[240 South Zhongwei]

Tianliang picked up the teacup, saw that the tea in the cup was dizzy, the corner of his mouth twitched, covered his sleeves with his face, raised his hand to continue, at the moment when his arm was close to his face, he quickly pinched it and sneaked into his cuff, biting like an arrow The soft creature was pinched in the palm of my hand.

Without using any martial energy, he clasped his two fingers and crushed the curly creature alive.

Put down the teacup, put down the sleeves...


Beside him, there was an unbelievable scream, Nan Zhongwei turned to stare at Li Tianliang, "How dare you hurt my pet's life..."

Tianliang turned his head and saw the colorful golden snake with only thick and thin rattan patterns, broken into two pieces, twisted a few times on Nan Zhongwei's body and then stopped moving. He smiled in his heart, but his face was dazed. Solution: "My lord, I just sat down and drank a cup of tea. I haven't seen what kind of pet you like at all. This... it may be dead. How can you open your eyes and talk nonsense, and slander me and crush it to death?" Woolen cloth?"

When she spoke, there was obvious irony and intention in her eyes.

The irony is, if you, the son of Nanzhao, don't sneak up on me with evil intentions, how can this snake die?It was intentional, to declare that I pinched him to death, what's the matter?

Enough arrogant, also enough arrogant.

Nan Zhongwei looked at Tianliang, raised his chin and glanced at her slightly, his eyes turned cold, and suddenly he raised his right hand, and a jet of black mist shot out from his palm, hitting Tianliang's face directly.

She immediately covered her mouth and nose, stood up and bounced away neatly, dodging the sudden attack.

People in Nanzhao like to play Gu and are good at using poison. I heard that this prince of Nanzhao is a narcissistic weirdo. He was originally a martial artist, but he used Gu poison to change his own martial energy attributes and became a unique character in the world. Yes, it can turn martial energy into poisonous smoke of evil wind. When fighting with people, you can't get close to it, and you can't touch it without authorization.

The table and chair were swept by the smoke, and exploded into pieces with a bang, the sawdust was black.

The guards rushed to escort him, and the courtiers retreated outside the hall one after another.

Emperor Xifeng was rushed to the door by his guards, staring intently at the front, deliberately lowering his brows and eyes, without making a sound to stop him.

How could Nan Zhongwei care about other people?

The black smoke in the palms became more and more dense, gathering into a gesture of claws and teeth, like a heavy cloud coming from the sky, sweeping across the entire hall in an instant.

The food, vegetables, and food swept by the thick smoke turned black one after another, and some even turned into powder in an instant.

In the hall, the poisonous smoke was dense.

In the air, there is poisonous fog everywhere.

Tianliang tore off the corner of the robe with a click, and tied it around his face to prevent the poison from eroding the skin. Then he breathed in his dantian, closed his mouth and nose, and his eyes were heavy.

She can hold her breath for a limited time, this guy is like a huge poisonous fog bomb, the more it disperses, the more skill it has, the more terrifying the poison becomes.

Nan Zhongwei must be resolved within this limited time.

Using fog as weapon and poison as killing, you can kill people in an invisible light. No wonder few people in this world are willing to fight against Nan Zhongwei, because it is too close to death, and it is too unpredictable.

Tianliang saw that the air below was no longer circulating, and was surrounded by too much fog, which made it difficult to stay for a long time, so he stepped on the high pillars, climbed to the top of the beams and pillars of the house, stabilized himself and looked down, and found the figure of Nan Zhongwei, A blow of fire struck Nan Zhongwei directly on the head.

The flames were originally fierce, piercing through the dense miasma with the momentum of an arrow and piercing towards the person in the center, but unexpectedly Nan Zhongwei smiled coldly, stood still in the black mist, lifted the straw cage, and threw it violently.

"You asked for it yourself." Nan Zhongwei said in words, his eyes darkened, "The breath of fire and martial arts, it just so happens that it hasn't tasted it yet."

Tianliang's blow collided with the thrown grass cage, the grass cage exploded and burned, and a gold-threaded snake with thick wrists sprang out from it.

It has the same shape as the little snake just now, but its body is several times its size. It exploded in the air without any injury. The kung fu has already rushed to Tianliang's feet, spitting out a snake letter, opening his fangs and biting at Tianliang——!

Subterranean creatures are naturally cold.

Although the dense fog filled the air, when the creature approached, Tianliang immediately felt the coldness. She jumped to the side without jumping, leaned on another beam, stood up, and she Seeing that half of the boot on his right foot was missing——

And that golden silk snake was standing upright, staring at her with blood-red eyes as big as lanterns, chewing on her cloth boots, and dripping saliva on the pillar, each drop was a hole the size of a bowl.

This snake is spiritual and poisonous, which is no small matter.

Tian Liang was startled, took off the boot that had only half of it left, and kicked it down——

"Do you like this woman?" Nan Zhongwei's voice sounded from below, sharp, excited, and crazy, "I've never seen you come out of the cage to attack, Ajin, do you like her smell or martial energy? I'll give you everything." Here you go, teach this ignorant woman a lesson."

As soon as Nan Zhongwei's sharp words fell, the snake seemed to have been injected with stimulants. After hissing out the snake letter, it quickly climbed towards Tianliang, and the beams and pillars it climbed all the way were covered with black poisonous marks.

There is limited space for the beams and columns above, basically, any place that the snake crawled over can no longer be left behind.

Tian Liang hid cautiously, and Huo Wu kept hitting out of his palm, hitting the snake one after another, some of them were dodged, some just disappeared with a bang on it, none of them produce any persecution and influence.

"This snake..." Tianliang took a closer look and frowned, "It's actually absorbing my Huowu!"

How can this be?

It is impossible for ordinary beasts to have such abilities!

"General Li, do you understand?" Nan Zhongwei stood in the center with his hands behind his back, humming and mocking, "Why does this son call it a pet?"

Tianliang was shocked for a moment, clenched his hands and whispered, "This is impossible..."

Able to swallow martial energy, or as an aid, or as an attack, except for animal pets, no beast can have such ability and such attack power!

But there are no animal pets in this world, the flower dragon is special, so why is this golden silk snake?

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