.

Concubine Ning's expression froze, an attendant stepped forward and immediately grabbed Concubine Zhen and covered her mouth.

"You... dare to... rebel... you rebelled..." Concubine Zhen hesitated and struggled, but it was in vain under the master of martial arts.

Concubine Ning poured a cup of tea for herself, turned her head to ask the groom who had already been paralyzed by fright, and asked, "Do you recognize me?"

"I know, I know..." The groom huddled, looked up at Concubine Ning's expression, and shook his head quickly, "I don't remember, I don't remember, I haven't seen you, I haven't seen you now, I haven't seen you before... ..."

When Concubine Ning heard these words, the teacup in her hand shattered with a snap, and she raised her hand to throw it away. The fragment was full of martial spirit, and hit the groom's Adam's apple impartially.

One trick, understand life.

Concubine Zhen was horrified, beads of sweat dripped down her cheeks, " actually secretly practiced martial arts..."

"After entering the harem, it is necessary to prohibit the cultivation of martial arts. Of course I know this rule." Concubine Ning pulled a cold smile on her thin lips, "But it is not easy to gain a foothold in this harem. It is very difficult to kill people invisible. Useful weapon, isn't it?"

(Thank you for thinking of you every day for giving me a silent big red envelope. Well, it’s a new month. For those who have gold medals, feel free to smash me, and add more motivation! ╭(╯[-]╰)╮)

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