[262 Rescue Gu]

Mr. Ruan's face darkened, he gave Tian Liang a hard look, and didn't even bother to answer her. After shaking off his sleeves, he jumped out of the carriage——


Baozi couldn't stand his mother's tough words, "Actually, Mr. Ruan's blood stagnates for half an hour every night. The profound breath in my body has the function of restraining blood stagnation since ancient times. Mr. Ruan just wanted to borrow me for a few days to find It’s just a way to completely treat your own blood stagnation.”

What pedophilia, what coveting... He is only five and a half years old, mother, can you pay attention to your words?

Tianliang looks puzzled, blood stagnation?Hearing from Qi Xuan that this beauty Ruan is extremely skilled in medicine, is it true that it is difficult for a doctor to heal himself, but he can't cure his own stubborn illness?

Jumping out of the carriage with the buns, Tianliang saw Mr. Ruan with a scarf on his face, pinching his nose with an expression of disgust that the whole world is dirty and he is clean.

Far away, he threw a jade bottle and gave the little boy an order: "Eat what's in it, and then tear off one of your half-dead master's hairs for me."

The convulsive little boy who was kicked by the horse, when he heard that someone was about to be rescued, immediately became hopeful. After taking the pill, he ran to the blackened man, tore off a long hair, and ran over in a panic——

"Stand there and don't move, come here again and I'll kill you," Mr. Ruan ordered within sight, glanced at the long hair hastily, squinted his eyes and said in a low voice, "You're lucky."

"There are no Gu silks, there are no Gu worms in the skull, and there are still some rescues." Student Baozi continued to do his duty, using the knowledge he had learned in the past few days.

Tianliang felt more and more that he was not enterprising, and it was time to learn the spirit of the little bun...

Mr. Ruan stood in the distance, turned his palms, released a dim yellow light, and threw it towards the lying person, moved slowly, and finally stopped at the neck, and in the light, he actually sucked out a beam of light that was the same as the person's neck. A thick black short worm came, and as soon as the Gu worm was sucked out, it immediately looked for a target, and quickly flew towards Ruan Meiren's direction.

Extremely fast, you can reach the speed in front of you in the blink of an eye.

At that moment, Mr. Ruan's eyes flickered, and the dim yellow soil martial aura suddenly turned into a gray color, like a sharp sword swung across, and with a click, it cut the insect's body in half, and quickly melted into light. In the process, the worm body was turned into ashes and purified into nothingness.

Looking at it, Tianliang finally understood why Ruan Meiren's martial aura was similar to that of a local martial artist, but always carried a dark martial pressure. It was because of the dust in his body.

Mr. Ruan has two kinds of martial arts temperament at the same time, one is the natural martial arts that heals wounds naturally, and the other is the martial pressure that Tianliang can't distinguish. It is afraid that Mr. Ruan is the only one in this world.

I heard that when Mr. Ruan was in the womb for the ninth month, Mrs. Ruan was bitten to death by a poisonous snake, and her body fell into the valley. The centuries-old centipede pet was swallowed into the abdomen, and then everyone died with one body and two lives of the Ruan family, but unexpectedly five years later, Ruan Meiren appeared in front of the world with the ancestral brand of the Ruan family.

So this name was chosen by Mr. Ruan himself, which shows that he really thinks he is a beauty in his heart, but he doesn't want others to call him this name, and he will turn his face if he is called... It is enough to reflect this. The man's extremely distorted mentality!

So far, Mr. Ruan has two kinds of martial qi in his body. It is said that in the last tenth month, Mr. Ruan was conceived in the womb of a beast pet, and only then did he create his current physique that is invulnerable to all poisons.

At this time, as soon as the black worm crawled out of the young man's neck, the darkened face quickly faded away, gradually returning to normal skin color, and breathing floated between the nostrils...

"Thank you three young masters, thank you three young masters for saving my young master..." The little boy kowtowed to thank, and Mr. Ruan twitched his lips in disdain.

Seeing that the young master hadn't woken up, Tian Liang hurriedly said: "You have entered the palace, where did you get this poison, why did you put this poison on you?"

The little boy cried out: "Young master and I passed through this small town. Unexpectedly, Nanzhao suddenly asked each town to confess a man and sent him to the palace. We don't know what happened, so young master was tied up by the local townspeople and sent to Zhaodu. I secretly followed along and wanted to sneak into the Nanzhao Palace, but I really couldn't find a way, so I had to guard in front of the palace gate... When I guarded until the third day, I found that the young master and some corpses were thrown out to be put into the incineration pool. Taking advantage of the relaxation of those guards, I secretly carried the young master back among the corpses. Unexpectedly, after a while, not only did no one heal us, but the townspeople also tied the unconscious young master with me and threw them here. Outside the suburbs of the city, not to mention the prohibition signs, the gates of the suburbs were also sealed..."

According to legend, the royal family of Nanzhao was keen on researching Gu, those who harm people, those who are insane, those who rule people, those who control people... No matter what kind of Gu poison, they are extremely obsessed, and they don't hesitate to arrest people to experiment with it.

Normally, it would not be so public, but I heard that recently, the royal family has started to regularly request clean people who have not been poisoned by Gu to enter the palace from various cities and towns for research.

Naturally, the townspeople all knew what this solicitation was about, so this young master and book boy who came from other places became a scapegoat.

It is well known that the Nanzhao royal family relies on vicious and superb Gu techniques to rule. It is only here that we know that the Nanzhao royal family is so cruel and inhuman.

"Tyranny", Xiao Baozi concluded in a low voice, "sooner or later the country will be lost."

"Harming people", Tianliang also imitated his son's conclusion, "sooner or later you will die."

Mr. Ruan and Jun Baozi looked at each other speechlessly at the same time...

The same is the summary, the depth and level are too poor.

General Li coughed subtly, and turned his head to see that the person lying on the other side seemed to be awake, so he was about to step forward to ask questions, but Baozi deliberately blocked it with his hand, shaking his head to indicate that he should stand here and not move forward.

Tianliang said: "Are you awake?"

The young master opened his eyes, lay still unable to move, and said tiredly, "Thank you...thank you young masters for saving me."

"I just want to ask a question." Tianliang lowered his brows, "Do you know what kind of Gu poison is being researched and cured by the Zhaodu Imperial Palace?"

The boy's pupils dilated suddenly, and he said in a trembling voice full of horror: "Snake...tengu...huge animals...they ate a lot of people who survived the poisoning...chewed up bones and blood...so horrifying People... so... terrible... Fortunately, I... pretended to be dead... and escaped... I..."

Tian Liang pursed her lips, her face turned pale, she was a beast pet!

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