【249 My Mr.】

Tianliang's face turned red, "I gave...you to... Ba Ba Ba Ba Wang... Bow, Bow, Bow?"

"You originally wanted to force your bow on my Overlord?"

Qi Xuan asked slowly, raised his handsome eyebrows slightly, and the interest in the corners of his mouth became more and more obvious, "I just think that Miss Li is different from usual after drinking, and she just talked nonsense to me like a changed temper, Miss Li, you are still here?" Are you coveting my body?"

"Do you play word games like this!"

Tianliang was angry, glaring at him and roaring, "I'm not interested in your body, get out of my room right away! Don't rely on me anymore! I don't want to see you now! Get out——!"

Qi Xuan was silent for a moment, looked at her for a long time, pointed at her with the book, and said in a tone of impatience, "Miss Li, before you say this, you should get off of me first."

Hearing this, Tianliang looked down, his brain was congested with blood, and his whole body was as red as the sun from head to toe.

She hurriedly jumped down, turned her head, and couldn't say anything to refute at this moment.

She actually... sat on him in such an ambiguous and embarrassing posture, and questioned him for so long...Her dignity, dignity!

Qi Xuan sat up, Tianliang thought he was going to leave.

But beside the bed, there was the sound of a book falling to the floor with a thud.

Qi Xuan cherished books very much, most of the books he had read were flat and kept as new as they were, and now this book was thrown on the ground in a grand manner, which can be said to be a very strange behavior.

Tianliang turned her head to look, and when she turned her head, Youxiang, an overwhelming man, enveloped her, so unexpected, so rushing towards her face, and took her consciousness away in an instant, her eyes stared blankly at the unreliable The face with any problems approached, and he didn't even realize that he had been pressed under him in a flip.

"You don't..."

She didn't know what she wanted to say, but she seemed to have foreseen this kiss, without any doubt, she closed her eyes, pressed her lips against his, leaning close to the softness, and gently wrapped around him The tip of his tongue, squirming and entangled, he gradually deepened, the unbearable love that she had never felt before, and the hotness and greed that she had never felt before, it seemed that the next second, he would rub her into his arms .

Tianliang felt a little hard to breathe, pushed his chest away, gasping for breath, staring at him with a flushed face, "What...what are you..."

"Can't you see?" He looked down at her, "What do I want to do?"

Tianliang's chest suddenly suffocated, and she danced very fast, but she was in a panic she had never felt before. Her voice was so low that she couldn't hear her, "I'm a child... mother..."

"I don't care about your past."

He gently lowered his head, pressed against her forehead, and said slowly, "But if you continue like this, Miss Li, I might get angrier every time."

Tianliang was puzzled, "Angry?"

"Giving for the hearts of others", he said, and slowly kissed her along the bridge of her nose one after another, "Calling other men by their names in front of me, how dare you burst into tears..."

Bridge of nose, cheeks, thin lips, neck...

His kiss fell gently, and every time it landed, it was like leaving marks on Tianliang's body, scalding marks, and the scorching Tianliang trembled all over.

"Not coming home all night", he bit her lips, and his fingers fell on her chest, "Sad for others...so."

Qi Xuan stared into her eyes, "I'm very angry right now."

Tianliang was stunned.

Originally, he was very angry... But why did he hide it so superbly that she couldn't see it at all?

Facing that gaze, Tian Liang felt that her chest seemed to be wrapped in a silk thread that was neither light nor heavy, a little messy and cumbersome, but when he uttered every word, the tight suffocation made her heart move so much .

Qi Xuan is... getting jealous.

When Tianliang looked at him, there was a little charm in his eyes.

She rolled her eyebrows, stared at the wall, and muttered to herself in a low voice, "Aren't you the most calm gentleman in the world? If you don't tell me, who would know that you are angry..."

He suddenly stretched out his hand and pinched her nose, blocking her words.

Tianliang turned her face away, angrily, "What are you pinching me for!"

"Miss Li, look at me when you speak."

Mr. Qi whispered, his voice was slightly hoarse, and his eyes were burning.

Tianliang was upset when his nose was pinched, so he simply closed his eyes in anger, "I don't want to look at you! I don't want to look at you! I don't want to look at you..."

