【239 North Korean food party】

Guno Pali beckoned to her with a bright smile.

Tianliang was not too polite, jumped into the carriage and sat opposite her, and said with a smile: "Yesterday you were willing to help my son lead the army to defeat the enemy, thank you very much!"

"You don't have to thank me for that. If you saw the scene with your own eyes, you would find that I really didn't help much. I was just cheering for your son."

"Really?" Tianliang was a little surprised, but still felt very relieved.

These days, when Jun Xiaobao has nothing to do, he holds books one after another to ask Mr. Qi for advice, asking him to give lectures, and the so-called lectures between the two are not arty poems at all, most of them are about people. It seems that the principle of governing the country by marching troops to win the hearts of the people is still useful.

She was worried that it was too early for Jun Xiaobao to listen to these things, and she was going to find Qi Xuan for a while, and solemnly warned him not to tell her son such heavy and dull things, instilling some thoughts that made Baozi depress.

But that day, Xiao Baozi asked her very unintentionally, mother, what is the meaning of this?

She listened to the completely obscure and obscure words... she fell silent.

After looking at the steamed stuffed bun for a while, she replied blankly, I'm very busy, so I went to ask Mr.

So, Xiao Baozi asked Qi Xuan to ask, and when he returned, he looked excited and happy, and his expression jumped all day.

After that, she didn't care about it, and she didn't bother to care about it, and she was too embarrassed to care about it. Generally speaking, her son is studious, which is not a bad thing.

"You really need to thank me for something." Pari pointed to the front of Luoyun Pavilion and said, "I just left after having a drink with you that day. I went back and looked around, found you in a narrow alley, and found out where you lived, and brought you back in person!"

Tianliang suddenly realized, "So you were the one who sent me back that day."

No wonder she always feels soft, and her nose is always filled with the smell of milk...

And Mr. Qi, after a long time of trouble, it turned out that you were jealous of a woman!

"The person who attacked you that day was a master of martial arts?"

Pari's eyes were bright, and she asked sideways, "My people reported seeing a short wooden martial arts master wearing a cloak and running towards the palace. I paid attention to it at the time, but I just forgot it for a while, and now I'm looking for an opportunity. Tell you."

Tianliang raised his eyebrows, "You always give me a lot of useful information. Although you said that we are friends, if you are so considerate, it will make me suspect that you want something from me."

Pari was startled, then lowered her eyelashes, and said after a long silence: "The young man named Hua who follows you..."

Tianliang looked at her, waiting for her to speak.

"That's all." Pari smiled again, a little self-deprecating, "Pretend I didn't ask anything."

Tianliang nodded, even though he was confused, he still nodded and did not ask any further questions.

Guno Pali is a special woman. If she didn't want to say something, even if you approached her with a knife, you probably wouldn't be able to force out a word.

Tianliang said: "Will you enter the palace with me?"

"I'm here to say goodbye to you." Pari's face has returned to calm, and her eyes are as bright as ever, "This time I came to Xifeng to insist on doing things for me, and the family told me a few days ago that I was involved in something important. The Beiyu royal family who should not have appeared in Xifeng disappeared immediately."

The Beiyu tribe is scattered, the nomadic people, say it is the Beiyu royal family, if you are you today, you may be another tribe tomorrow, this is one of the reasons why the people of Beiyu are all aggressive and belligerent.

"If so, I should send you off on this trip."

"I didn't give it away for nothing." Pari chuckled, "It's not for nothing that I have done so much."

The sky is clear, her current status as a second-rank general reflects the value of being friends.

There was the sound of reining in the horse in front, the curtain was lifted, and seeing that the palace gate had arrived, Tianliang bid farewell to Pari and jumped out of the car.

Before entering the palace gate, I could only hear Pali's instruction, "Nan Zhongwei, you are still in this palace, it's better to be on guard."

"It's him who should be guarded, not me."

Tianliang replied with a smile, without fear.

When Pari saw her words, she also said that she blocked all the attempts to force the palace by thousands of troops, let alone Nan Zhongwei, who now only has followers and no troops?

Pari gave instructions to the man with the scar, and closed the curtain. With the sound of horseshoes, Tianliang stood still, watching the last dust raised by the wheels fall, before turning around, stepping on her official boots, straightened Official uniform, went to the palace.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

When Tianliang arrived at the Qiankun Hall, he found that there was no one in the hall, even the gatehouse near the hall where the courtiers rested was empty, only a few servants and maids were cleaning the room.

