[271 Tribute Gu]

"It's really stupid." Seeing her attitude, Ruan Meiren snorted coldly.

Tianliang ignored it.

Mr. Beauty shook his head, and said again: "I said that Qi Xuan is really going to be with you, and I don't think he needs to be his friend, Mr. Ben, just to lower Mr. Ben's style."

Tianliangren, silence!

"I advise you to stay away from me, I don't like people who have no merits to get too close to me." This posture is to return all the verbal embarrassment along the way...

The third lady continued to remain silent.

Mr. Ruan Da blocked it with two fingers, pinched his nose, and said to Tianliang like chasing flies, "Go away!"

fed up!

Tianliang quickly took out a handful of black things from his bosom, and pressed it against Mr. Ruan Da's head. There was a touch of coldness and strangeness at the corners of his lips... His eyes were menacing.

Mr. Ruan paused, and when he met her sudden aggressive and menacing gaze full of beasts, his mind suddenly remembered some words that Qi Xuan had told him before coming.

Sir, you are as unforgiving as she is, if she offends something, please look at Qi's face and bear with me.

Naturally, Mr. Ruan can't break the rule that you have no hatred and no hatred, and those who don't like it or don't understand it will be killed.

Just, be careful not to be hurt by her flames.

When we set off together, he only understood the word Huoguang as Li Tianliang's Huowu, and he didn't care. How could he be afraid of a mere eighth-level man with such poor martial arts control?

But at this time, Mr. Ruan finally understood what fire is.

This fire is silent, its penetrating power is so strong, it is so powerful, it is as fast as lightning, as fast as a jaguar, and in an instant that is hard to detect, it immediately rushes towards the face with an extremely dangerous and deadly aura...

He turned around, turned sideways, and dodged quickly, but was still cut off a few strands of hair by the flying thing.


It's not that I'm afraid of not being able to hide, but because of the sudden explosive power of such a strange thing, I'm afraid of the unknown.

Plop, after a sound like a stone falling to the ground, the thing shot out by the strange black object fell into the pond at the side and rear, and was covered by the wind before it could withstand the big waves...

With a movement of his fingers, Tianliang put away the small silencer gun that was equipped with bullets that tripled in speed and lethality but could make the least noise, with a sneer on his brows.

Arms, guns, can always be called the highest weapons.

No matter how strong the flesh is, it can also show its fragility in the face of this.

Raising his hand, Tianliang pointed to his head, hummed silently, turned his head, and continued to move forward——

That is to say, this time, I deliberately entered the water.

Next time you mess with me again, dear Mr. Beauty, the target is your head.

Mr. Ruan stood at the back, looking at the valiant figure who was walking fast, raised his hand to brush his burnt black hair, and the corner of his mouth became more interested.

A rude woman, matched with a man with a good reputation and good manners...

What a, interesting combination.

◆qian◇mo◆mo◆◆◇Original release◇◆

Now that he has successfully infiltrated the palace, then as usual, everything will become very simple, and it will not be too difficult to hide the location of Huayin and Huajiao.

But after Tianliang walked through the palace with Mr. Ruan for half a quarter, she realized that she had made a big mistake.

When she was about to split up with Mr. Ruan and search around, Ruan Meiren stopped her with a look.

Before she had time to gesture and gesture what was going on, she only heard the sound of crawling suddenly sounded from all around, the sound was very soft and soft, but it was like thousands of feet swarming towards them to encircle them...

Tianliang became vigilant, took a step back, and was about to take out the short blade from his sleeve, when he suddenly saw silvery white spider threads falling down from above. On each thread, there was a flower spider the size of claws and teeth hanging upside down. .

At the same time, the soles of their feet were surrounded by a group of reptiles that resembled cockroaches. The frightening thing was that the reptiles had a huge eye on their heads, with whites, pupils, and seemingly Emotionally, full of struggle and panic, and with dark red bloodshot eyes, staring at them, circling them, turning quickly, seemed to be warning, and also seemed to be visiting.

Ruan Meiren remained calm, took out the sign from her bosom, and gestured downward to the group of reptiles...

The scary eyes on the heads of the group of reptiles stopped one after another, staring at the sign carefully, and after a long time, they were sure. Patrol everywhere...

And those huge spiders, seeing that they were recognized, also climbed up the spider silk one after another, and then returned to the big tree above their heads to weave their webs.

Tianliang is not afraid, but is shocked and regretful by these strange sights...

If she was not mistaken, the eyes carried by those Gu insects did not grow on their own, they were not insect eyes, they had normal naked eye structures, and should not appear on any lower animals.

It can blink, it has emotions, and it can recognize patterns to make judgments... Like a human being, it has consciousness... Not to mention that it is in the four mysteries, it is in the modern age where she lives, this existence does not conform to the laws of nature , is too advanced.

"This is Nanzhao's achievement obtained by practicing Gu with humans."

Ruan Meiren lowered her voice and slowly narrated, "Although Gu is called Gu poison, it is different from poison. Its mystery and changes are always difficult to understand. Mind, walk with dead body, now..."

After a pause, he gave her a meaningful look, "Can you see that those are human eyes?"

Tian Liang pursed the corners of her mouth, unable to speak, and nodded clearly.

If she guessed correctly, they were not only human eyes, but also living eyes!

"This Gu", Ruan Meiren said softly, "If you want to grow this Gu worm into the human body, after a certain period of time, you can make the Gu worm take people's eyes and use it at night and return it during the day, even though those who raised the Gu worms are still alive , but it’s just that it’s not born like this, leaving only a body. Therefore, the Nanzhao royal family named it Gongmu Gu.”


The sky is cool and resentful—it is thanks to him that Nanzhao can use such a high-sounding name.

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