[247 don't go]

When the news came from the palace that all the people in Ninghua Palace were poisoned strangely, and everyone died of poisoning. The imperial doctor diagnosed that the poison had been lurking for nearly four or five days, and the source of the poison was found in the well water, and the Emperor Xifeng was furious. , saying that Concubine Zhen is vicious!

In Ninghua Palace, apart from Feng Huaming, the twelve maids and servants, including everyone who had seen Tianliang and Feng Aotian to Ninghua Palace, all died unexpectedly.

It was a sensation.

As we all know, that night, Emperor Xifeng ordered the door to be closed tightly, and no one was allowed to enter the palace. When his hands and feet were cold, he stood up and realized that his hands were dripping with tears.

This is like a queen, the last woman who understands him, knows him, understands him... overflowing.

On the outskirts of Fengjing.

Two horses, galloping wildly.

The man's thin lips were tightly pursed, and his face was well known. His eyes contained pain and remorse that could not be expressed, and they also carried endless grief and annoyance!

The woman rode her horse to catch up, and saw him rushing forward crazily, with no destination and no direction, and the look on his face was so sad and angry that people couldn't let go of his heart.

Tianliang gritted his teeth, stood up from the horse's back, kicked his feet and flew up, straddled Li Tianliang's back, put his hands through his waist, grabbed the rein and pulled it back, reining in the horse forcefully——

The horse was strangled, and immediately knelt down on the ground, panting heavily from its nostrils.

Feng Aotian looked at the hands on his waist, and said in a low voice with no spirit in his eyes: "You go, I want to stay alone."

After all, he got off the horse, got up slowly, and walked indifferently forward.

"Feng Aotian!"

Tianliang's face became anxious, and he followed him painstakingly to persuade him, "I know you are not someone who does stupid things. During the day, I took you out of Ninghua Palace with great difficulty, but now, Ninghua The news that the concubine has overflowed has spread to the whole capital. Even if you are in the palace, you must know it. Now you must enter the palace again to finish this last scene. You will only disappoint Concubine Ning before she dies. I was still struggling to make arrangements for you before I left..."

"This king knows", Feng Aotian walked under a tree, clenched his right hand into a fist, and pressed against the tree, "How can this king not know what she thinks about me...

It's just that she never thought that she would be willing to give birth to a child for me...and give up her life for me.

When I checked Feng Xiyun for you, I found out that she was the woman I was blessed with six years ago. I pretended not to know, and when I was still thinking about how to treat such a woman who is Ning Concubine, she was already ready. Prepare yourself to be destroyed as evidence.

In the world, how could there be such a selfless person?How could there be such a stupid woman?

Today, when I heard that she summoned you to Ninghua Palace, I was worried that she would do something bad to you and immediately rushed over... If it wasn't like this, I wouldn't even be able to see her for the last time.

It can be seen that after seeing this last side, this king still doubts her..."

A haze flashed across Feng Aotian's eyes, and he thumped the tree with his right hand, countless fallen leaves floated down from the tree, and all of them landed at his feet, lifeless and not at all full of vitality.

Tianliang stood behind him, looking at his stalwart, tall, inviolable and stable body like steel, at this moment, he felt a little swaying, as if if this thick and tall tree fell, he would lose his center of gravity and support , and then fell down.

She opened her lips, trying to speak.

But she found that there were only so many words that came out of her mouth, and she couldn't say the rest, nor would she know how to say them.

Lu Lan is not good at comforting others, even after going through the life and death parting with him, she can only look at his back like this, standing, standing, silently.

Feng Aotian put one hand against the tree and stood there for a long time before finally putting down his arms and standing upright.

Tianliang sighed silently in his heart, perhaps at such a moment, it would be best to leave him alone and not be disturbed.

She took a step, turned around, and wanted to leave.

But when he turned around, his arm was suffocated, and there was a big cold hand.

He grabbed her arm, his voice didn't fluctuate, but was low and depressed, "Don't go."

Tian Liang shook his body, looked up at him deeply, and stopped in his tracks.

He didn't move in the next moment, but just held her arm, closed his eyes, and stood under the tree, motionless.

Tian Liang just stood silently, letting him hold her hand.

After standing like this for a long time, it was so long that it was so cold that I didn't know how many hours had passed, I could only feel his icy hands slowly being warmed by the temperature transmitted by her skin...

When the first ray of sunlight fell through the gaps in the woods, Feng Aotian opened his eyes and let go of her.

As soon as Tianliang's right arm fell, his persistent temperature still remained.

Feng Aotian turned his head and glanced at her, Zhang Yang's eyes were completely devoid of the usual evil spirit, just with that one glance, he could feel the incomparably oppressive heaviness in his heart.

Tianliang's lips moved, "Are you going to enter the palace?"

"Hua Ming", he said in a low voice, "If I don't accompany him, I will cry a lot."

Tianliang nodded.

There seemed to be a thousand words in his eyes, but he seemed to be unable to express them. His eyes flickered and his expression was complicated. At the last moment when Tianliang nodded, he gritted his teeth and didn't say another word. Shouting loudly, he pulled off the reins, drove the horse, and galloped forward quickly...

The moment I turned my head.

Tianliang saw a dazzling white in his hair blowing in the wind...

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

When Tianliang led his horse back to Fengjing, he heard news everywhere. The news of Concubine Ning's death was announced in the palace. He ordered her to be buried in the concubine's mausoleum immediately, but the third king Feng Aotian rushed into the palace and tried his best to propose that Concubine Ning would be blessed in the world, and begged her to be buried in the concubine's mausoleum closest to the tomb of Empress De Rong.

Xifeng Emperor's filial piety can be learned from, sure.

This morning, before dawn, the third king Feng Aotian and the eighth prince Feng Huaming personally guarded the coffin of Concubine Ning, sent it to the imperial mausoleum for burial.

Hearing this, Tianliang stopped, looked towards the direction of the palace, sighed lowly, and turned towards Luoyun Pavilion.

To be the first woman brought to the imperial mausoleum by him, does this result fulfill her wish?

(Thanks to Ye Shen Xiaoyue, love's home show, humming a little love song and giving silent gifts, kissing Xue ◎ Yu Nuo giving silent flowers and gifts, relatives Ji Banqiao Shuang Q Su Yan giving silent red envelopes, group ╭ (╯3╰)╮I'm busy with work these days, and I don't have much time to surf the Internet during the day, so it should be updated in the early morning ^_^)

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