[244 Secret]

Tianliang didn't say anything else, and took up the wine glass at the same time as Concubine Ning, and drank the third glass of wine.

When the wine glass was put down, Concubine Ning raised her eyelids, looked at her and whispered coldly: "Miss Li is really cautious. I made the meal with my own hands. I asked you to watch it from beginning to end, but you still couldn't get rid of your wariness. One after another secretly tested the poison, and this wine, if you hadn't tried it and I persuaded you like this, I'm afraid you wouldn't have taken a sip, would you?"

Tian Liang looked at her with a glint in his eyes, "Since Concubine Ning knows that I am on guard against you, why did she reveal everything at this time? Some things can be kept as a secret, and it is the best way to keep it a secret forever."


Concubine Ning supported the table, got up slowly, and looked down at Tianliang from above, "Since you say that, you know everything, even you, an outsider, can know this so-called secret, my palace... what else can I do?" keep it a secret?"

"Outsider", Tian Liang raised his eyes, "I am no longer an outsider since the two times my empress sent people to assassinate me."

Concubine Ning's skin, which was white and greasy like snow, was even more bleak and bloodless. She slowly raised her hands to cover her face, her shoulders trembled...

Tianliang lowered his eyes and remained silent for a while, then raised his head and said, "I didn't tell him about these two assassinations, I think the Three Kings probably didn't know about it..."

"Miss Li, you are a good person with a kind heart." Concubine Ning put down her hands, her face was still gloomy, but her tone had returned to normal, "To me, the murderer who once wholeheartedly wanted to kill you, you still speak comforting words."

"Whether it's the attack of the local martial arts masters in the martial arts, or the assassination of the wooden martial arts in the inn... Your Majesty actually knows better than me that it can't kill me."

After Tian Liang finished speaking, Concubine Ning had a beautiful smile on her lips, "I heard that Miss Li will take revenge if she has a grudge, but Miss Li is so kind to me, an ugly jealous woman. .”

Tianliang looked at the marks accumulated by the years in the corners of her eyes, and saw the hand she had been holding tightly, and shook his head slightly.

Yes, revenge is her principle.

But for a poor woman who only knows how to give, who has no life and loses herself, why should she be so demanding.

For this woman who is jealous of love, but can overcome her jealousy without turning it into ugly hatred, she feels a little unspeakably respectable.

In the world, there are a few people who, even jealous, would think of making way for the one they love.

"The speech for the third glass of wine is just to let Miss Li, listen to me tell a story."

Concubine Ning said and sat down.

Without waiting for Tianliang to agree, she began to make a silent statement——

"These words have been buried in my heart for a long time. For six years, I have never told anyone, but Miss Li, I want to tell you. I want you to know that the man you are angrily rejecting today But some people can't think about it, covet it, dream about it, even if they are envious of his every move to you, they still want to swallow it silently and can't reveal half of it.

In fact, I have always thought that this life is fine.

Watch him grow up, watch him transform from a young boy into an upright tough man, watch him become king, watch him return triumphantly with three thousand elite soldiers on a fine horse...

In any case, I was the first to see, the one who kept watching.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't know, it doesn't matter if he never looked at me seriously, even if he gradually distanced himself from me and called Concubine Ning a little strangely, but I know that there has never been a special woman by my side ...Even if he doesn't remember the one-night stand six years ago, I understand that he doesn't reject me silently guarding him like this.

I am six years older than the Three Kings.

My sister has always known that I have him in my heart, and that my life was saved by the Three Kings, and then I was lucky enough to follow my sister into the palace.

At that time, my sister realized that she was suffering from an incurable disease, and she left me to take care of her at night. She suddenly asked me, "Ai's family is weak, and I am afraid that it will be difficult for Tian'er to work hard. Ningning, can you take over the burden of the three kings for Ai's family?" ?

I was willing, knelt down and kowtowed three times to her, promised and swore.

I was not a greedy person, but after agreeing, I made a willful wish and request to my sister-I want to be his first woman.

Because he is going to enter the palace after all, of course I can understand that my sister will not let him be half aware of this matter, but I think, if at least he can have such a one and only in his life, even if he will never be He knows, but I am also satisfied.

I remember very clearly what happened that night, and I still dream about it sometimes, even though I will always remember the pain, and I burst into tears when I woke up, but it was really happy, when you only have such a single happiness, no matter what It is so small, it can become the whole pillar of your life.

