Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

245 Take care of him on my behalf

【245 Take care of him on my behalf】

"I thought that nothing would change, everything would go smoothly, and according to my original expectations, there would be no deviation..."

Concubine Ning paused, her eyes fell on Tian Liang, "But, when you appeared, Miss Li, everything changed. Although I don't know whether this change is good or bad, but because of this change, I have something that I shouldn't have. The meaning of jealousy.

Earlier, the emperor had mentioned to me the matter of setting up a concubine for the three kings, and he entrusted me to take care of it all.At that time, I asked the Three Kings for their opinions, but he just told me indifferently that it would be fine for him to marry if necessary, but he wanted to like this woman.

I chose countless ladies, the daughters of princes and generals, and took these portraits of beauties to explain the good behaviors one by one, but he was not interested, and finally got tired of looking at them, so he refused.

At that time, he was keen on leading troops and marching, and he was always indifferent to these things. Although I took the heavy portrait to the palace every time and put it back unchanged, I felt a little relieved and happy in my heart of.

Then, there was the marriage with Miss Li.

I knew at that time that he married you for the purpose of humiliating Feng Xiyun, and it was also in Feng Xiyun's poem that satirized the three kings who relied on the son of the queen and me, the harem concubine, to take care of them to get the position of elite cavalry. I hate people using my sister's title of queen to ridicule him for getting something for nothing.Because among all the princes, none of them can endure hardships and stand hard work like the three kings, and they have honed themselves so hard that they possess such a high-level martial spirit and unusual fighting ability at such a young age.

Because of this, I realized that Miss Li will definitely be divorced.

Later, as I expected, he abandoned you, and there was news that you were so humiliated that you threw yourself into the river.

I didn't take this matter to heart, even if you deliberately opposed the three kings at the banquet of the emperor and his ministers, and he chased after him, I knew it all, but I didn't care about it.

Later, Hua Ming came back and told me that the third brother was very angry today, saying it was because of a goblin.

I didn't understand, so I sent someone to investigate, only to find out that the goblin was talking about you, Miss Li.

At that time, I thought, maybe it was Miss Li's special temperament, which aroused his interest for a while, but after a while, the interest dissipated and faded away.

Until that celebration banquet, the Three Kings actually brought you here.

During the banquet, he suddenly asked you, after the martial arts, would you like to go to the imperial tomb with him?

I was so shocked that I could barely hold my chopsticks.

At that time, I was panicked, but I still pretended to be calm, and I looked up at Miss Li with a smile... I don’t know if Miss Li, you heard the words clearly, why you left the table with a bad face, but I know, then For a moment, the thing in the mouth is delicious and sweet again, and only the sourness of swelling remains.

After you left, the third king's face was also extremely ugly. After asking me a few more questions about the palace affairs, he got up and left.

He left, I panicked...

Going to the imperial mausoleum is a privilege only owned by the royal family. If the prince takes his daughter to the imperial mausoleum, it is equivalent to acknowledging her status as a concubine.But you have not yet married into the palace, so he offered you such treatment.

For the Three Kings, his mother was buried in the imperial tomb. He didn't want anyone to disturb his sister, and he never allowed any woman to go to the gate of the imperial tomb to meet his mother. Miss Li, you are the only one.

Before night, when I was coaxing Hua Ming to sleep, he told me with hazy eyes, "Mother Concubine, the third brother got hurt today, it was for me and Xiao Hui's friend..."

Hua Ming fell asleep, and I stayed up all night.

Waking up early in the morning, I accidentally overheard the servants discussing the martial arts competition, heard them talking about the time and place of Miss Li's competition, and told a lot of rumors about Miss Li. I couldn't control the jealousy in my heart, and endured I couldn't help but want to see what is so special about you. I couldn't bear it for a while, so I made up a dress and hid behind the sand hill in the arena... I just wanted to watch it, but after seeing Miss Li, I remembered that at night Hua Ming said that the three kings are Your hurt words, I can't help but shoot..."

At this point, Concubine Ning breathed a sigh of relief, her palms moved slightly, a warm yellow light glowed, and she continued: "I was born with a martial physique, and later entered the palace. After being beaten that time, I realized that if I don't secretly strengthen my body Physique, afraid that one day if he made a mistake, he would be troubled by his weak body, so he started to practice martial arts, practiced secretly, worked hard, and managed to get to the seventh level.

I didn't practice martial arts step by step like ordinary people. I only practiced the two moves of native martial arts from beginning to end. It looks magnificent and can be used to bluff people, but the lethality is not extreme, it can only be used to protect myself.

I used those two moves impulsively, and I regretted it only when I finished the move. In addition, there was an expert present at that time, so I was afraid that my identity would be exposed and I would get into trouble, so I hurried back to the palace. "

Tianliang nodded silently. Hearing her narration, he didn't feel disgusted with her, but he became more and more pitiful, "I think you sent people to attack me in the inn, what's the news?"

"About the news about the child", Concubine Ning's face changed, "I sent someone to investigate and found out that you have already had a child with Feng Xiyun, but you are still entangled with the three kings, I..."

"Forget it." Tianliang interrupted her in a whisper, "I don't blame you, let's stop here about your attack on me. I think you deliberately invited me this time, and made such a big deal again. There must be some purpose in revealing everything to me without reservation, it is better to say it directly without going around the corner."

"When I received a letter from the Three Kings, leading Shen Xiang to Heifengzhai, I had a grudge against Concubine Zhen." , My cheating was found by her, and in a hundred secrets, she found evidence and wanted to report it to the emperor. Dealing with these is actually very simple. With a little tricks, I can destroy those evidences and those People. But I thought about it..."

She lowered her eyes, walked towards Tianliang with slow steps, "The biggest evidence and the most unavoidable flaw is myself."

Tianliang's body shook, he stood up abruptly, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty won't..."

"I explained everything to Miss Li Kaicheng, just to tell Miss Li, take care of him for me..."

Concubine Ning's eyes filled with tears, her words were difficult, her eyes were red...

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