【242 Give me a reason】

Outside the door, there was the teasing sound of Emperor Xifeng.

"Did the prince understand the principle of fighting until the end?"

This is a satire on the matter that Nan Zhongwei deliberately used his poison to kill the top ten internal warriors that day.

"Please trouble the emperor to inform His Royal Highness the Prince." Nan Zhongwei didn't have any resignation to admit defeat, "This son did not lose. Tomorrow, there will be a period later."

After all, he ordered people to prepare sedan chairs and ordered them to return to Nanzhao.

Xifeng Emperor Tanhu laughed lowly, "Then tell Emperor Nanzhao on my behalf, I, Xifeng, will not remember this account of ruining my court food hall."

Nan Zhongwei waved his sleeves with a cold face, hugged his precious golden silk snake, and left in a sedan chair.

In the hall, Feng Aotian came over, scattered the blue light from Tianliang's body, and said: "Nan Zhongwei is practicing Gu for the golden snake, and now the Gu is not completed, the moves will be weaker than usual, otherwise, this king will not win So easy."

"That's why you asked me to use drums to make that Gu worm go crazy." Tianliang suddenly realized, "It turns out that Nanzhao has found a Gu technique to manipulate beast pets."

Since ancient times, animal pets have a strong sense of resistance and strong resistance. People who were able to accept animal pets before must have the charm of martial arts or personality that can be recognized by beast pets. However, the Nanzhao voodoo is so vicious that it has not been able to develop a method to control beast pets. Unexpectedly, after the disappearance of the four profound animal pets, such a worrying Gu technique appeared again. If in the past, Nanzhao could manipulate the beast pets at will...then the consequences...would be unimaginable.

And Nan Zhongwei, together with that snake, is extremely difficult to deal with. If Feng Aotian hadn't rushed over, she really didn't have the confidence to explain to Emperor Xifeng as she is now without any injuries.

Tianliang breathed a sigh of relief, and sincerely said to Feng Aotian, "This time saved me a lot of effort, I want to thank you sincerely."

"Why do you need to see outsiders?" Feng Aotian raised his eyebrows, with a smile in his tone, "I also want to thank you for letting me empathize with you today."

Tianliang raised his eyebrows, "Reason?" This fellow is also humble sometimes?

"Crown Princess", his eyes are deep, and his words have deep meaning, "Husband and wife are of the same mind, their benefits cut gold,

"How did the princess come back..."

Tianliang was puzzled and wanted to ask, when he heard Xifenghuang's hearty laughter coming from the outer hall.

"Li Aiqing, it's only my fault that you came too late in the morning. The emperor asked me to marry me. This is the purpose of your marriage with the emperor. I announced it this morning."

Tianliang's face changed drastically when he heard the words, and then he turned around and shouted at Feng Aotian, "Feng Aotian! You can learn to respect people a little bit!"

Feng Aotian paused, looked at her and said coldly: "This king wants you."

"Did you say you want it?" Tianliang was dissatisfied with such a sudden and arrogant power, and a layer of anger was spread on his face, "I will give it?"

Emperor Xifeng was a little dissatisfied with this situation, with an angry look on his face, "Why, Li Aiqing still thinks that my royal family has wooed you, my decree has been made, and the royal family promises everything. Do you want to resist the decree?"

All the courtiers also looked at Tianliang with puzzled and shocked faces...

How can a woman be a general for a long time?

Now that the position of the concubine is appointed, if there is no change, she may be the queen of a country in the future. Why is the third sister of the Li family so ignorant of flattery?

Tianliang looked at the ministers standing in front of the door who looked at her like a monster, looked at the majestic Emperor Xifeng, and looked at the majestic Emperor Xifeng, who was standing opposite her. She was very grateful just now, but now it made her extremely annoyed The man, Feng Aotian.

"Your majesty is right. The royal family keeps their promises. Since His Royal Highness the Crown Prince divorced me that day, they should continue to keep their promises. You shouldn't go back on your word and change your original intention, right?"

Tianliang slowly raised his head, looking at Emperor Xifeng neither humble nor overbearing, "His Royal Highness, I will not marry, I am strict with Tianliang, and I will not turn back!"

After all, he didn't care about Emperor Xifeng's face, and Man Chao Wenwu stared at her dumbfoundedly, walked out with angry steps, pursed his lips and strode out!

When passing by Feng Aotian's side, she didn't even raise her head, her face was cold, her indifference was over.

Feng Aotian looked at her back, twitched his brows, ignored the pressure of others, and chased after her at a fast pace——

Tianliang walked fast, before he had even walked out of the hall, he felt his arm being pulled and pushed forward forcefully, and his back was pushed against the tree by that forceful force.

The branches trembled, and many petals fell down, making her shoulders full of pink.

"Li Tianliang", in Feng Aotian's eyes, there was a little more pain that he didn't know what to do, "What do you want this king to do to you, what do you want this king to do!"

He wanted to give such a woman everything, but for some reason, she didn't want it, she didn't want anything!

He has used too many different methods, this time, he wants to see how.

He thought that he would definitely succeed, but she still refused completely and simply.

Feng Aotian's eyes lost his usual self-confidence, a little sad, a little sad, "What do you want, tell me, what should I give you, so that I can give you a good word?"

Tianliang paused, raised his head, looked at him for a while, and then asked softly: "If you can't get it, you use your power to force it. Is that how you are?"

Feng Aotian clasped her shoulders with both hands, clenched tightly, it hurt a little bit cold.

His eyes were complicated, and after holding it for a long time, he let go of the hand on her shoulder, pursed his thin lips and said, "Reason. At least, give me a reason."

Tianliang didn't speak.

She grabbed his hand and put her fisted hand in his palm.

Then he held his callused fingers, closed them slowly one by one, looked up at him, lowered his head silently, turned and left...

Leaving him to stand alone, his whole body thin and cool.

Feng Aotian opened the palm that was tightly closed by her, only to see his own wide palm, among the intertwined lines and marks, there was a piece of delicate and dazzling things that bloomed wantonly...

Peach blossom.


Even if she said that in front of the emperor, but Emperor Xifeng didn't dismiss her position for a day, she couldn't leave the government and go back to the government so casually, she had to follow the officials at least to complete the official document after dinner, sign the document and seal it You can only go out of the palace with a seal and a summary.Her task of entering the palace today is simple to say, but very complicated to do. The statistics of the number of military camps and the summary of households, as well as the meeting and handover of the generals of each battalion must be completed within today.

Halfway through Tianliang Road, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and go to the official office to collect official documents.

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