A servant saw Tianliang standing in front of the door to visit, and hurriedly walked over, bowed respectfully, then hooked his head and said: "The general doesn't know where to eat after retreating, the slave is fine, but Lead the general forward."

"Retire?" Tianliang was embarrassed, "Is this the retreat?"

It stands to reason that today is her first day at work, and the emperor wants to be canonized by the next book. She, an imposing second-rank general, is late for being fair and square.

The little servant hurriedly explained the rules of the palace to Tianliang, and led the way to lead Tianliang to the dining hall.

After listening all the way, she realized that the officials of Xifeng who work in the palace have to get up in the dark to enter the palace when the cock crows before dawn, and the palace occupies a vast area. , and the rest have to walk forward with lanterns, getting up early in the dark, very hard.

After the morning court, the courtiers can have a meal in the palace, and it will be almost afternoon after that, so they start to perform their duties, go back to various places, and try their best to deal with the work at hand.And there is no fixed number of off-duty hours, the premise is that the official duties accumulated in that day must be completed.

This is true of all officials, without exception.This early dynasty, unless the emperor personally ordered to postpone it, it will be like this every day of the year, there are no holidays, no weekends, and no statutory holidays, and if you want to ask for leave, you must go through a lot of signings and approvals and procedures before you can go through Officially leave.Especially for officials of the third grade or above, if they leave their duties without the emperor's personal permission, they will be severely punished by the national law.

Listening to this description, Tian Liang asked, "Does a general have to do this every day?"

"Returning to the general, the military camp is also complicated. Generals of the third rank and above, unless they stay in the frontier or the military camp for a long time, otherwise they need to report to the emperor every day to report the status of the military camp."

Tianliang glanced at the government office on his body, and thought, those who work in the palace are not as glamorous as imagined, except for a few celebrities who are well-fed by the emperor, most of them accompany the emperor as hard-working as a tiger, and abide by their duties .

In order to prevent the dull and miserable life in the future, it seems that she must find an excuse as soon as possible and go to the barracks...

Saying so, the place for court food has arrived, and after a notification, Tianliang stepped into the threshold and walked in. Today, it is rare for Emperor Xifeng to eat with all the officials, and by the way, entertain the son of Nanzhao who has not left yet, General Li This was long overdue, and while he was still thinking about excuses and arguments, the emperor had already spoken, and said kindly, "Ai Qing, please take your seat."

The emperor didn't ask, Tianliang was naturally happy, and then followed the little maid to the seat, and sat down.

It's just that this position, as if specially arranged, is next to the position of Nan Zhongwei, the eldest son of Nanzhao, and Nan Zhongwei, since she stepped forward, Yin Wu's eyes never left her body for a moment.

Nanzhao's ambush stragglers failed to make peace with Cheng Ce, but Nan Zhongwei was shrewd and destroyed the evidence of collusion with Shen Cheng in time. Shen Cheng was defeated and all Nanzhao stragglers were captured. There are symbolic items, when they were taken into the prison cell for torture, they all died suddenly as if they had been poisoned by Gu poison, and no information related to Nanzhao was found out.

In this way, Emperor Xifeng couldn't ask about the scattered soldiers because there was no evidence.

This Nan Zhongwei could only swallow the loss of being dumb, pretending to be ignorant, lost his troops, and couldn't speak.

Now that he, Nan Zhongwei, is still here, he doesn't want to give up without permission.

Tianliang knew this truth, and Emperor Xifeng must also understand it, so at the food meeting... Emperor Xifeng gave Nan Zhongwei a target, and it was her.

Tianliang figured out the sacred meaning, glanced at the stern man with narrow eyes who was fiddling with the teacup beside him, the corners of his lips twitched disdainfully—for this reason, he didn’t want to leave by himself, until I drive you away, this one, You live so ignorantly.

"Wu Zhao is the leader, is this the stuff?"

Nan Zhongwei seemed to feel her gaze, leaned on the back of the chair, and said in a weird way, "Bei Yu sent a woman who didn't live up to expectations this time. The master came here, this prince has been waiting here for nearly ten days, to expect such an unsightly opponent, I said, Emperor Xifeng, this martial move is really disappointing!"

After hearing such provocative words, it was Miss Li San who must have come out to teach others the first time.

But now, after hearing these words, the one who is drinking tea from a teacup with a smile on his face without changing his face is General Li.

(Thank you dear 12345684 for the silent flowers and gifts, what ╭(╯3╰)╮)

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