[261 arrived in Nanzhao]

"In this way, sir, give me the antidote." Tianliang persuaded sincerely, "When the little boy wakes up, I will charge him three silver coins, and tell him, sir, you can pay one coin for just looking at it, how about it?"

The corner of Ruan Meiren's mouth twitched, she turned her head slowly, her eyes narrowed dangerously, and the blood on her forehead was bright and enchanting, "Why don't I kill all the people in this inn tonight, how about it?"

"All killed?"

"Mr. Ben walks the talk."

"Mr.," Tian Liang earnestly and persuasively said, "Let's kill you first, you are also a member of this inn now."

Ruan Meiren looked at her, raised her eyebrows, threw a wooden bottle to her, and snorted, "It's as if your words and words are printed in the same mold as your man, take the antidote and take this man away!"

Taking the antidote, when Tian Liang knelt down to feed Xiao Er the antidote, Ruan Meiren suddenly asked, "What's wrong with his bloodstains?"

Tianliang paused, raised his head and frowned, "Bloodstain?"

The corners of Ruan Meiren's mouth were filled with interest, "Why, you don't know?"

Looking at Tian Liang's eyes in a daze, he immediately got up and walked back to the couch, snorting and sneering, "So he didn't treat you as his own...just pretend I just said something wrong, General Li."

Tianliang stared at him, got up and asked again: "What bloodstain?"

"General Li is really a novelty, he can entrust his whole life to a man whom he knows nothing about..."

Ruan Mei went to the couch lazily, lay down flirtatiously, closed her eyes and fell asleep with half-dressed clothes...

Only Tianliang's cold words and deep doubts remained...


Although Ruan Meiren is tricky and picky, she is still good to Jun Xiaobao. She has never found any faults with him, nor has she found fault with him. Occasionally, she will take Jun Xiaobao into his tent to make it more comfortable and soft. Sitting on his couch, she praised him for his cleverness and dexterity, and taught him some ways to recognize poisons and herbal medicines, and prevent simple poisons.

Along the way, Jun Xiaobao has gained a lot of medical knowledge, and has also gained a lot of appreciation from Mr. Ruan.

It's been the tenth day of the journey, Tianliang sat outside the tent and heard Ruan Meiren praise Jun Xiaobao classmate, every word was sincere.

"Very good, he is more talented and smarter than my apprentice."

"How many disciples does Mr. Ruan have?"

After a long silence, Ruan Meiren's voice was cold and annoyed, "One, moreover, is a fool."

It was rare to hear Ruan Meiren speak in such a cold and cold language, Tianliang couldn't help turning his head to look over, lost in thought.

Jun Xiaobao was curious, "That apprentice, why didn't you follow Mr.?"

Ruan Meiren remained silent, and said in a low voice, "I give up."

The so-called giving up, maybe it was killing, maybe it was abolished, or even more maybe, it was used to clean up the poisonous powder... This Ruan Meiren didn't say anything, Tianliang and Jun Xiaobao didn't know what would happen. .Jun Xiaobao always knew the scene, seeing Ruan Meiren's expression, he didn't ask any more questions, and after saying a few words, he crawled out of the tent.

He shrugged his shoulders towards Tianliang and made an impatient expression.

Tianliang sighed and hugged Baozi...

It seems that even if Xiaobao was asked to investigate the so-called bloodstains, he would still find nothing... It is better to wait until she meets Qi Xuan and ask her personally.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Another three days.

When the carriage passed through a jungle and entered an unknown town, and at the entrance of the town, they saw a man with a dark face lying in front of the town gate, foaming at the mouth, it was cool to know... Nanzhao, we have arrived.

Although Gu art is prevalent in Nanzhao, ordinary people still don't raise Gu. They just have a little understanding of Gu, can make some simple Gu cups, know how to distinguish poisonous insects from Gu insects, and the most basic control methods.

Seeing the carriage stopped, Tianliang opened the curtain and asked the groom, who pointed to the kneeling boy who stopped the carriage in front, hesitantly said: "Master, this boy is crying and blocking the way, and there is another lying down in front of him." People with black hair can't get through..."

When Tianliang was about to get off the carriage to have a look, a cold whisper came from behind the account, "If you want to die, don't come up again."

"Mother, the lying person is already covered in black, the poisonous gu has swallowed his heart, and there is no way to save him. The boy's right hand has also started to turn black, so he must have been infected with the gu poison." Jun Xiaobao explained clearly, Grabbed Tian Liang, "This Gu parasitizes in the human body and eats the heart veins. After the heart veins are exhausted, it will seek the next target. If it cannot find the next parasite within an hour, it will die. Look at the right hand of this little boy. The degree of erosion may only be half an hour, we must quickly stay away from this place, otherwise we will inevitably get stained if we stay for a long time."

Xiao Baozi narrated in an orderly manner, very clearly, before Tianliang was able to appreciate how fast your son was learning, he only listened to the account and then snorted again, "This horse is terrible."

Tianliang and Baozi turned their heads to look, and saw that when the little boy was crying, he didn't care about the size and ferocity of the horse. Our young master went to the hospital for medical treatment, begging young master, our young master is about to die..."

"It's not just that your son is going to die." The curtain was lifted, and Mr. Ruan, who covered his nose with his finger, came out, squinted at the boy who was kicked away by the horse's hoof, and said sarcastically, "You still have more than half an hour to die , but you just blocked Mr. Ben's way, now go and accompany your young master to hell."

After saying that, he raised his sleeve and was about to shoot cold needles——

Tianliang raised his hand, blocked Mr. Ruan's arm, shook his head and said, "Mr. Ruan, take a look at what that young master is wearing."

Ruan Meiren looked intently and said, "Prison uniforms from Nanzhao Palace."

"Save him," Tian Liang ordered, "I have something to ask this man."

Mr. Ruan didn't buy it, "What does it have to do with me?"

This person is really difficult to deal with and difficult to deal with. Convincing him to do a trivial matter that has nothing to do with it is more difficult than going to heaven.

Before Tianliang could speak, the little bun rubbed his black eyes and smiled like a crescent moon, "Sir... Didn't you ask me if I would like to sleep with you at night? This, I decided to consider..."

Tianliang was horrified, and immediately turned his head to stare at Ruan Meiren: "Damn, are you a fetishist? Coveting my son?"

This evildoer wants to lure his son to the road of love?

Mr. Ruan's face darkened, he gave Tian Liang a hard look, and didn't even bother to answer her. After shaking off his sleeves, he jumped out of the carriage——

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