【257 Mr. Ruan】

"Jian Shaotang's method of disguise is also good." The little bun leaned on his elbow and muttered, looking like an adult, "but this person is not reliable, and his mother is famous, so I'm afraid there will be trouble."

"Leave it to me, don't worry, I will finish it for you as quickly as possible."

Tian Liang hastily knelt down to stop Xiao Baozi from contemplating——

She really couldn't bear the heart of a doll who didn't even have a flowering season to bother her as an adult.

The little bun grinned, and kindly suggested, "Mother, it's best to go to Mr.

Don't look for it, don't look for it, I just don't look for this rascal!

Tianliang complained a hundred times in his heart that he didn't look for him. After he wandered around Luoyun Pavilion, he still asked Jian Shaotang.

Jian Shaotang said that his mask needs to be carefully maintained every day, and he will not use it every day, so that it can be used properly all the time. If it is handed over to him, he will use it every day. He can't guarantee that there will be no mistakes.

In the cold weather, I had no choice but to find Mr.

According to Jian Shaotang, Mr. Qi felt bored writing a book recently and went out.

Tianliang asked: "Where did you go?"

"I didn't say it, but man, I'm bored, of course I want to have fun!" Jian Shaotang shrugged, "I guess... definitely went to Chunlou."

Tianliang said it was impossible, and Jian Shaotang went out with Tianliang to find Mr. Qi in order to prove his theory that he had been drawing erotic pictures for so long.

Several nearby temples, Fengjing's teahouse, tavern, storyteller, opera stage, fishing Liuyuan, etc. all searched around, but there was no sign of Mr. Qi.

Under Jian Shaotang's persuasion, she finally went to Chunlou to look for it.

Jian Shaotang has many acquaintances in this industry, including her Xunxiangyuan, who has a very good personal relationship with the madam, and is also familiar with the location of each Chunlou and the nearest route.

After a while, after leaving three houses, Tianliang finally found Mr. Qi who was sitting opposite a beautiful woman in a spring building with elegant decoration...

"Men, sure enough, understand the same kind better than women..."

Young Master Jian sighed with emotion, Miss Li had already rushed up with strides like fire.

Jian Shaotang swallowed, shook his head and murmured.

"Sturdy women don't get jealous casually, but if they get jealous, they can kill!"

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Mr. Qi sat in a private room, a private room by the window.

He was drinking a glass of wine, smiling gently at the person opposite, and when he nodded, he heard a bang, and the wooden door was kicked open.

A valiant and heroic woman stood in front of the door with an angry expression on her face and sneering words out of her mouth.

"Some people are so shameless. When they visit brothels in broad daylight, they are not afraid of being struck by lightning when they go out, being flooded when they drink water, being squeezed by the door when they go home, and being arrested by the anti-pornography team for doing bad things. Are they cast aside by thousands of people?"

As a result, a bunch of sarcasm was spoken... No one could understand it yet.

Jian Shaotang, who was accompanying him, was speechless when he heard this—Miss Lu, do you think you belong to the anti-drug special police Flying Tigers?What I said is too mysterious, how can everyone understand everything with a high consciousness like me?

The person sitting opposite Qi Xuan slowly turned his head.

Tianliang just looked at the side from a distance, and felt that she was a first-class beauty, but unexpectedly, when he looked at it from such a close distance, he was stunned as if fascinated, and was shocked by her appearance for a long time.

Yundai has thin eyebrows, hair hanging down, a little rouge and cinnabar on her forehead, her long eyelashes are thick and thick, and when she raises them, light-colored shadows are scattered. Her facial features and appearance can no longer be described in beautiful words. Ability, but like a poppy, people look at it again and again, lingering and forgetting to look away, the brown pupils are originally a light color, but under the makeup of her paint, they are enchanting, charming, and even more seductive. spirit.

Qi Xuan is like a fairy, and does not eat the spirit of the world's fireworks. This person is not as good as a thing in the world, but like a demon.

"Look stupid?"

The man suddenly made a sound, his voice was provocative, there was a round object rolling on his slender neck, and as he hummed softly, the look of contempt on his face became a little more sinister.

Tian Liang was taken aback, looking at the beauty in surprise, with Adam's apple... a man?

male whore?

It's okay for Mr. Qi, Longyang's addiction?

At this time, Jian Shaotang looked behind for a while, and then said, "Could it be that Mr. Ruan, who has a good personal relationship with Mr. Qi, is called Ruan Meiren..."

"Have you heard of me?" The man narrowed his eyes full of evil spirits, and smiled slightly at Jian Shaotang, "What did you call me just now?"

In the soft question, there was a murderous look in the eyes.

Jian Shaotang swallowed his saliva, quickly changed his words, and said in a low voice: "Mr. Ruan...Mr. Ruan..."

It seems that Mr. Ruan doesn't like being called a beauty...

Unexpectedly, before Jian Shaotang finished speaking, Ruan Meiren raised her eyelids. Before anyone could see the movement, Jian Shaotang fell down with a bang, and fell straight to the ground like a zombie. On the unfinished word.

This person is poisonous, and the gods don't know it.

Tianliang looked slightly cold, and said coldly: "I advise you to give me the antidote immediately."

That Mr. Ruan paid no attention to her, he just ignored her words, picked up a glass of wine, and continued to drink by himself, not at all prepared to respond to her threats.

Tianliang frowned, and when he put his right hand to his chest and was about to draw out his gun, he heard a bang from the opposite side, and there was a crackling sound!

The wine glass in Ruan Meiren's hand shattered silently.

Sake was poured down all over the shards.

Beauty Ruan frowned, and with a movement of her right hand, all the wine beads on his hand and on the table immediately floated up, and struck towards Mr. Qi who was facing him with martial aura...

The powerful martial pressure instantly filled the entire wing.

The sense of oppression is extremely strong.

When the bead reached the center, Qi Xuan just raised his eyes, the Huaguang instantly blocked the sharp weapon of broken beads, causing the wine beads to evaporate completely in the blink of an eye, disappearing without a trace.

One move doesn't move, the other move doesn't move, and the tricks between masters always see results in a calm manner.

Tianliang was shocked, knowing that this Mr. Ruan was also a remarkable person.

It's just that she didn't know exactly what kind of martial energy he possessed, only felt that there was some dark martial pressure.

Mr. Qi smiled warmly, and reminded Ruan Meiren, "Mr. Ruan, the antidote."

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