【272 Sacrificial Hue】

The Nanzhao royal family, as the royal family, is not for the people, but they study how to capture the living people for experiments every day, and do extremely cruel things to them. This Nanzhao royal family is not only approaching madness, but also going crazy. Nearly perish!

"It's going to be light, we've wasted enough time."

Ruan Meiren spoke lazily, threw the sign to Tian Liang, and ordered: "This token is something in the Taiwo, take the sign, and let's go to the Taiwo."

Tianliang raised his hand to catch the sign, glanced at him, and signaled, Taiwo?

"It's a pity that the face of a smart person is not as good as that doll." Ruan Meiren continued to carry forward her fine tradition of poisonous tongue, looking at the sky and said, "The sign is written in Nanzhao language."

Tian Liang was still flipping through the sign, and saw Mr. Ruan yawning, rubbing his forehead and muttering to himself, "I hope the bed in the uterus of the Nanzhao Crown Prince is soft enough, otherwise Mr. Ben would not want to go..."

It turned out that he wanted to find a place to rest quickly.

Tianliang curled his lips, he was getting used to Mr. Ruan's behavior, and followed him without any surprise.

It is rare that Mr. Ruan Da is willing to lead the way, which is a guarantee.

In front of the gate of the Crown Prince's palace, Tian Liang found that there were not as many palace gu insects as there were in other palaces, most of them were guarded by maids, and because it was not yet dawn, the two maids standing in front of the gate were also drowsy.Tianliang and Mr. Ruan looked at each other, then jumped in from the side wall, sneaked into the palace with silent steps.

Ruan Meiren worked very quickly and pursued speed, so Tianliang couldn't help probing around, grabbed her arm and went straight into the inner hall.

Tianliang knows... this guy is rushing to sleep...

As soon as he entered the inner hall, Tian Liang was startled by the setting. The entire hall was full of incense, and the soft colored gauze tents were hung in the hall, stacked and floating, and the heat was everywhere.

As for the hot air, it comes from the luxurious bathroom next to the bedroom. The bathroom is only separated from the bedroom by a screen. There are half-walled bronze mirrors hanging on the walls of the bathroom, which are foggy with the heat. , The hazy reflected water light is extravagant.

There is no curtain between the inner bedroom and the outer hall, but only faintly visible gauzes are hung. When standing in the outer hall, you can see the beautiful scenery of the bath room and the beauty of the inner bedroom. Not to mention the wind blowing in, but there are people walking around. There are ups and downs everywhere, all charming and ambiguous.

No wonder even the gatekeepers of this crown prince's uterus are women... Tianliang suddenly realized.

This Nanzhao prince is not the womb of Xiu, it is clearly a place for pleasure in the wine pool and meat forest!Depend on!What an indulgence!

"Well... who is outside..."

Outside the door, there was a female voice, it was authentic Chinese, it was not deliberate, it was soft and tender, provocative and captivating.

It's a pity that Tianliang is not a man, so he ignores it; Mr. Ruan hates women, so naturally he doesn't care.

As soon as the sound came out, the two looked at each other again, and they walked into the inner hall at the same time, one captured the man, and the other went to the couch, cooperating closely.

The captured woman was about to yell out as soon as she exclaimed, but Tianliang quickly covered her mouth, dragged her down on the bed, and made a vicious look.

At this time, Ruan Meiren had gone to the bed to disinfect the bedding and pillows, and was about to lie down.

With cool eyes and cold eyes, this man really came to sleep.

Then he looked down at the woman he had captured, she was charming and beautiful, her eyes were full of spring, even when she was frightened, her red lips still did not forget to smile bewilderingly, she was a charming woman who could surpass Liugong Fendai by virtue of her style .

Mr. Ruan reclined on the couch, and said lazily behind him: "If you make a noise, she will slash your face. If you want to survive, just shut up."

The woman stared wide-eyed at Tian Liang, and then at Ruan Meiren who was lying down, as if she had just figured out what happened, but the horror only stopped for a few seconds, and her face returned to charming, her eyes sparkling Looking at Tianliang, Qianjiao gave a hum, raised his hand and grabbed Tianliang's arm, slowly began to caress, raised his eyes and said softly: "Don't kill me...the strong man wants me to do anything, Qianqian Don't kill me..."

Jiao Didi begged for mercy, weak and boneless.

Tianliang was tickled by her five fingers, and couldn't help but retreated, curling the corner of her mouth.

Ruan Meiren laughed softly behind her, and said, "Be obedient, and I will let you go."

"Good, my slave will be very good."

As the woman said, she hastily pressed her limp body, which seemed to have lost any bones, against Tian Liang, "Strong man, the prince is returning to the mansion today, so he won't come in here, strong man... even if you stay a little longer... it doesn't matter."

It's cold and chilly.

She couldn't help but turned her head to Ruan Meiren, and signaled with fierce eyes, if you have any questions, ask quickly, don't mess with things!

Ruan Meiren was neither in a hurry nor panic, and slowly gave the woman an order: "Let me see how you serve."

When the woman heard it, a light flashed in her eyes.

She approached Tianliang, her red lips were slightly pursed, the corners of her eyes were sparkling, her limbs softly hugged Tianliang, a slender beautiful leg protruded from under the long skirt, her toes curled up and rubbed against Tianliang's body, and there were streams of hot air between her lips Spit on Tianliang's ear...

Tianliang shivered countless times.

Ya actually asked her to be a woman to sacrifice her luster!

Somewhat disgusted, when she wanted to raise her hand to push the woman away, she raised her eyes, and suddenly saw that Ruan Meiren had quietly got off the bed, approaching them silently...

She seemed to realize what Ruan Meiren was going to do, so she stopped moving and let the woman twist and move on her body, her body stiffened.

"The strong man..."

The woman called out softly, wrapped both hands around Tianliang's waist, and was about to reach out to the position below her waist with the other——

Seeing the cold sky at this time, I can't bear it anymore!

From behind, suddenly bypassed the cold light several times, and flashed in front of her quickly and closely, hundreds of fine silver needles pierced the woman's face sharply and accurately without any sound.

Tianliang was slightly startled, and retreated back. Before the woman's face turned into panic, Mr. Ruan quickly stepped forward, touched her throat with one hand, grabbed the thin silver thread with the other hand, and pulled the The silver needle was pulled out by the root.

Remove the silver needle.

The woman's face was peeled off at the same time...


Ruan Meiren pulled the needle with a thread, and held the stripped breasts, her face showed no trace of fear and surprise, the corners of her lips curled up, showing a stern smile.

Tianliang looked at him, his hands and feet were cold... so... cruel method.

(Thanks to my little kitten with painted face, sylnas0911, 892862122, Water Moon 47, joyjoy118, 421272672 for presenting silent gold medals, dear 080626 for presenting silent red envelopes, dear every day I miss you for presenting silent precious gifts and flowers, dear home show Luo for presenting silent Flowers, group, tears, thank you my dears, I must add more today!)

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