【2 What did you do? 】

Concubine Ning smiled coldly on her thin lips, "But it is not easy to establish a foothold in this harem. It is a very useful weapon to kill people invisible, isn't it?"

Concubine Zhen broke free from the confinement at this time, pointed at her and shouted, "Don't think I don't know, you once..."

Before she finished speaking, blood suddenly overflowed from the corner of Concubine Zhen's mouth.

"How dare you poison me..." Concubine Zhen shook her body a few times, clutched her belly, and fell down with her eyes open.

Do not look down.

Seeing this, several servants and maids widened their eyes in fear, and no one dared to say anything.

As soon as Concubine Ning's eyes moved, those attendants stepped forward, sealed the acupuncture point to stop her words and movements, and lowered her head to report: "Your Majesty, are you punished with poison like Concubine Zhen?"

"Seal the big acupoint, tie it up, and feed the medicine to seal the throat, don't let anyone escape."

Concubine Ning ordered, glanced down at the kneeling servant and court lady, shook her head and sighed, "Don't blame me for being cruel, just blame it, you followed the wrong master."

After finishing speaking, he opened the door and walked out of the inner hall, ordered the door to be closed tightly, acting as usual, walking at a moderate pace, and left with his attendants.

At night, a big fire broke out in Yichun Palace, burning to death a total of [-] concubines Zhen and the maids in the palace, none of whom were missed.

Concubine Ning wrote a tear-stained paper overnight, and knelt in front of Xifeng Emperor's bedroom in the middle of the night, tears streaming down her cheeks.

Emperor Xifeng was awakened by this incident and asked Concubine Ning.

"Back to the emperor, Concubine Zhen and Prime Minister Shen have actually colluded for a long time. The concubine found out that the person who set fire to the palace the day before yesterday was concubine Zhen who sent people to tamper with it. Go to tell me that the evidence of the crime has been found, and only say that my sister is just lost for a while, and I will intercede for her tomorrow. Unexpectedly, the concubine had just left for less than two hours, and the concubine Zhen felt ashamed, set fire to the Yichun Palace, and committed suicide in fear of crime , is the fault of the concubine, if the concubine handles it properly, this tragedy will not happen in the harem..."

Concubine Ning cried pear blossoms with rain, she could not kneel for a long time, and she prostrated herself in front of the palace gate, uttering guilt one after another.

Emperor Xifeng had already had a grudge against Concubine Zhen because of the matter of Shen Xiang, and he had no intention of raising a sign to order her to sleep in the future, but now seeing that Concubine Ning, who has always been reasonable, blamed herself for this, she sighed and said pitifully: "Love Concubine, this is the concubine Zhen's own fault, I will send someone to deal with the fire quickly, you don't have to blame yourself too much, the night is cold and dewy, get up quickly, and follow me into the palace..."

Hearing this, Concubine Ning got up and went with Emperor Xifeng, staggering a few steps on the way, her body seemed very weak, she also leaned on Emperor Xifeng's arms to finish the short distance.

Before entering the bedroom, Concubine Ning turned around.

She looked at the dark night, her face sank inexplicably.

There is no luster in the eyes, dark, one-third darker than the night.

What she should do, she should, nothing left behind...

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

When Miss Li woke up early in the morning, she found herself sleeping on the soft couch in the study, and although there was no one on the other side of the soft couch, it was still warm... She was terrified!

After hastily washing up, she hurriedly got up and opened the door, calling Qiu Ling for news.

Qiu Ling was even more at a loss and said: "Miss, I personally sent you back to sleep in the room in the pavilion opposite yesterday, because Mr. is writing in this study, and I told you not to disturb me, and I deliberately slept in the room below. The attic door is locked, you...how did you come to the study?"

It's okay if Tianliang doesn't ask, but this question is even more embarrassing.

At this time, there was a sound outside the door, and Mr. Qi pushed open the door and walked in, seeing her asking slowly and without any surprise: "I only came here in the early morning last night, and I didn't go to sleep until after the first watch, why did I wake up so early this morning?" ?”

These words are very intriguing and contain endless deep meaning.

She didn't come here until early in the morning, which means she ran here without authorization.

She fell asleep after entering the first watch... So, what did she do when she was in the same bed for more than an hour?

what did they do

At this moment, Qiu Ling quickly widened her eyes, bowed her head very politely and said, "Miss... I, I will go and get some clothes for Miss."

She flashed before she finished speaking, faster than a rabbit.

Tianliang stared at Qi Xuan, wanted to ask, but couldn't say anything, and with what happened in Heifeng Village that night, she was always worried about whether she had done something outrageous...

Mr. Qi was very calm. He walked to the basin and began to wash his hands.

Tianliang looked at his back, struggled for a while, and finally stepped forward, and asked cautiously, "Last night... I didn't do anything, didn't I say anything?"


Mr. Qi responded lightly, and wiped the bead marks on his hands with a dry towel.

Hearing this, Tianliang secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She looked back at the quilt, and at the clothes on her body, thinking, fortunately, although her body is not strong enough to drink, she can't remember the same thing after she was drunk, but the quality of the wine doesn't make her worry too much...

Just as she was about to turn around and leave, there was a choke around her waist, and a light but undeniable force pulled her over.

She looked up, only to see Mr. Qi raised his arms around her waist, holding her in his arms.

"You..." Before she could exclaim in surprise, she was kissed to seal her lips.

He didn't go deep, just pecked lightly and then let go, he said slowly with deep meaning in his eyes: "It's very soft, very good...it's very good for sleep...

Some memories floated into my ears.

There are pictures of her looking for someone through the window, her aggressive hugging action, and her hugging Mr. Qi Da and saying, don't leave, or I won't like you...

Tianliang's face turned red, messy.

Mr. Qi saw her staring blankly at him with a slightly dazed expression, so he lowered his long eyelashes with a smile and asked, "What have you done, do you remember now?"

Faced with embarrassment, Tianliang hurriedly pushed him away, ignoring his own bare feet, and slammed the door, three steps turned into two, and rushed out the door unsteadily——

Mr. Qi looked at her back with a very indifferent expression. It was only when he saw her back disappear that he slowly put away his smile, sat down at the desk, slowly picked up the Four Treasures of the Study, opened the book, and began to grind it. , very happy, expression, very comfortable.

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