Sturdy baby II mother is the queen mother

270 Entering the Imperial Palace

[270 Entering the Imperial Palace]

"It seems to be the most unusual and strange, but in my opinion, there must be a mystery inside."

"You can be worthy of Qi Xuan, but this head is barely the only one," Ruan Meiren satirized beside her, pointing to the palace gate, "Look at those palace gate hanging beams, all lying What are you wearing?"

Tianliang looked intently and couldn't help gasping.

She was still wondering why the hanging beam on the high part of the Nanzhao palace gate was in such a gloomy and gray tone. At first glance, she felt depressing, but unexpectedly, after taking a closer look, she realized that the beam was clearly covered with thousands of trees. The black Gu worms gathered together and squirmed and moved, covering the original wooden color of the hanging beams, forming one body with the darkness. There are so many and densely packed, that one can get goosebumps all over at a glance.

"For Nanzhao, Gu is more reliable than humans."

Ruan Meiren said coldly, and supported Tianliang's shoulder, "Come in with me."

Tianliang was just wondering why this person suddenly took the initiative to take her into the imperial city with so much love, but he didn't know that before he could say a word in response, he saw Ruan Meiren walking in the middle of the avenue into the palace with a grandiose attitude. A vigilant and indifferent look.

She nearly vomited blood.

This person won't go crazy again, prepare a handful of poisonous powder like last time, and cause a sensation, right?

Let him go crazy!Tianliang watched his back impatiently, and when he was about to step on light steps to find another place to enter the palace, he only heard Ruan Meiren's loud voice calling from that side.

The sound was loud enough to attract the attention of all the guards.

That language is authentic Nanzhao dialect.

She can't understand, but angry!

Because Mr. Ruan successfully leaked her position, all the guards turned around, and even the Gu worms also turned their heads to face her.

She gritted her teeth, and had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk quickly to Ruan Meiren's side, secretly opened the dagger in her sleeve to guard, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

Ruan Meiren didn't look at her, she just led her towards the guards, and after clattering a lot of Nanzhao dialect, she flashed a sign from her bosom.

Tianliang knew the brand.

That is exactly the sign that was carried on the waist of one of the Nanzhao people in the inn yesterday——

It turned out to be the case.

Xiao Baozi once said that those people were looking for Gu people for the people in the imperial city, so it is still feasible to use that sign as a trick to enter the palace without spending any effort.

But, when did this beauty get it?With such a quick technique, she was able to take it away without revealing anything under her nose, which is really a brilliant move.

The guard looked at the sign carefully, and after asking Ruan Meiren a lot of Nanzhao language, he finally nodded, waved his hand, and let her go.

At this time, Tianliang had recovered his calm posture, hooked his head, and followed Mr. Ruan into the city gate.

Mr. Ruan intentionally walked in a leisurely manner, and Tianliang had no choice but to follow slowly. Unexpectedly, when he passed the city gate and was facing the hanging beam, a Gu worm suddenly fell from above.

The black, wriggling, sticky insects stuck to Tianliang's neck with a snap.

As soon as the worm felt that it had touched the skin, it quickly crawled around her throat twice, causing Tianliang's throat to sting, but he could only bear it and could not move rashly.

She froze, and Mr. Ruan frowned at this moment——this woman, don't do stupid things, waste his efforts to get the sign, cause commotion and fail to enter the palace smoothly...

Tianliang suddenly smiled.

Then, without being surprised, he touched his neck, slowly picked up the Gu worm, and with a sparse and unaccustomed expression, he handed the worm to the guard with a smile.

Movements, gestures, and expressions all show that she is not afraid of Gu insects, and she is used to it.

No flaws were revealed.

The corner of Ruan Meiren's mouth curled up, slightly surprised.

She is still a woman who knows how to stay calm in times of crisis and adapt to changing circumstances, and she didn't disappoint him too much.

Seeing Tianliang's expressionless face, the guards didn't doubt it, so they took the queen and let them go into the palace.

The two walked silently, and found that there were very few guards patrolling the palace, but there were strange and different types of Gu worms everywhere.

Reptilian, wriggling, multi-legged, and strange combination of spider-like Gu worms that can spin silk but have snake bodies... All kinds of gatherings are simply extremely disgusting and perverted Gu worms. .

In a deserted place, Mr. Ruan suddenly stopped, turned his head and said firmly: "A pain in the neck?"

Tianliang nodded, touched his neck, and found that the place where he was crawled just now was covered with a layer of skin, the only strange thing was that there was no bleeding, only pain.

"It's lucky for you, it's a good thing that the Gu worm didn't crawl in front of your throat for the third time." Ruan Meiren raised her hand as she said, gathering a layer of faint yellow earth martial light that was almost invisible, and put it near her neck , with soft fingers encircling her slender and delicate neck.

It's like an action before strangling someone.

But he is indeed healing.

Tian Liang felt that the tingling pain in his neck was disappearing, but he couldn't get rid of the coldness all over his body. The coldness did not come from Gu poison, but from Ruan Meiren's healing martial arts, which was inherently cold.

If it is said that Mr. Qi Da radiated light during his treatment like the gentle wind and the rising sun, then this Mr. Ruan is the gloomy valley and cold snow, completely opposite.

After a while, Ruan Meiren put down her hand and reminded with a snort, "I don't want to talk in three days, just right, let my ears be clean too."

Tianliang rubbed his neck and looked at him coldly, you can make it more obvious to gloat!

"Just now, you reacted quickly." Mr. Ruan raised the corners of his eyes, and a bit of natural disdain and teasing were naturally revealed, "Otherwise it would be a waste of me to get the sign and waste a few words with those people... I must Poison you."

How dare you say poison her to death?

Sneaking into such a dangerous place, without saying hello to her in advance, and without knowing how to plan, Mr. Ruan Da really didn't have any sense of self-reflection.

Tianliang opened his mouth, wanting to answer, but felt exhausted after several times, but couldn't speak anymore, so he had to give up in the end.

(Thanks to my dear 1005898661 for giving me a gold medal, my stray wild cat for my flowers, my dear 15821266993 for my red envelope, group╭(╯3╰)╮)

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