[250 someone is angry]

After Tianliang changed her clothes and took care of herself, when she left the house, she felt that she had done a lot of embarrassing and unexpected things today.

She almost had sex with someone, so what happened.

Thinking about it now, this is such a serious and serious issue. If it comes true today, how will she get along with Mr. Qi in the future, face it, or say, how will she explain it to Baozi?

She also shoulders the task of finding her father.

Tianliang thought of Baozi, so he went up to the third floor, walked to Baozi's room to look for him, but when he pushed away to enter, he saw Baozi retracting his mysterious power, his small face was full of worry, his brows were frowning, His complexion was also not very good, with a grayish color.

She stepped forward and asked worriedly, "What's wrong?"

Baozi paused, and told Tianliang about Tuohuajiao taking Huayin back to Langye Palace to bring back Uncle Xuan after the group arena match, but now that there has been no news for such a long time, even he Ri Lian and Xuan Qi could not find any trace of Huajiao, so he was quite worried, worried that something happened to Langya Palace...

Tianliang said: "I will think of a way. I will leave in a few days and go to Langya Palace."

The little bun groaned and nodded.

Tianliang looked at him, and asked hesitantly, "Have you ever heard of Baozi...Jun Wuxun's name?"

Baozi raised his eyes, his face full of bewilderment, "Who is that?"

"Has your Uncle Xuan never mentioned the Jun family or your father's name to you?"

"Well. Uncle Xuan doesn't want me to go down the mountain, nor does he want to look for my parents. He always tells me that my parents are dead, and it's useless to find them." Baozi shook his head, his eyes shining with wisdom, "except for my parents Uncle Xuan has never kept any secrets from me about the rest of the matter, and he has told everything without reservation. He just mentioned some issues about the Jun family and his parents and avoided talking about them. This is too strange. I think if I don’t find it myself , will never be able to understand the reason, so..."

Tianliang looked at him and patted his head, "You did a good job, look, didn't you find me now?"

Baozi smiled, with a row of white teeth shining, he raised his head and stroked Tianliang's head, "Mother is also doing very well, the first female general in Sixuan, the first woman in Xifeng who refused to give a marriage, You are worthy of being Baozi's mother!"

Tianliang opened his hand, "It's not big or small."

Baozi smiled weirdly, Tianliang thought of Nan Zhongwei's animal pet, and asked again: "Does your Langya Palace have snake-like animal pets?"

Baozi thought for a while, "Counting the Huajiao, there are three divine beasts, all of which were locked in the prison under the palace. They are all safe divine beasts, without snake pets, but it seems that one was taken from Langxie at the bottom of the mountain to take refuge. Being trapped at the bottom of the mountain, there are too many traps at the bottom of the mountain, but I haven't taken the liberty to see what kind of animal pet it is..."

Tianliang frowned, nodded, and said nothing, only hoping that his deduction was not true.

She said, "I'll go to the weapons workshop first, are you coming with your mother?"

"Last night, I was afraid that something might happen to my mother, so I kept following my mother's position with my profound breath, and stopped after seeing nothing happened." Xiao Baozi rubbed his tired eyes, "I'll sleep for a while, so I won't go with my mother."

Tianliang was moved by his son again.

She lowered her head and kissed his cheek, and said, "Go to sleep."

Baozi stared at Hu Ling's big eyes and said, "Mother's smell is similar to Mr.'s."

Tianliang uh, waved his hands guiltily, "Don't talk nonsense, I'm leaving."

The smell of Mr. Qi Da has left on her body... She blushed slightly, stood up, and turned to leave.

After only a short while, Jun Xiaobao fell asleep.

Tianliang shook his head and prepared to go out, but when he walked to the door, he suddenly felt that the surrounding temperature dropped suddenly, and it was very cold, so he turned back again, unfolded the quilt and covered the buns, and then left the room in peace——

When she went out, she saw that the maids and servants all looked very cold with their arms folded, she wondered in her heart, could it be that Feng Aotian came?

She walked down the attic, turned out of the bridge, and when she inquired and found out that no one had visited, she saw Li Tianxiao.

Tianliang said: "Brother, what happened, why is it so cold all of a sudden?"

Li Tianxiao raised his head, looked in the direction of the study in another attic, and replied, "Cold martial energy."

High-level fighters can't use too low-level moves, and they have amazing abilities.

and so……

Tianliang looked at the study room, turned his head silently, and shut up.

Someone is angry.

Some people use Cambrian to cool down in the study.

Some people are so angry that they don't know how to control their invincible five-line martial energy, and they don't care if they turn the whole pavilion into ice.

The expert is angry, and it really is extraordinary.

"You rejected the prince's engagement, this matter..." Li Tianxiao pondered, and asked worriedly, "Will there be any unfavorable consequences for you?"

When Feng Aotian was mentioned, Tianliang felt more dignified.

She lowered her eyes and shook her head, "If it was before, I'm not sure, but now I think, he won't do so many strong things like before."

At the time of the rebellion, Li Tianxiao also participated in the whole process. He couldn't understand the strange friendship between his third sister and Feng Aotian, who seemed to be ambiguous but not ambiguous, and who seemed to be a sharp-tongued enemy. This man is not willing to hurt his third sister.

"Did brother go to find the culprit yesterday?" Tian Liang asked seriously, "What did that person say in the end?"

Qi Xuan was a little puzzled by her sister's sudden change, yesterday morning she still defended Qi Xuan, but today she can ask questions calmly, with an expression of wanting to hear a good show.

Seeing that he was silent, Tianliang turned his head, "Have you done anything?"

She just wanted to know how Mr. Qi Da answered Li Tianxiao's question.

Li Tianxiao raised his eyes, and after a while, he said slowly and clearly word by word, "He said, if you want to marry, he will."

Tianliang was taken aback.

She looked at Li Tianxiao, moved her lips in a daze, "...Really?"

"Did elder brother like to joke with you very much?"

Li Tianxiao had a serious face, "Tianliang, although such a person is a high rise to us, you should also think about your own status. Since the husband has agreed, why don't you wait until I bring your mother back and start planning marriage immediately?" ..."

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