Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

248 Overlord Overlord Overlord

[248 Overlord Overlord]

When they returned to Luoyun Pavilion, the sky was still dim.

After Tianliang handed over the horse to the boy, he walked around the rockery and walked up to the bridge.

She thought that everyone in the pavilion was still asleep at this time, so she deliberately walked lightly in the long corridor. She went straight back to her room, opened the door and thought it would be dark and empty, but unexpectedly saw the light It is still burning, and there is a warm and faint scent in the room, neither smoky nor strong, with the orchid scent of mint and vanilla, which smells very refreshing.

Qi Xuan was sitting on the rocking chair, propping his forehead with one hand, seemed to be asleep, but also seemed to be awake, his slender eyelashes cast a layer of shadow on his flawless face, a light blue long gown was hung loosely on his breezy chest. On the body, the appearance of sleeping peacefully is like a Danqing ink painting.

Did he wait for her to sleep?

Tianliang closed the door, walked over, picked up a thin blanket from the bedside and covered him, but the moment the blanket touched him, he saw his thick eyelashes open like feathers, and a pair of black eyes like jade met him. She lifted her head and tilted her head.

"Why did you come to sleep in my room again?" Tianliang muttered, straightened up, and complained in a low voice, "Eating and living for free and always occupying my chair, I should pay you double the rent."

"My money is all in your hands." He smiled when he replied, "If you ask me again, I won't be able to hand it over here."

Shang Yin is obviously the one who sent her, okay?Let her take care of everything... She said it as if they were husband and wife, this person is always good at showing ambiguity between words.

Tianliang glared at him, and said in a low voice: "It seems that yesterday was not thrilling enough, your face is clean, and your body is not injured at all."

Sure enough, her elder brother can't deal with this monster?

Qi Xuan smiled but said nothing, glanced at her, and said: "You haven't slept all night, just rest."

Tianliang thought in his heart, you know that I haven't slept all night, you know everything!

She was not in the mood to say anything else, and she was indeed tired, so she walked to the bed, took off her boots, curled up her legs and lay down on the bed, without saying a few words to the person behind her, she closed her eyes and let out a deep sigh. Feeling confused.

This day and night experienced too many, unexpected, and sad things, Feng Aotian's request, her refusal to marry, Ning Fei's death, and she saw a sincere and sad man in the woods with her own eyes. ...

As her back felt hot, someone painted the couch and hugged her from behind.

Tianliang trembled slightly, curled up without any resistance, and opened his eyes.

Leaning on Qi Xuan like this is very comfortable.

"Everyone has a life."

Qi Xuan simply said four words, and the sound had a meaning. Although he didn't explain it clearly, it was exactly the sad depression in Tian Liang's heart.

She sighed secretly, turned around, buried her face in his chest, and asked in a low voice, "I used to believe that man can conquer the sky, but sometimes, can man really conquer the sky?"

Qi Xuan lowered her head and looked at her silently.

Can people really conquer the sky?

He was trying, if not, then he wouldn't be holding her like this now, and chose to stay by her side.

Everyone has their own destiny, but if you live this life, you must not make yourself regret it, and you will regret it all day long.

"I don't like you hugging me." Tianliang said.

Mr. Qi replied, "I know."

"But right now, I'm in a bad mood. The so-called fighting poison with poison, if the negative is positive, you can continue to spread the poison." Tian Liang said, closing his eyes.

Mr. Qi looked at her impatiently. What kind of logic is this?

If you want him to hug you, you can't say it outright.Miss Li San was as dishonest as he was.

She lowered her head and wanted to speak, only to realize that the person in her arms was breathing evenly, closed her usually stern and unforgiving eyes, and fell asleep peacefully and quietly on his body.

Her face is innocent and harmless, just like a fresh fruit waiting to be picked, her cheeks are tender and tender, her breath is warm and sweet, just looking at her like this, she is extremely beautiful.

Mr. Qi twitched his brows and eyes, and sighed in front of this defenseless face, speechless, Miss are testing my limits again.


This time, he slept soundly. Whatever posture Tianliang slept in, he woke up in that posture.

She opened her eyes and saw Qi Xuan sitting on the bed, letting her pillow with one arm, holding a book in the other and reading silently.

And she, looking like a puppy just waking up, crawled up from him. This scene made her blush to the extreme in an instant.

Pushing him away in a panic, Tianliang jumped back to keep a distance, but unfortunately hit her head on the top of the couch, she grinned in pain and fell down again.

The bed is not big and the space is limited, if it falls, it must fall within someone's body range.

Tian Liang looked up and saw that he still fell into his arms after jumping for a long time, sat up angrily and pointed at him and shouted: "What are you doing in my room all the time! Get up! Let's go!"

Qi Xuan put down the book, moved her eyelids, and kissed calmly: "Is Miss Li always in the habit of throwing away after using it?"

It's cold and embarrassing, who used him!Who used him!Isn't she just so upset and irritable that she wants him to hold her for a while to dispel the irritability and lower her anger!How could this person speak so brazenly and shockingly, as if she raped him!

When the word 'strong' was mentioned, Tianliang remembered that night in the Black Wind Village that he spoke indistinctly, and in addition to the vacant hours the night before, these two drunks might make her become more animalistic. hair drunk...

Tian Liang is also very responsible.

If she really became her man, she would not evade her responsibility. Tianliang felt that it was not an option to procrastinate, so he coughed lightly, raised his eyes and said: "Then... that day in the village... still... still... There was...the night before...we..."

Looking up at him, he hesitated and said, "After I there..."

"Miss Li, is she talking about her sexual promiscuity after drinking?" Mr. Qi replied calmly, "Yes."

Tianliang was instantly struck by lightning, his face turned pale, "I, me? Give you..."

She really couldn't tell the fact that she raped Mr. Qi!

Qi Xuan looked at her, the corners of her lips curled up with interest, and asked in a low voice: "Give it to me, what's the matter?"

Tianliang's face turned red, "I to... Ba Ba Ba Ba Wang... Bow, Bow, Bow?"

Miss Li stuttered and blushed, her eyes were full of guilt and shock. This scene and expression were rare to see in a hundred years.

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