【258 We Are Not Familiar】

"Mr. Ruan, the antidote."

"You, Mr. Qida, have you started to listen to women now?"

Ruan Meiren didn't really want to fight with Qi Xuan, so she sneered, then did what Qi Xuan said, raised her sleeve and waved the fluorescent light, then turned back contemptuously, with a look of disdain on her face.

Jian Shaotang immediately twitched a few times, sat up in a daze, blinked his blank eyes and asked, "What's wrong with me?"

The poison is gone.

"Miss Li", Qi Xuan just finished drinking a glass of wine at this time, put down the glass, turned his head to her and said softly, "Come here, I will introduce a friend to you."

Tian Liang pouted and walked over, cast a sideways glance at Ruan Meiren, and said directly: "I don't need an introduction, I'm here to ask you about something, sir, there's no need to know him."

"Mr. Qi heard that, she doesn't want to know me, and I'm too lazy to accompany her," Ruan Meiren started, and then continued, "It's a good relationship, and it just happens that I don't need to get acquainted with vulgar people, and I'm pure."

"This one", Tianliang smiled, and said ironically, "Don't fantasize, even if I want someone to accompany me, I will choose a man with a high style and a normal appearance. If you are like you, I will return it to me! What's wrong with the vulgarity? It’s much better to pretend to be noble. Besides, the real noble ancestor is sitting opposite you. How dare you sell scriptures in front of the Buddha even if you are so evil?”

This tongue is really powerful, without any sympathy.

When Mr. Qi heard this, he felt that someone had praised him indirectly, so he smiled in a good mood.

"Talk too much, you will lose, girl, be careful and talk too much, and you will be killed!" Beauty Ruan returned, unwilling to show weakness.

Tianliang snorted, "You should keep these words to yourself, I think you have a lot to say!"

"If you want to become like that person just now, you can continue talking." Ruan Meiren narrowed her eyes, and Danfeng's eyes showed murderous intent.

Tianliang didn't say anything, only Qi Xuan said calmly: "How about, how about Mr. Ruan turning me into Young Master Jian first?"

Mei Ruan raised her eyebrows and looked at Qi Xuan with a teasing expression. It seems that you, Mr. Qi Da, really treat her as one of your own. Qi Xuan also has a moment of love?

"Miss Li, this is Mr. Ruan," Qi Xuan introduced to Tian Liang in a nonchalant manner, "I want to stay in Luoyun Pavilion for a while."

Tianliang wanted to refuse when he opened his mouth, but then he thought, can she refuse what Mr. Da decided?

Besides, she is leaving for Langya Palace soon anyway, it doesn't matter if this person wants to stay.

Tian Liang was silent, and said to Qi Xuan: "I have something to ask you."

Ruan Meiren yawned on the opposite side, got up lazily and walked to the door, lifted Jian Shaotang and said, "Mr. Ben is tired, take me back to that cloud..."

"Luoyun Pavilion." Facing the world's number one poison sage, Jian Shaotang reminded him very respectfully.

"Well, go to that pavilion and go back and rest."

Jian Shaotang was speechless, I reminded you in vain!

When Ruan Meiren walked out the door, she suddenly stopped, turned around and asked Qi Xuan with fixed eyes, "How is that idiot now?"

"We are very well together." Qi Xuan replied.

Ruan Meiren frowned, and there was a flash of displeasure in her eyes, but she just snorted coldly, turned her eyes and left with a bewitching air.

Only Tian Liang and Qi Xuan were left in the room.

"Just now, why did he use the word 'accompanying'?" Tianliang was sharp and asked immediately, "Are you... are you leaving?"

Qi Xuan stretched out his hand and said in a low voice, "Come here."

Tianliang walked over.

He hugged her waist, helped her in his arms, and wrapped her around her, as light and precious as a porcelain doll, with warmth in his always deep eyes, "I'm going to deal with some trivial matters. Can't stay with you."

His voice, easy-going and light, made Tianliang startled slightly.

She looked up at him, only to feel that the thoughts that were still thinking about whether to struggle in his embrace just now suddenly became quiet and disappeared.

This person, before she escapes, he is about to leave.

Why do you always want her to worry about it a little earlier than him?

Tianliang pursed her thin lips slightly, and stared at him with bright eyes, "See you later?"

He laughed, "What do you think?"

"How do I know..." Tianliang couldn't resist his smile more and more. Hearing his question, he felt a soreness in his chest, "I'm not the one whose whereabouts are erratic."

"Miss Li", his eyes are quiet, but he has the ability to seduce people, "Your words, do you mean that you are reluctant to part with me?"

"I'm willing, a hundred times willing!" Tian Liang continued to duplicity.

Mr. Qi agrees, "Well, you can only gain if you give up."

"Who misses you?" She glared at him.

"Since you don't want to, why did you climb onto my couch the previous two nights?" Mr. Qi pretended to be at a loss.

"That's because I was insane after drinking and did something wrong..."

"I've only heard of drunken courage and drinking the truth."

"You..." Tian Liang blushed, stared at him and asked, "My Mr. Qi Da, do you dare to be more modest, low-key, and a gentleman?"

He laughed when he heard this, "Am I yours?"

The sky is cool and caressing her forehead - she can no longer control her convulsive brain and gaffe language.

"No!" He denied it very simply, "It's okay between us, we don't know each other well!"

"Okay", the husband didn't reply, but he hooked his head and pressed a kiss on her lips, "I'm not familiar with you."

Tianliang was stunned, what a gentleman who can control the overall situation, and makes her angry and at a loss!

If she stayed any longer, she didn't know how much verbal advantage this person would take.

Tianliang jumped off his arms and sighed: "I have something to ask you, let's talk while returning to the pavilion."

Qi Xuan responded, and the two of them went downstairs together. When they were going out, the old bustard saw Tian Liang and Mr. Qi going out together. coming.

The news of Tianliang's refusal to marry also spread some gossip from the palace, and Mr. Qi is a disguised person, and few people know her as an adulterer. Various versions of rumors such as catching an adulterer, drinking alone and crying quickly spread, and storytellers spread and sang them one after another, adding to the legendary life of Miss Li San, making it popular again.

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