【267 Her Danqing】

The main hall is elegantly decorated, with cloud-top sandalwood as the beam, transparent white jade as the cup, the table is vermilion lacquer, and the lattice is made of sunken wood. The hall is clean and flawless, with pure colors, and the ornaments placed are mostly elegant products , It fully shows the elegant style and temperament of the former owner of this palace.

Tian Liang took two steps forward, and felt a breeze blowing into the palace...

From the depths of the hall, there was a sound like wind chimes, tinkling, crisp and soft.

The sky was cold, and the chest was suddenly empty.

The sound of the wind, the sound of the light bell, the pale sunlight, there seemed to be an indistinct figure, leaning on the door frame, his voice was ethereal and empty, but it seemed to be very clearly imprinted in her mind calling her, "Bad boy, why don't you?" coming?"

Tian Liang bit her lips, turned her footsteps away suddenly, and ran towards the sound in disobedience.

Jun Xiaobao and Ruan Meiren stopped at the same time, looking suspiciously at Tianliang who was acting strangely.


Baozi was puzzled, and when he saw the direction Tianliang was running to, his expression suddenly changed, "Mother, where..."

Tianliang couldn't hear anything, but ran quickly without hesitation or hesitation. In this intricate and winding corridor, he unconsciously chose a jumping path, walking firmly and running fast.

She didn't know why she ran so eagerly, and why she came straight in this direction, but she only felt that the sound seemed to have magical power, leading her forward.


She looked at the crystal curtain undulating with the wind, took a deep breath, lifted the curtain, and walked inside...

Behind the crystal curtain is a dormitory, with pear blossom wood carved Eight Immortals table, a wide bed with aloe wood and aloes, hung with crocodile twirled tents, and crabapple flowers embroidered with silver thread at the end of the tents cast a bright and dazzling luster , On the couch, there is a sapphire pillow, covered with a pure white silk embroidered quilt, elegant and cool.

Tianliang looked at the bed, walked into the room unconsciously, sat on the couch, touched the frost-colored snow-white quilt with his hand, lowered his head and buried his face on it...

The coldness penetrated into her spleen and lungs, making her shiver all over.

The smell is very strange, it is a taste that she has never been in contact with, but she feels inexplicably nostalgic...

What's wrong with her... What the hell is she doing?

Tian Liang didn't understand, but just buried her face in the quilt, closed her eyes, pressed her cheek against the cold silk quilt, and rubbed gently...


Jun Xiaobao stood outside the crystal curtain, looking at Tianliang lying on the couch, his eyes were extremely complicated, and he was also extremely surprised.

Tianliang slowly came back to his senses, sat still for a while, and sat up.

Seeing Jun Xiaobao standing outside the door and looking at her motionless, she got up and asked in puzzlement, "Baozi, why don't you come in?"

"Mother, Baozi, you can't get in." In Baozi's eyes, water flickered.

Tian Liang was still puzzled, "There are no traps and poison here, how could it be..."

While she was speaking, her eyes accidentally caught sight of a pair of paintings on the table in the corner of the wall.

Looking from a distance, you can see a woman painted on the painting.

She looks like a teenager, and her appearance is still very young, but in her eyes, there is intelligence and agility that does not match her age, and even the smile on the corner of her mouth has a bit of a cunning light like a fox.

That confidence and arrogance, no one can imitate the charm.

It was an expression she had seen thousands of times, which was too familiar.

With trembling hands, Tianliang walked slowly over with hesitant steps——

She took down the pressed stone inkstone and picked up the painting.

When he completely met the face that was almost exactly the same as his own, he finally couldn't help the shock in his chest, stepped back, and threw Danqing down...

The mountain wind has not stopped, and the crystal curtain outside the door is still tinkling, very pleasant.


Baozi called, whispering quietly, the voice was very soft and clear, "This is Daddy's bedroom, except for Mother...no one can enter the bedroom."

Tianliang looked down and saw three characters inscribed on the lower right corner of Danqing.

Flowing clouds and flowing water, resolute and eye-catching.

This is a man's handwriting, and it is also a man's name taboo.

You can't find it.

This is the painting made by Jun Wuxun.

Six years ago, the painting made for her.

Not for Li Tianliang, but for Lu Lan.

The mountain wind stopped.

The sound of the jingle was no longer ups and downs, and it was quiet. Tian Liang's heart suddenly became very quiet, very quiet.


Li Tianliang, cowardly and timid, is timid towards others, it is impossible to have such eyes, such an expression.

Such a mature and well-versed expression would not appear so strangely on the face of a 13-year-old girl.

There is only one reason to explain that painting.

Six years ago, the person who got along with Jun Wuxun and gave birth to Jun Xiaobao would not be Li Tianliang, but Lu Lan.

Why are you so sure?Because the arrangement of desks, beds, and vases and stools in this room is exactly the same as Qianlu Lan's bedroom.

How can there be so many coincidences in the world?

Not to mention the extremely arbitrary judgment, there is at least an 80.00% possibility to prove that she has been here once during the dark and unconscious blank time when she was in a vegetable state.

Why does Li Tianliang have no memory of these two years?

She thought it might not be because someone sealed her memory, it was because Li Tianliang had never experienced those two years at all, but that someone from another time and space forcibly occupied her body and spent those two years For two years, he did the hateful thing of burning Jun's house down.

She couldn't recall what happened during the period.

But some feelings are becoming clearer and clearer.

The most important thing that cannot be ignored is... the bed, this room, and all of them gave her an incomparably familiar feeling.

Tian Liang thought about it, and suddenly felt a little headache.

She stooped to pick up Danqing, put it on the table again, pressed the stone inkstone on it, then, without taking anything or saying anything, she just walked out of the bedroom empty-handed.

"Mother... on the crystal curtain, there is father's profound aura attached."

"Mother, in this Langya Palace, including Uncle Xuan, including me, have never been able to pass through this mysterious pressure and enter this bedroom. Even if you approach the crystal curtain, you will be bounced several feet away... ..."

"Mother, Baozi really didn't admit his mistake!"

Baozi was very happy, and said happily, "Mother is the most special and exclusive woman of father, mother, and also Baozi's unique mother!"

(Today I will add more ^_^! Thanks to Xihu Shise, 284721540, 1773727732, joyjoy118, Xueyunuo, Shuiyue 47 for giving silent gold medals, dear joyjoy118 for giving silent gifts, Shuiyue for giving silent flowers and gifts , knock down the group!)

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