Later, after I entered the palace, after waiting for nearly two months, the emperor took off my signboard. Sister Lao managed to trick Emperor Xifeng into hiding it, and became Zhaoyi in the palace smoothly and securely, and stayed.

But within a few days after that, I found out that I was pregnant, and it was very clear who it belonged to, and I insisted on staying.At that time, in order to keep this child, I hid it from the imperial doctor, my sister, and the emperor. I worked very hard to hide it, step by step.

Fortunately, I survived.

God took pity on me for my painstaking efforts, no matter whether my sister knew it or not, but until the last moment of her death, she never mentioned this child to me.Later, the emperor favored me again, and because I was pregnant with a dragon fetus, I was promoted to the position of concubine. I made some secret arrangements smoothly, and gave birth to Hua Ming as a premature baby. name taboo.

Hua Ming's name taboo, the palace only said that I thought it up carefully and asked the emperor, but in fact, it was proposed by the three kings, but I used an unknown method.

When Hua Ming was full week and full moon, I deliberately played with wooden tablets in front of the Three Kings, picked up a few pieces at random and asked him, which words do you think are the most beautiful?

He casually ordered two slices, and after commenting in a low voice, he put them down indifferently, and left after eating the banquet.

Those two characters are Hua and Ming.

The surname of the Feng family, plus the name he personally chose, and God sent a child of his to accompany me, this made me do my best for him, and soon, even the emperor often praised me for my integrity and heart, seeing that I You worked hard on the harem, promoted me to be a noble concubine, and handed over all the power to manage the harem to me.

I started to take care of the affairs of the palace. At the beginning, I was still unavoidably unfamiliar, and I did many wrong things.

Once, she was tricked by other concubines and was dragged back to the palace after being rewarded with fifteen sticks by the emperor.

At that time, Hua Ming was still young, ignorant, and always liked to cry. Seeing me being dragged back in a bloody mess, he lay on top of me crying and asking, why did the emperor beat the concubine mother? Does the emperor not feel sorry for the concubine mother? , mother and concubine, let's leave here, if the emperor can't find us, we won't beat you again...

I was sad for a while, hugged him and cried, mother and son wept together.

At that time, I was a little unwilling and a little desperate. In the middle of the night, I really thought of giving up.I don't understand the meaning of my attachment.

I was in a coma, with complicated struggles in my heart, and I fell asleep with tears in my eyes...

When I woke up, I opened my eyes and the first thing I saw was him——

do you know what he is doing

He hugged my Hua Ming, leaned against my bed, and slept with his eyes closed all night...

I looked at the pair of big and small hands they were holding, and carefully and secretly put my own in. After a quick and urgent squeeze, I quickly let go.

His hands are very rough, with many calluses honed from years of training in the military camp, and they are also very big and warm. I dare not be greedy, but at that moment, I will always remember the temperature.

At that time, I thought, if I give up, then what am I left with?

But it will become like a woman in the deep palace who has no heart and only knows how to fight for favor and secretly. If I become like that, then I will be a real walking dead, life is meaningless.

After he woke up, he only said that he had heard that I had been beaten, and that medicine had come. I thanked him with a smile, and asked him, I have been weak these days and need support, can he take care of Hua Ming on my behalf?

He didn't refuse, he agreed, took Hua Ming and stayed in the mansion for nearly seven days before sending him back.

I have never seen Hua Ming so happy, so excited. He said that he likes the third brother the most.

I patted his head, went back to the dormitory alone, drew the curtain, and shed a pillow of tears.

These tears are for determination, for him, for Hua Ming, and for myself.

At that time, I thought, even though the Three Kings knew that I had been helping him all the time, he never said much to me or showed any enthusiasm, but I understood that he would only agree so indulgently when he was treating his own people. Xia Huaming pestered her and did many things that were not in line with his temperament.

He regards me as his own.

So day after day, year after year.

Unknowingly, he grew from a young boy into a handsome and charming son, and also became the best among the emperor's many sons.

But I have changed from a young girl in full bloom to a woman in the deep palace who is tired of fighting every day.

Unexpectedly, time will make people grow old so quickly.

In the third year of my entry into the palace, marks began to appear at the corners of my eyes. When he brought thousands of elite soldiers and thousands of people into the capital for the first time, I sat in front of the dressing mirror in the deep palace and found the first white hair on my head. hair.

But this is worth it.

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