Qixuan sealed her lips again, this time Chunxin blocked her breath, not giving her any chance to breathe, Tianliang, who was kissed directly, turned red, opened her eyes, and then let go, whispering : "If you dare to keep your eyes closed, I can keep kissing you forever."

Tian Liangmo... had no choice but to look at him obediently.

This menacing hooligan!

Before she could finish her slander, she felt a chill in her chest.

He is wearing a large official uniform, and the buttons are cumbersome and rigorous, but for some reason, all the complicated things can be simplified in the hands of Mr. Qi. The corset and all fell to the ground...

With only a pair of obscene trousers left on her body, Tianliang raised her arms to hug her chest, but he blocked her with his hands, and a hoarse voice rang in her ears, "If you are shy, you can pretend that I am healing your wounds."

Cool and messy, healing?

Mr. Da, you overestimate me too much. If I can be so calm, I will treat my wounds as usual, and now I won’t feel like my heart is beating so fast that I am going to die!

The scorching kiss fell on her body, Tianliang couldn't control himself, and let out a low moan.

Hearing this, Qi Xuan's stomach tightened slightly, and the uncontrollable desire...fire in his eyes burst out. He looked at the snow-white skin, and couldn't bear to cover it.

Feeling his approach, Tianliang pursed her thin lips slightly, lost her thoughts, and her mind went blank.

The stroking movements of Qi Xuan's hands were neither fast nor slow, delicate and gentle, and controlled properly. When her hands covered her chest, Tian Liang shivered violently, and her eyes became even more ashamed.

He lowered his eyes, watching her pause for a moment.

With admiration, he looked at her, motionless, he liked to see her now, this unique, unique, shy appearance that belonged only to him.

"You..." Tianliang noticed that gaze, and then turned his head with a dark red face, "Don't stare at me."

Almost completely naked under his body, this made her very shy and at a loss, she... had never been looked at so frankly and directly in front of a man with this posture.

"No, I have to take a good look." He smiled, leaned close to her cheek and whispered to her, "This is my first time, but I don't want to treat you badly."

Tian Liang was startled, and looked at him in disbelief, "First time?"

This means, does Mr. Qi have no experience before?

Qi Xuan responded, raising her eyelids, "Is it strange?"

After a cold pause, he faltered and shook his head, "No...not..."

Mr. Qi is not close to female sex, even though there are thousands of women in his arms, he never shows any emotion. It turns out that this is not a rumor, but a fact.

The considerate and mysterious Mr. Qi, before having sex, would consider other people's feelings and say such things.

How many people covet such a man who is as far-sighted and pure as a snow lotus, the pure, the only... is hers.

Tian Liang only felt happy, extremely happy, happier than any delicious food in the world.

"It's okay, I have more experience than you..." She tried to comfort Mr. Qi, asking him not to worry.

Before she finished her shocking words, Qi Xuan stopped her again, this time the kiss was a little angry and punishing.

Tianliang let out a low cry, hummed a little aggrieved, and fell silent...

She is already the mother of the child, and she said this to reconcile with someone. Besides, she is a person with modern education and openness, so it is not wrong to say that she has more experience than him, right?

But these words... It seems that Mr. X's anger has been touched again... Otherwise, he would definitely not bite her, Qi Xuan doesn't like to bite people.

No longer giving her a chance to speak, Qi Xuan put his fingers on her white snow skin, gently twirling and slowly gliding over every part of her body with his fingertips. It's so skillful and clever, just right to ignite the flames on her body.

Because Tianliang was addicted, he sighed, my husband, to what extent have you learned without a teacher?

When his hand fell on her waist, Tianliang suddenly froze and grabbed his hand.

Sitting up suddenly, her face was pale, disrupting Mr. X's unhurried rhythm.

He looked at her, frowning.

Tianliang hugged her legs, covered her stomach, and said in great pain: "I seem... my aunt is here..."

"Who is that?"

The gentleman's face turned very dark, and he could clearly see the deep displeasure.

He said in a low and steady voice, "Miss Li, lie down."

Tian Liang buried her face like an ostrich in embarrassment, and said in a muffled voice, "I... have my period."

Mr. Qi glanced at her, then straightened his clothes, got up and went out.

Tian Liang looked at his back, clutching his stomach in depression——

This time, he must be really angry.

(I’m all hungry and thin, so I’ll give you meat to replenish my body...Although it’s a piece of meat that didn’t work out %>_<% today’s update is complete.)

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