
The woman was not dead yet, she didn't panic or scream, she immediately snorted and rushed towards Tianliang——

Unexpectedly, she approached suddenly, before she could hide, she threw herself under her body, turned her head, and saw her bloody face showing a mouthful of white teeth, biting her face——

Her face was ruined, instead of looking for the culprit, she wanted to tear her face to pieces with her teeth?

Tianliang frowned, raised his foot and kicked the woman's belly to avoid her teeth, a ball of fire gathered in his right hand, and hit her shoulder with a bang.

The woman was hit hard, not only did not let go, she locked Tianliang's throat even harder, and opened her white teeth to bite her skin——

Oh shit!Belong to the dog!

Tianliang's meager pity for this woman disappeared in an instant, and he swung the dagger with his right hand and was about to stab the woman.

On the side, a silver light flashed.

The silver needle, with a cold light, pierced the woman's throat from the side, and pierced the opposite pillar. On the tip of the needle, lay a wriggling black Gu worm.

At the moment when the tip of the needle was inserted into the pillar, he struggled twice, his body broke in two, turned into a cloud of black smoke, and disappeared strangely.

And on the woman's neck, before a single drop of blood remained, she died.

When she fell down, Tian Liang quickly turned over, dodged, and pushed her body away...

"You did a good job and reacted very quickly." Mr. Ruan praised him for the first time. "Unfortunately, I don't like blood. My method kills people faster."

Tianliang sighed secretly, without words... She finally realized what it means to kill without blood.

"This woman has practiced seductiveness and has been tricked by others. As for what kind of Gu is, I don't know. It's just that she can guard the uterus alone. She must not be an ordinary person. She will not be able to keep her life. You, start with her." Ruan After disposing of the ** at this time, Mr. raised his hand and threw it to Tian Liang, "Put it on."

Tianliang hesitated for a while, and chose to accept.

Although Ruan Meiren's methods are cruel, what he said is indeed true.

She walked up to the bronze mirror, covered it with the naked body, and added that her figure was about the same height, so she looked exactly like that woman...

"I'll see you again."

A voice sounded behind him, Tianliang immediately turned his head, only to see that Mr. Ruan had cleaned up the woman's body at some point, but now he flashed away quickly, and the figure disappeared...

At this time, the egg on her chest seemed to have found a warmer place than her chest. It fell in love with the bathing pool, and jumped out spontaneously. After bouncing a few times, it jumped into the pool water with a plop, floating on its own. went.

Tianliang was stunned, looking at the empty surroundings, and the happy egg, his eyes widened!

This perverted Ruan didn't say anything, just threw her mess to her and... ran away?


It was a mess, but Miss Li San was not a woman who would easily fall into panic, she was also looking for Huayin's trace, so she had to stay calm.

After entering the bedroom, tidying up the mess, changing into the woman's clothes, and putting away her men's clothing and disguise mask properly, Tian Liang laid down on the couch with vigilance in mind, and rested...

This sleep is bound to be impossible to sleep soundly.

So when she closed her eyes for less than half an hour, when someone sneaked into the bedroom, her consciousness immediately became clear.

Hearing the sound, he remained still and continued to close his eyes and pretend to be asleep.


After calling out, a strange boy's aura invaded. The man climbed onto the couch in a somewhat rude manner. He hugged her waist and turned her over. He clasped her shoulders with both hands and shook his voice in a low voice. , "What happened to what I told you?"

Prince Nanzhao?

Tian Liang was full of doubts, but pretended to just wake up, imitating the woman's lazy and soft posture, moved, opened his eyes, and gave the person above him a hazy look.

This ni, meeting that face so close at hand, really startled her.

Nan Zhongwei!Some time ago, Nan Zhongwei who just had a fight with her!

This is the Crown Prince's womb, why did Nan Zhongwei sneak in in the middle of the night?

And now it seems... Nan Zhongwei and the prince's concubine... It seems that there is something tricky.

Tianliang paused, sat up slowly, glanced at him, and cautiously did not make any movements.


Seeing her staring at him, Nan Zhongwei frowned, "You're dumb, won't you talk back to me?"

Unable to help her speak, her chin was raised abruptly, she narrowed her eyes and saw Nan Zhongwei ruthlessly strangling her genitals, staring at the two rings of molted skin on her neck carefully, her eyes were gloomy.

"Have Nan Zhongchang discovered your relationship with me?" Nan Zhongwei's voice suddenly became tense, and the hand that pinched her chin was also tightened, "Do you dare to confess your son?"

At the last word, her bones were almost pinched and dislocated.

Your grandma's!Other women do things for you, you don't care about safety, you care about yourself first, you are worthy of being the best of scumbags, the best of the best!Tian Liang spat in his heart, feeling very disdainful.

"You are my man. If I hadn't seen your vixen kung fu, I would not have kept your life until now. This son wants you to stay by Nan Zhongchang's side, not for fun. He is obsessed with you at this moment." , that is because I have this son to take care of you all the time, helping you to get him to think so that you have your current status, you have done my duty clearly, otherwise...you should know my methods best, Yanyue."

Nan Zhongwei suddenly approached her, and sprayed her cold breath on her cheeks, "The news that my son had worked so hard in Xifeng was robbed when it reached the imperial capital, and Nan Zhongchang took the first step. Langye, took away what should belong to me, but found out who leaked the secret?"

Tian Liang deduced what he said, and roughly understood what he meant, she couldn't make a sound, so she tilted her head, hesitated, and shook her head.

"I haven't received your letter reminding you of the leak in Xifeng. Don't think that I won't punish you." He snorted coldly, his eyes shining coldly.

Tianliang thought something was wrong in his heart, and when he was thinking about how to deal with it, Nan Zhongwei snorted coldly, "I have been bullied to serve you on weekdays, but today I am pitiful? Forget it, this son is not interested today. You died in the territory of Nanzhao. Thanks to this son who saved you, you can live until today. Since you want to follow me sincerely, then be more obedient to me, and find out where Nan Zhongchang locked the captured beast pet as soon as possible. Yes, you know?"

At this moment, Tianliang finally heard the two words of value—beast pet.

(There will be more updates at night^_^)

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