【259 Farewell】

When Tianliang noticed that a lot of eyes fell on him, he couldn't help turning his head and said to Qixuan: "It seems that disguise is a necessary skill for home travel, and I need to ask you for advice."

"I made three disguise masks for you and put them in the room. There is a fire martial arts practice method written just for you in the study. You are full of martial energy, but you don't know how to make the best of it. You need to practice it from scratch. Get up," Qi Xuan looked ahead, and told slowly, "To go to Langye, pass through Dongjing, cross the sea road, pass through Beiyu and cross Huangsha, the two sides are difficult, so we must go through Nanzhao, if Mr. Ruan follows, It's seven points safe."

Tian Liang was a little dazed, and turned his head to look at him, "How do you know... I'm... going to Dongxie Mountain?"

What's more, everything was arranged so meticulously, taking care of all aspects, hiring a caregiver for her in advance, and he wrote books repeatedly these days, originally, for her...

"You forgot that I said that you and I are the ones who don't like things out of control." He looked forward, the corners of his lips twitching slightly, "I don't like the word unknown, and you must be too."

It was cool and silent.

That's right, if the little bun's matter is not cleared up, she thinks that she will never feel at ease.

What happened in those two years, the real body of Jun Xiaobao's father, the masked man who appeared, and that... Jun Wuxun.

"Jun Wuxun, was once the strongest martial artist of Sixuan, with super talent, he was in charge of the Jun family since he was a child. Six years ago, at the age of 23, he was caught in a fire." Qi Xuan stopped walking, and said calmly. The words turned around, "The Jun family has always been isolated from the outside world, and because of the destruction of the house, there are no documents left. About this person, only this information remains."

Tian Liang's chest twitched, he was shocked that he could confess the news, and also felt a little guilty for what Qi Xuan had done for her...

He knew that at least half of her thoughts were on the Jun family, on that unknown man named Jun Wuxun.

"En", Tianliang hooked his head and replied in a low voice, "I... wrote it down."

Then, no more words.

Silence spread between the two of them...

Qi Xuan's face darkened slightly, and he glanced sideways at her, seeing that she just shook her head silently, she didn't speak, and walked forward with calm eyes.

Tian Liang was startled, and looked up to see that his steps seemed to be unhappy, but he had already walked a long way away from her.

She caught up, her lips moved, but when she looked at his slightly cold side, she swallowed her words again...

The two walked silently, one in front of the other, silent, silent, just silent.

It was the first time Tianliang knew that he was so silent and silent, unlike before when he always slowly and intentionally waited for her to walk forward, she would be flustered.

She followed his steps, feeling a little strenuous and eager.

I have been chasing and catching up, always opening my mouth to say something, but when it comes to my mouth, I become silent again.

At this time, she realized her uselessness, her lack of confession.

She read a passage before, like a person, you will be happy with him, sad with him, even if you are a frank woman, you will feel that simple words and words will change when you look at the distanced back. difficult.

It was incomprehensible at that time, but now, it is a real experience.

Luoyun Pavilion is approaching...

Qi Xuan settled down, turned around, and said politely to her: "Miss Li, I will send you safely, so farewell."

Some isolation.

he's leaving...

This journey, obviously walked for a long time, but why does it feel so short.

reluctant!I don't want him to leave like this, at least, I can't let him leave with the silence along the way...

Tian Liang looked at him and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Seeing that she was still silent, Qi Xuan's eyes flashed with loneliness, she turned around and walked towards the carriage that Gu Ziyu was waiting for...


The wrist is held by slender fingers.

Behind him, a female voice whispered, "Wait a minute."

Qi Xuan turned around and looked at her silently.

"Peach cake...I'll get you peach cake."

Tianliang said something in a panic, and hurriedly stepped back to Luoyun Pavilion, Qi Xuan slightly tilted her head, looking at her with softer eyes.

Miss Li, when can you be more frank and let Qi leave the front with more peace of mind and certainty?

Do you know, Qi Xuan, also has worries and reluctance.

Tianliang didn't care to say hello to the servants, and hurried back to his room, took the box of peach cakes left by Feng Yi, returned, and handed it to him...

"This is... my favorite thing in my life." Tianliang was a little out of breath, holding his chest, "You take it."

Qi Xuan put away the brocade box and whispered, "Miss Li, don't worry."

