【263 Getting Genius】

The son spoke intermittently, but they all understood.

Especially Xiao Baozi, when he heard these words, his face changed drastically!


Baozi grabbed Tianliang's hand and held it nervously, "Mother, in Langya Palace, there is a Tengu mythical beast!"

Tian Liang's heart turned cold, his heart felt ominous, his thin lips pursed, and he immediately ordered, "We must speed up!"


The entrance of Dongxie Mountain and Nanshan is near Nanzhao Yun Town, so there is no need to go around to the Zhaodu Imperial City. In this way, a lot of danger is reduced, and they can speed up their journey and rush directly to Langya Palace as soon as possible.

Although Ruan Meiren disdained the treatment of the two men, she was considerate when treating the horse. After careful inspection several times, she finally got on the horse and ordered to start the journey.

As for the little boy begging to give them a ride, Mr. Ruan adhered to the belief that anyone with dirty hands would be wiped out, and almost killed them all with one blow, but was stopped by Tianliang, and drove away without paying attention gone.

On the carriage, Tian Liang glared at him and said, "You have already saved people, but you still want to kill them, you don't feel tired."

Ruan Meiren hummed: "Do you really think they can survive?"

"What do you mean?" Tianliang was slightly surprised, and opened the curtain to look back.

Sure enough, he saw the two people behind him lying on the road, their faces were all black, their faces were ferocious, lying motionless like a rigid black stone...

It turned out that Mr. Ruan didn't mean to save them at all, but just gave those two people some time to breathe and talk, and let her talk back.

"Mother, that young master's chest is empty, and he will perish after dispelling the Gu poison. Even if the little brother is saved, he will stay in front of that young master and won't be infected with the Gu poison again."

Baozi explained, Mr. Ruan touched his hand, chuckled and praised, "Your comprehension ability is quite high, comparable to that of Qi Xuan when he was young."

"Mr. Ruan, did you know Qi Xuan when you were young?" Tian Liang took the opportunity to ask.

"I know what you want to ask." Ruan Meiren raised her watery eyes, looked at her and whispered, "If he doesn't want to tell you, then naturally I won't reveal anything. If you are in a hurry, blame yourself for not being qualified enough to make him confess." Say it all..."

Ruan Meiren smiled coldly, "I think you must not know his identity."

After finishing speaking, he stretched his waist, and fell asleep with another humming sound in a vicious attitude.

Tianliang was provoked by this person with a bunch of question marks but couldn't get an answer, and was taunted by cynicism. He couldn't help but frowned and said shamefully, "You deliberately threw a bunch of questions at me like this, and you sneered at me again." What do you mean by sarcastically sowing dissension! Hesitating, not a man at all!"

As soon as she finished speaking, there was a sound of even breathing...

Mr. Ruan ignored her very calmly and went to sleep peacefully.

Her aggressive method is useless at all.

This kind of people will whet their appetites, understand people's thoughts, and be shrewd...

No wonder Qi Xuan often said that she was kind, look at his so-called friends, how virtuous they are!

Only Xiao Baozi touched Tianliang's hand and comforted him: "Mother, don't worry, Mr. Qi will always treat you well..."

Tianliang sighed speechlessly, "Baozi, do you think I'm worried about such insignificant questions about Mr. Qi?"

The little bun stared at him with pure eyes, accusing all over his face, mother, look at yourself!Mother!When you heard Mr. Ruan mention that name just now, your eyes lit up...

When the sky was cold, he turned his head, looked out of the window, and silently asked himself.

Well, she wasn't actually worried.She is, not just worried.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

When Yue Gong went up to Zhongtian alone, the horse-drawn carriage finally arrived at Yun Town.

There are not many residents in the town, but the town is clean and tidy. The groom took them to find a cleaner inn and went in wearily.

The inns in the town must be simple and have no private rooms. When Tianliang and Ruan Meiren Xiao Baozi sat in the lobby, Ruan Meiren hated it as if she wished she could blow up the inn right away, her face turned black.

In the corner of the room, surrounded by a group of Nanzhao people wearing Nanzhao servants, muttering in low voices, I don't know what they are talking about...

Tian Liang and the others all changed their appearances one after another. Under the threat of Xiaobaozi's cuteness and night's mysterious energy, Ruan Meiren finally agreed to put on the mask, changing into an ordinary face, covering his crazy face of a woman jealous of a man.

Tianliang had just ordered a few simple meals, but he hadn't started to use them yet, only to hear the wooden door being kicked open with a bang, and a group of outsiders walked in, behaving rudely, looking like Beiyu people

As soon as those people entered the inn, they ordered a few plates of raw beef and wine in blunt Chinese, and then talked about something wantonly in Beiyu language, and started drinking...

Then, several plates of vegetarian food were placed on the plate, and the person who served the dishes was a young man of short stature. After silently casting a glance at Jun Xiaobao, he walked away strangely.

Mr. Ruan glanced at the dishes, picked up the chopsticks and began to eat.

Ruan Damei is invulnerable to all kinds of poisons, so naturally she is not afraid or worried about it wherever she goes, but Tianliang is more cautious, took out a silver needle to test, and after testing that the food is not poisonous and drug-free, she just ordered Baozi to use her chopsticks.

As soon as he picked up the chopsticks, Xiao Baozi raised his hand, grabbed Tianliang's chopsticks, and shook his head.

Tian Liang paused, "Is there something wrong?"

"The Beiyu man on the left front is a habitual criminal in this town who robs foreigners of money. Now they are discussing how to kill us at night and rob the package and silver in the carriage."

Xiao Baozi's expression was very calm, the corner of his mouth twitched, and he looked to the right, "The group of Nanzhao people who have been muttering all this time are folks sent by the imperial court to test Gu people, they seem to have a crush on you. "

Then, he pointed to the few people standing behind the cabinet who had been working with hooked heads, "The human trafficker who specializes in feeding children with worms, just when the meal came, he had already secretly thrown the drug on my chopsticks. "

Tianliang looked at Jun Baozi in surprise, what kind of insightful insight is this?Besides, if he didn't understand Nanzhao's words and Beiyu's words, how could it be possible to perceive so much in an instant?This kid seems to be getting more and more talented.

(Thank you for replacing the angel with the gold medal for Momo, and Moon 47 for giving you a red envelope for Momo ╭(╯3╰)╮)

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