[260 Departure]

Coincidentally, when Tianliang was returning to Luoyun Pavilion, an invitation letter from Beiyu's royal family's big wedding VIP at the end of next month happened to arrive. This invitation letter was sent directly from the palace.

Tianliang took the invitation letter and took a look. Isn't it the wedding invitation letter of the eldest princess of the Wuzhen clan, Gu Nuo Pali, who is currently in power in Bei Yu? Liang, then naturally all the congratulatory gifts on behalf of Xifeng were handed over to Tianliang, this time Tianliang must take Xifeng's face into account and make careful preparations.

Sending big gifts on behalf of others saves face and saves money. Sure enough, the king of a country has the potential to be cunning and cunning.

It will take seven to ten days from Fengjing to the Northern Territory, and if it is slow, the full moon will be full. The sky is cool and the reason is to prepare for the gift and the long journey. Here comes the ready news.

With this decree, Tianliang immediately ordered Fan Cong to take some people to Beiyu, and she immediately went to Nanzhao to Dongxie Mountain, and they will meet again at Beiyu's wedding banquet in one month.

At the same time, he met with Li Tianxiao again, and asked him to cooperate with Jian Shaotang and Tiannuan to take care of the weapon workshop, and then together with Jun Xiaobao, put on men's clothes, pack a bag, and pull the half-dead Ruan Meiren, who was always sleeping, on the seat. The carriage departed from Luoyun Pavilion and left the city overnight.

Ruan Meiren pretends to be noble, cleanliness, extraordinary, and has a lot of pretensions...

Therefore, in a spacious carriage, Ruan Meiren specially ordered someone to repair a tent curtain, not to mention taking up half of the space, and also separated herself from the mother and child, for fear of getting a little bit of filth. of.

It's a pity that the curtain didn't seem to have any effect. When the groom hurried on the road, he didn't hear the sound of the horse's hooves, but only heard the quarrel.

It's been three days.

"Why haven't you got off the plank road and checked into the inn?" Ruan Meiren scolded through the curtain, "Is your Li family's groom a tortoise? Mr. Ben hasn't got off the car for three days and three nights and hasn't slept well. Can you bear it?"

"Mr. Ruan is really joking. How did you eat and drink without getting out of the car for three days and three nights? My carriage is not that high-end and I have my own latrine! I like this speed. It doesn't bump or get motion sick. If you have any objections, it's okay." , Fly back! If you are afraid of getting lost, I will hang a string around your neck for you, tie one end to the car body, and use the wind to exert force like a kite. The environment is not tiring and the air is fresh. !" Tianliang crossed her legs and ate dried fruit snacks, completely ignoring the man's complaints.

Ruan Meiren has been with this woman for three days, so she naturally knows how talkative she is, and she is not angry. She just let out a cold snort, opened the curtain, opened the window of the carriage, opened the curtain, and said to herself, "This The car is full of filth, it's better to open it up and disperse it, it's very dirty."

You are the one who is dirty!Tian Liang said to him, "If Mr. Ruan is not satisfied with the next inn, you can stay in a carriage! My son and I are normal people, not that picky."

This is satirizing that Mr. Ruan is not normal.

But she was right. This Mr. Ruan is extremely difficult to serve. It’s not that he doesn’t get out of the carriage for three days, but that Mr. Ruan, who has a cleanliness, doesn’t like any of the inns he passes by. He was not up to standard, and once it was even more outrageous. After finally entering an inn that he was satisfied with in every way, Mr. Ruan waved his sleeves and went back to the carriage as soon as he entered the door because he didn't like the appearance of the innkeeper!

Tianliang asked, why does his appearance bother you?

Mr. Ruan replied, "It's too ugly. Mr. Ben is disgusted and doesn't like it."

The innocent shopkeeper was shot...

Tianliang said angrily, Mr. Ruan, you are deliberately picking on me!

Mr. Ruan is very sincere, if he wants to stay, he can do it, Mr. Ben will ruin the shopkeeper's face first.

It was cold and speechless.

In this way, they changed from house to house, and this was finally the third day. Even Mr. Ruan felt that the carriage was too cramped, and he didn't wave his sleeves to leave the inn where he stopped.

The three of them got off the carriage and walked into the inn. The little bun was still asleep with two big cotton balls stuffed in his ears. After the groom stopped the carriage, he asked the shopkeeper for three upper rooms and lived in.

Before moving in, Mr. Ruan took out piles of medicine powder and incense, and ordered that the room he lived in be cleaned fifteen times before he finally calmed down and entered the house.

Xiao Baozi and Tianliang had already taken a nap to catch up on sleep.

Baozi was awakened by the movement next door, picked the cotton balls, yawned and asked, "Mom, do you think we can live through tonight?"


This is really hard to say.

It's not that she is afraid of this Mr. Ruan, so she relies on everything.It's just that she is very clear about the insidiousness of the Nanzhao Gu poison, and she has seen the symptoms of Huayin's attack when she was persecuted by the Gu poison, so she had to give in to Ruan Meiren.

What's more, this Mr. Ruan is really a soft-hearted person.

If you threaten him, he will say, there are too many people threatening me, and few are alive.

If you speak soft words to him, he will snort coldly, are you begging me sincerely?If you return your sincerity, he said, then I shouldn't.If you are insincere, he will smile, don't say insincere words in the future, be careful that you will not be able to speak in the future.Then he smiled and looked at your angry appearance, admiring Youjia, with a happy face.

Ruan Meiren is a real evildoer.

There are good and evil in evildoers, some evildoers are born, and some evildoers are cultivated.Qi Xuan was born with a demon that surpasses people's hearts, and even being evil can make people unconsciously praise that he is indeed Mr. Qi; this Mr. Ruan is invincible through cultivation. Gritting his teeth when he got up, he could only look helplessly at his provocative beautiful eyes...

As soon as Tianliang fell silent, he heard a scream from the next door.

She quickly jumped up and ran to the next door and rushed in. When she rushed into the room, she saw Ruan Meiren dressing up, combing her waist-length black hair in front of the bronze mirror. The gracefulness of the person.

"Mr. Ruan," Tian Liang walked up to the fallen Xiao Er, and said impatiently, "Give me the antidote."

Mr. Ruan disdainfully said, "He looked at me more than three times."

It's cold and speechless!

It's not that you don't want to disguise yourself, you don't want people to look at a man who looks like this, what a distorted and deformed mentality!

(Thanks to my dear joyjoy118 for giving away the silent gold medal, and dear redtears88 for giving me the silent red envelope, ╭(╯3╰)╮I just found out that there is a new tweet today, and there will be more today. The gold medal has reached ten, and there will be more updates.)

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