At this moment, Tianliang calmed down his panting, straightened his body, raised his rosy face and asked: "The words you said, the water you spilled, can you remember what you said?"

Mr. Qi looked at her with jade-colored pupils under his long eyelashes, "I remember."

"I've written down what you said. If you don't admit it in the future, I'll have a counterpoint. But..." Tian Liang smiled, "It's said before, mine is mine, and no one else will." You can't compete with me, especially men. So... this gentleman, you'd better continue your clean conduct... Otherwise..."

Tianliang squinted his eyes, snorted, and only threatened half a sentence.

Ms. Li's promise, this oath, if it is not declared, it will be done, once it is announced, it is amazing!

Qi Xuan looked at her and smiled, "Okay."

Tian Liang stepped forward, regardless of whether she was in front of Luoyun Pavilion, whether there were pedestrians passing by, or whether this was a conservative ancient time and her well-known identity as General Li... She stood on tiptoe and raised her hand Wrapping around his neck, she leaned closer to him with great effort, raised her eyelashes and said, "Sir, you should give me a farewell kiss."

The gentleman lowered his eyes and lowered his head, biting her moist and glossy thin lips. His cool tongue was like a brush outlining the outline, recording the fragrance and tasting the sweetness. The kiss was so deep and hard that he wanted to embed the softness in his heart forever.

parting kiss...

Tianliang doesn't know at this time, at a certain moment in the future, she will regret it, regret that at that time, if she said goodbye instead of the word "farewell", how good it would be...

The sun is shining brightly, and the spring breeze is already cool.

Pedestrians are in a hurry, and the kissing figures under the blowing willow tree in Luoyun Pavilion slowly separate. The woman's eyes are as clear as snow, and her face is as smooth as the clouds.

"Bon Voyage."

Tianliang let go of his hand, and after Qi Xuan glanced at her, he didn't stay any longer, turned around, and slowly walked towards the direction he should go...

She knew that he could leave faster with his breath, but he was walking slowly like this to separate from her. She also stood still in the same place, watching him, and only bowed her head when his figure disappeared completely. Turn around and go back to Luoyun Pavilion.

I remember that.

She will never forget that vow. It's just that I will see you in the future. No one knows, but it is still like this, and that vow will be truly fulfilled...

You are willing to marry.

I will marry.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Ten miles away from the Fengjing plank road, a light flashed, and a slender figure walking like a fairy fell down. Gu Ziyu leaned against the carriage and closed his eyes for a nap. On the Mr. who came forward.

"Sir..." Gu Ziyu called out, eyes full of fatigue.

"It's been hard these days." Qi Xuan walked to the carriage and whispered to the dusty Gu Ziyu, "I ordered you to investigate, but did you find it?"

"Don't worry, sir, you've stayed safely, and I'll pick you up right away," Gu Ziyu said, and as if remembering something, he took out a wax-sealed envelope from his pocket and said, "When I return, there are strangers. The man in black left after leaving this, Ziyu tried several methods but couldn’t open it, and was worried whether it might be related to Mr., so he specially brought it to Mr.

The envelope had a faint light, and it was sealed with martial energy, very tightly.

And the place where the wax is put is exactly the shape of the unique seal of the Dongjing royal family. It is said that only the top secret of the royal family can use the seal. This is also a private method that is only used by the Dongjing royal family.

Qi Xuan took it, without thinking about it, opened the envelope, browsed briefly, closed the envelope, looked into the distance, and said nothing.

Gu Ziyu was suspicious, and asked in confusion, "Sir, isn't this an invitation letter from the Dongjing royal family to ask you to solve a problem?"

It's just that this way of inviting is so dishonest, which is very strange.

Qi Xuan raised his hand and shattered the envelope and the letter into pieces in the wind...

As the paper turned into powder and floated in the wind, the strong wind blew up his sleeves, revealing the six bloodstains, which were extremely bright and dazzling, shocking.

"It's just a letter from home."

Qi Xuan answered lightly, got into the carriage, and ordered lightly, "Let's go, there are still many things to do."

Gu Ziyu's pupils tightened, and he looked at the closed carriage curtain in disbelief, more shocked than puzzled!

Letters from the Dongjing royal family...

Mr. called... Family letter...

(Thanks to my dear Xue Yunuo for presenting the silent flowers, what! We are about to leave Xifeng, and Xiao Tianliang’s good time in Xifeng is coming to an end for now ^o^)

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